
self development


The secret of multitasking is that it is not actually multitasking. It’s just extreme focus and organization. Lola Adamson fits the bill. She is an Actor, Storyteller and Content Creator. Her love for film, art and music blossomed at a very young age. Inspired by her famous artist dad; Kenny Adamson, It is safe to say she took after him.

Lola is passionate about the film industry, motivating and entertaining people. Her Love for all things film paved the way to storytelling which led to her writing and reading real-life stories, untold stories and fictional stories on her platform, Short Stories with Lola.

She was a publicist and talent manager for 9 years. Managing some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry such as DJ Cuppy, Tiwa Savage, MI Abaga, and a host of others.

In 2017, passion and purpose kicked in and placed her on the path to pursue her acting career, which led to her recent appearance in Eddie Murphy’s “Coming To America 2”. She shares her inspiring journey with Esther Ijewere in this exclusive interview.

Growing Up

I grew up in a creative and expressive environment. My dad is an artist, Kenny Adamson. Growing up, I spent most of my time with him. He was a single parent and I was his only child then. He taught me to express myself and to never be afraid, not even when it comes to risks or failure. He would teach me to learn from it and be a better person. I watched my dad earn a living doing what he loves. I’d always be in the studio with him watching him sketch and paint. Listening to a wide variety of music with him as he worked, I would see the joy on his face as he tapped his feet and stroked his brush on the canvas. After each painting was done, we would sit on our stools, no music, no sound, just the 2 of us staring at the painting. Sometimes if he was alone, he’d call me to come sit with him and he’d ask “Tell me what you see”. It was simply beautiful.

When times were hard, I never heard him say “Let me learn a course or dive into a different field because we need money”. He would say “This is all I know; this is the gift and talent God has blessed me with. God has equipped me with the tools I need to earn and with God’s help, I will always succeed

Why I became a storyteller and pitched my tent in the movie industry

From a very young age, I always knew I wanted to be an actor, it always came first. The desire has been in me since the age of 7. Deciding what course to study at University, theatre arts came first but I ended up studying International Relations for my undergrad and International Business for my master’s. At that point, I feared I had outgrown any opportunity I had, I was afraid and lacked any form of confidence in pursuing a career in the film industry.  After many years working in the music industry, I realized the moment I wasn’t happy anymore that something had to change. I deserved to be as happy as the clients I was managing, they were following their dreams, so why wasn’t I doing the same? And so in 2017, I decided it was time to pursue passion.

I always thought of myself as a storyteller. It’s part of the reason why I am extremely passionate about the film industry. The desire to pursue acting opened the door to storytelling.

Short stories with Lola

In June 2021, I was thinking of what else I could do to bring in money for myself. I didn’t have a job then and I also didn’t want anything to take me fully away from pursuing a career in acting. I took a notepad and sat outside, I told the Holy Spirit to bless me with ideas and He said to list the things I love doing. I wrote out 6 different things and I got lost, didn’t know how to continue so I closed the book and told the Holy Spirit to bring me back to these ideas when it was time.  A few weeks later, during my therapy session, my therapist said “if I say you’re a storyteller, what does that mean to do?”. I was surprised but also really wasn’t because it’s a part of me. She continued and said, “Lola God wants you to start writing and telling stories”.

A week later, I opened my notepad and found myself on the page where I wrote out the things I loved doing and storytelling was the 6th thing I wrote. I started crying, It made sense. God spoke but I was unsure of how to move ahead, Then He spoke through a familiar voice. I recorded my first story that week. That’s how Short Stories with Lola was born.

Changing career paths from talent management into film and acting

We’re all on different paths. For some, that one career is the path to do all God has said they would do in life. Purpose is a journey, not a destination. God will always move us and change things in our lives, there’s always more He has for each of us. Purpose evolves, it has different layers just like an onion. It was made a mystery for us to find. With my story, each layer has helped unlock the next. Do not limit what God can do in your life. Do not put God in a box. Take the first step and move and as you move you will see, learn and understand more. For some people, within their purpose for a season is another purpose.

The transition process 

To be honest, I still kind of worry sometimes but thank God for my therapist and life coach who has helped me with the process of challenging and eliminating limiting thoughts.  I know I am not Crazy for following this path. There was a time I thought I had outgrown any chance I had, I lost confidence in myself, was scared people would laugh at me so I locked myself in the cage of fear for over 15 years. Inspired by Ava DuVernay’s story, I told God I was ready.

I knew the minute I made my decision, it would not be easy. I believe I mentally prepared myself for the struggle, disappointments, rejections etc, and that has helped me hold on. I take it one day at a time.  For me it wasn’t and still isn’t a “will it ever happen? Am I good at this?”. I know that I am a talented actor, I know God didn’t make a mistake blessing me with this beautiful gift and I know it will happen. The when and how is what I leave to God.

I feel drained sometimes, the frustration sets in and I say to myself “I don’t know why I didn’t bring Tech or business head into this life o, I’ll be making money now instead of wondering if they’ll cast me or not. Or if I had just stayed in the music industry I’d have grown so much and living life like my colleagues” Lol. I know that’s the stress talking because I always end with “I will keep pushing”.

Impact and lessons from managing some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry for 9 years

The one great important thing I learnt was “in this industry, you need to have tough skin”. That alone teaches you there will be disappointments, rejections, and disrespect but you know who you are and what your focus is. Humility will teach you how to be calm and ignore some things because really, not every action requires a reaction.  And also, never mess with your contracts. Don’t just leave it for people to read for you. Be aware of what you’re signing, and how it favors and affects you. Hold yourself accountable because it’s also not just about you, there are other souls tied to your destiny.

The highlight of my appearance in “Coming to America” 2

Being on the same production set with people I idolized growing up was unbelievable. A blessing. Looking at the cast and thinking “This is real Lola, they’re real, it’s not a dream”. It was like God showing me the more He has for me if I keep believing, trusting in Him & doing the work. I was on set for 3-4 days, 14-16 hours each day, in winter. Many special moments but my fav was talking to Wesley Snipes at breakfast, telling him I’m Nigerian. He saw me hours later at lunch & said “Bawo ni”, I lost my mind. I still wonder how he knew I was Yoruba. Lol

Seeing Arsenio Hall maintain his character as Baba when the tapes weren’t rolling was an amazing learning experience. It wasn’t just a background role for me, I was in class, learning. I didn’t worry about taking pictures with the cast, I’ll take better ones with them real soon, on set.

3 women Who Inspire me to be better and Why

1, My late aunt, my dad’s twin sister. She was a mother to me, she raised me. My Aunty Taiye was all about peace. She was sweet, her words were always encouraging and soothing. As a kid, I always admired her dedication to her catering service. She catered to a few banks in VI back in the early 90’s. You’d see people from all walks of life around her, praising her, praying for her. She cared for many children in her life and watching her do that gave birth to the desire to always want to do something for children.  She was the true definition of “your life isn’t just about you”.

 2.  Laila Johnson Salami. I’ve known Laila since she was about 18 or 19, we met before she finished university and she has always inspired me. She’s always known what she wants and has gone for it. I’ve watched her grow from then to now as one of the best news broadcasters in Nigeria She’s achieved all this at the age of 25. I’m excited for her future and proud to call her friend.

3. Rihanna. I admire her love for, and passion poured into making her country a better place. I love how she pours into her home. I desire to do that. I always say she got lemons and made the tastiest lemonade with it, lol. I love how she’s herself, there’s a vibe to her authenticity. She’s who she is and does what she does. Her journey is one for the books

Challenges of being an actor and storyteller

The major challenge with acting is dealing with the rejections or no response to projects I’ve auditioned for. Another is finances. This dream requires sacrifice, you must pour into it and spend a lot till it starts paying you. And with finances, you need a good job. Now a really good job will require my time and passion for it as well. Lol. It’s like a roller coaster sometimes.  With storytelling it will be writing fictitious stories, sometimes I am blank for weeks till something comes in. Other times are trying to convince people to share their stories.

Being a Woman of Rubies

Oh wow, lol. Wouldn’t be nice to list things. Really, It’s God. It’s God in me. That’s who makes me a woman of rubies and more. I always pray that when people see me, they see God. That alone gives me unexplainable joy.

To anyone having a hard time going after their passion because they’re afraid of plunging into unknown territories

What is the worst that can happen? We will all die one day. Do you want to die knowing you tried or knowing you didn’t try at all? It’s better to take risks, and learn from your failures than not try at all because you let fear keep you trapped. It all starts in the mind. The mind is like a stubborn child who likes to throw unnecessary tantrums because it’s scared of what it doesn’t know. You are in control, not your mind. Who are you leaning on? Who’s leading you? Who are you surrounding yourself with?  Let God be your main focus, He will then equip & bless you with the right tools & people that will help motivate & push you to be the best version of yourself, living out the desires He has placed in you.

The art industry in Nigeria, support for artists, and the need for improvement

In recent years I believe the industry in Nigeria is starting to support female actors and storytellers. It’s been a long time coming but it is happening now, Women are making great moves and it gives me so much joy to experience it.  I would say the area of education, that’s the foundation. Let’s normalize reading books, and learning about other great women who have walked this earth and accomplished great things and impacted the world with their stories and characters portrayed.

Talent management and future goals

I really don’t like to say never because the truth is, we don’t know what will happen or how we will feel in the next year. But, it’s not something I want to go back to. I’ve been offered a job in Atlanta to work with a new record label and I passed on it.

Do you dream of your children shining in school? Do you want your kids to do better with schoolwork?

You can do your share in helping your children improve their academic performance. Here are some tips you can implement to increase the chances of success in school.

Remember that miracles don’t happen overnight. You have to be patient and wait to get  results after implementing these tips.

• Make them Realize they have to Learn

Children are very likely to learn something new quite easily if it matches their interests. It is totally another story to make your child take a keen interest in a subject he has no liking for.

Let your child know that it is his job to learn everything taught in school — even the uninteresting bits. Share your own experience if that will help.

• Keep Your Expectations High

You don’t have to be super ambitious when it comes to setting targets for your children. However, children tend to perform better at school if parental expectations are reasonably high. In simple words, your child will not do well if you don’t expect her to do well.

• Recognize the Difference between Learning and Studying

There is a stark difference between studying a lesson and learning a lesson. You must be able to recognize this difference if you want better results from your children at school. It is important for children to learn the lesson rather than just studying it.

Test their knowledge by asking questions about a certain lesson on regular occasions. Ask them in such a way that it tests their critical thinking on the lessons at hand. It is important for children to understand that school is merely preparation for real life and real careers in the future.

• Create Proper Learning Environment at Home

A lot has been written about providing your children with a proper learning environment at home. Still, not many parents manage to accomplish this very important task.

You must provide your children with all the necessary facilities to succeed. There should be a study desk, chair and adequate lighting for every child. Similarly, all the school supplies such as pencils, paper, pens, computers, calculators and compasses should be available in abundance. Most importantly, there should be a quiet place in the home for children to study.

• Visit Your Children’s School Often

It is important for you to fully know the physical layout of your child’s school building and the grounds. It will enable you to mentally connect with your children when you ask about their day at school.

Similarly, you must meet their teachers regularly. You should never miss a parent and teachers meeting. It is also imperative to regularly check the school’s website for things like staff’s contact information, school calendar, upcoming events and testing dates.

All these things will help you remain informed about your children’s activities as well as their learning needs and potential.

• Encourage Healthy Habits

The performance of your children at school largely depends on their health as well. Developing good habits at home means they are increasing their chances of excelling.

For instance, your children must have a healthy breakfast in the morning. They should go to bed early so they can have plenty of sleep. Ensure that they don’t spend much time in front of the TV or computer as well.

• Develop a Routine

Helping children organize themselves through a daily routine is also a very good habit to teach. Remember most kids thrive in set routines and structures.

For example, you can ask your children to make their beds, get dressed and take breakfast while you prepare their lunch. You can develop many routines at home but their purpose should be same — helping your children do well in life.

• Let Your Children Solve their Own Problems

Your children must try their level best to solve their own problems before coming to you for help. You deprive the child of an opportunity to solve a problem every time you resolve issues for him. On the other hand, a child who has made all efforts to find the answer but has not succeeded deserves all of your help.

• Have them Do More than Required

Students will learn and retain more if they practice regularly. Have your children practice more than actually required.

For example, ask them to solve more practice problems in addition to those in the teacher’s assignments. You must inspire them to go above and beyond their normal routine to achieve success at school and in life.

• Learning should Continue in all Seasons

Every year, children enjoy three months of summer vacation. However, they should not take a break from learning during these months.

In fact, summer is a good time to learn something new which schools usually don’t teach their students. It is also a good time to revise what your children have learned in the school.

Similarly, your children have all the time to develop new intellectual skills. They have the time to go to libraries and read good books on different topics.

• Set a Good Example

Last but not the least, you must set a good example for your children. Teach them by example that learning continues throughout life and does not stop when you leave school.

Let your children learn from your behaviors when it comes to performing your job and household duties. If you have bad habits yourself, you cannot expect your children to develop good ones. They always tend to follow the path of their parents, making it extremely important for you to be a good example for them.


These are some of the many ways you can help your children shine at school. Keep in mind that not all children are equally capable physically as well as mentally. They have different learning requirements and needs and you must meet all these needs to help them give a good account of themselves in studies.



In the evolving landscape of leadership, women are increasingly taking on influential roles, breaking the glass ceiling, and inspiring others along the way. While progress has been made, there’s still work to be done to ensure that women have equal opportunities to lead. A crucial part of this journey involves honing leadership skills. This article explores the essential leadership skills for women and how they can pave the way to success.

What is Leadership Skills

Leadership skills refer to the abilities and qualities that individuals possess to effectively guide, motivate, and influence others to achieve common goals and objectives. These skills encompass a broad range of attributes, including communication, problem-solving, decision-making, empathy, adaptability, and the capacity to inspire and empower team members.

Leadership skills are not limited to those in formal leadership positions; they can be developed and utilized by anyone interested in making a positive impact on a group, organization, or community. Effective leadership skills for women are essential for driving progress, fostering teamwork, and achieving success in various aspects of life, including business, education, politics, and social causes.

Leadership Skills For Women

Leadership skills for women encompass a set of qualities, abilities, and behaviors that enable women to excel in leadership roles. These skills include effective communication, emotional intelligence, resilience, adaptability, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. Leadership skills for women also involve navigating gender biases and stereotypes while asserting authority and influence in various professional settings. These skills are essential for women to thrive and positively impact as leaders in diverse fields and industries.

  • Communication Skills

Effective communication is at the core of successful leadership. It involves conveying ideas, building relationships, and inspiring action. Women can enhance their communication skills by honing public speaking abilities and assertiveness.

Public speaking, often regarded as a daunting task, is a skill that can be developed. Joining public speaking clubs, seeking mentorship, and practicing regularly can boost confidence and eloquence. Assertiveness is also vital, as it ensures that one’s voice is heard in meetings and discussions.

Women leaders like Oprah Winfrey and Malala Yousafzai have mastered the art of communication, using their words to inspire millions and drive positive change.

  • Empowering Others

Empowering others is another leadership skill for Women that deals with equipping and enabling individuals to take ownership of their actions, decisions, and personal growth. It involves providing them with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities needed to make meaningful contributions and take on increased responsibilities.

Empowering others also entails fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where people feel confident, motivated, and encouraged to reach their full potential. This not only benefits individuals but also enhances team dynamics and overall organizational success.

  • Self-Confidence

Confidence is one of the key leadership for women. Becoming a female leader necessitates having the confidence to surmount obstacles and setbacks. 

Rather than succumbing to circumstances or relying on others to identify and eliminate barriers, self-assured women proactively take the lead, motivating and empowering those around them to do likewise.

Therefore, female leaders should believe in their abilities, knowledge, and expertise. This self-confidence not only helps in decision-making but also inspires others to follow. Practice self-affirmation, and remember that your voice and perspective are valuable.

  • Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, plays a pivotal role in leadership. It encompasses self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to manage emotions. Understanding the emotions and motivations of yourself and others allows for better collaboration, conflict resolution, and team building. 

Women possessing emotional intelligence exhibit a sense of inner tranquility that allows them to lead without succumbing to ego-driven impulses. They adeptly navigate their emotions, ensuring they don’t interfere with their capacity to make sound decisions and maintaining assertiveness rather than reactivity.

Resilient women in leadership positions possess a deep sense of empathy towards those under their guidance, placing others’ needs on par with their own. Their focus extends beyond personal advancement, demonstrating an ability to gracefully disregard unsound advice without causing offense to the advisers.

Cultivate your emotional intelligence by actively practicing empathy and active listening.

  • Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Leaders are faced with countless decisions and challenges. Effective decision-making and problem-solving are crucial skills for navigating the complex terrain of leadership.

Women may encounter unique challenges in decision-making roles, such as being second-guessed or facing biases. To excel in this area, it’s essential to have a systematic approach to decision-making, considering facts, risks, and long-term consequences.

  • Resilience and Adaptability

Leadership is not without its trials. Resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks—and adaptability—the capacity to thrive in changing environments—are vital attributes.

Resilience is cultivated through facing adversity with a positive mindset, seeking solutions, and learning from failures. Adaptability involves staying open to change, embracing innovation, and adjusting to new circumstances.

  • Leading by Example

Leading by example is a fundamental aspect of leadership where leaders inspire and guide their teams through their own actions and behaviors. It means living out the values, ethics, and principles you expect from your team. When leaders walk the talk, they not only gain trust and respect but also motivate others to follow suit.

This approach fosters a culture of integrity, responsibility, and excellence within the team or organization. Leading by example is a powerful leadership tool, as it shows that actions carry weight in leadership, often speaking louder than words.

As more women ascend to leadership positions, the landscape of leadership is diversifying, enriching organizations and societies. Leadership skills are not confined to gender; they are about capabilities, determination, and the drive to make a positive impact. Women who possess these leadership skills for women are paving the way to success, inspiring generations to come and proving that leadership knows no gender boundaries.

Worital is thrilled to announce the winners for the 2023 Chinaza Favour and Worital writing contest. This year, we received an overwhelming number of entries for each of the three genres— Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry— and we are delighted to announce the winners who are carting off the prize.

The Chinaza Favour and Worital Writing Contest which opened for submissions on the 17th to the 24th of July 2023, is aimed at celebrating literature from diverse backgrounds and giving a voice to African literature in particular. The winning submissions which captured the hearts of the judges and stood out amongst others will be receiving various distinguished prizes while the best 20 entries from each category will be published in an anthology by Worital titled ‘The Phoenix Chronicles’. Chinaza Favour and Worital extend a loud congratulations to all those who participated in this year’s event and urge them to continue trying and winning, not just for the contest’s sake, but in their everyday writings.

The Winners’ announcement will take place on the 10th of September, 2023. The venue is THE CHINAZA FAVOUR TV on YouTube and WORITAL Youtube. Time: 3PM W.A.T. We invite everyone to join us as we celebrate the incredible art of writing. Proudly sponsored by Sabistation Bookplaze Cerca Africa Fuel my Hustle TR Leadership Hub Women of Rubies The Chinaza Favour Writing Challenge… Celebrating Your Literary Genius.

The vibrant and diverse Nigerian community in Canada is set to come together in a grand celebration of their culture and heritage at Naija Fest 2023. This event, slated for October 7th, will take place at the elegant Renaissance by the Creek, Mississauga, promising a day of excitement, entertainment, and unity.

Naija Fest 2023 is much more than just a festival; it is a testament to the resilience, unity, and creativity of the Nigerian diaspora in Canada. The event aims to bring together Nigerians from all walks of life to celebrate their rich cultural heritage, foster meaningful connections, and showcase the incredible creativity within the community.

Naijafest 2023
President of Network of Nigerians in Canada, Uche Okugo (middle), Pamela Anoliefo of Redluxe Consulting and a guest

Uche Okugo, the President of the Network of Nigerians in Canada, highlighted the importance of Naija Fest 2023: “This event is a testament to the vibrant tapestry of our Nigerian community in Canada. It’s a day for us to come together, celebrate our roots, and strengthen the bonds that connect us as Nigerians living in this beautiful country. Naija Fest is an opportunity to showcase our culture, art, and talents while fostering unity and understanding among our diverse members.”

Maryam Muritala,  founder of Canada Vendors and a Planning Committee member, added, “We’ve worked tirelessly to ensure that Naija Fest 2023 is a memorable experience for everyone. This event promises something special for everyone from traditional Nigerian cuisine to captivating performances, cultural exhibitions, and networking opportunities. It’s a day to celebrate the beauty of our culture and the talent within our community.”

Naijafest 2023

Esther Ijewere, the Founder of Women of Rubies, expressed her support for Naija Fest 2023: “As an advocate for women’s empowerment and community building, I am thrilled to support Naija Fest 2023. This event embodies the spirit of unity, celebration, and creativity that defines our Nigerian community in Canada. It provides a platform for showcasing our diverse talents, and I believe it will further strengthen the bonds among Nigerians in this beautiful country.”

The event will feature a colorful parade, traditional dances, live music performances, art exhibitions, and a marketplace showcasing Nigerian-inspired crafts and delicacies. Attendees can also expect thought-provoking panel discussions and networking sessions that promote a sense of belonging and unity among Nigerians in Canada.

Naija Fest 2023 promises to be a vibrant reflection of Nigeria’s rich cultural diversity, highlighting the resilience and achievements of Nigerians who call Canada home. It is an occasion where the community can come together to create lasting memories, celebrate shared traditions, and build bridges for the future.

Network of Nigerians in Canada is a vibrant community organization that strives to unite and empower Nigerians living in Canada. Through cultural events, networking opportunities, and community initiatives, the organization aims to celebrate Nigerian heritage, foster unity, and promote the well-being of its members while contributing to the larger Canadian society.

Naijafest 2023

For more information about Naija Fest 2023, follow  @networksofnigeriansinca

Click here to get your ticket

Media Contact:

Naija Fest 2023 Media Team



The dawn of a new month brings fresh opportunities to pursue your dreams and career goals with renewed vigour. However, aspiring to success is just the beginning; knowing how to achieve it is equally crucial. Here are six essential tips to guide you on your path to success in your career, business, or workplace.

1. Ask Questions: Cultivate Curiosity

Embrace curiosity and ask questions relentlessly. Curiosity kindles excitement, leading to fresh ideas and newfound experiences. Consistently seeking answers to pertinent questions is one of the most effective ways to gain insights and perspectives rapidly. You never know; the answers to your questions could hold the key to your next breakthrough.

2. Listen Attentively: Embrace Diverse Perspectives

No one should be considered beneath you, and it’s essential not to let closed-mindedness and strong opinions hinder you from listening to others. Keep your door and ears open because nobody possesses a monopoly on knowledge. The ability to listen to diverse opinions is a valuable skill that can broaden your horizons.

3. Be Authentic: Forge Your Path

Not everyone will share your viewpoints or endorse your methods, and that’s perfectly fine. Stay true to your authentic self and strive for excellence in everything you do. Your unique approach and confidence in your abilities will set you apart. Remember, it’s more important to believe in yourself than to worry about what others think.

4. Cultivate Persistence: Never Give Up

Success often involves facing setbacks and enduring challenges. Renowned author J.K. Rowling worked on her iconic Harry Potter series for a staggering 17 years before its completion. This remarkable journey reminds us that failure is not the end; it’s giving up that leads to failure. Keep your eyes on your goals and maintain your resilience, even in the face of adversity.

5. Embrace Continuous Improvement: Challenge Yourself

Comfort zones can be limiting. Instead of resting on your laurels, keep pushing your boundaries. Strive to be better when you’re already good, and aim for excellence when you’re the best. The journey of self-improvement is a continuous one, as there is always room for growth.

6. Seek Support: Leverage Resources

You don’t need to be a superhuman to achieve greatness. Seeking help and utilizing available resources is not a sign of weakness but a smart strategy. Talented individuals are ready to offer their expertise; don’t hesitate to employ their services to aid your growth and success.

In your pursuit of success this year, remember that it’s a journey filled with ups and downs. By asking questions, listening, being authentic, persisting, challenging yourself, and seeking support, you equip yourself with a powerful toolkit to overcome obstacles and realize your goals.

In the heart of Zimbabwe, Angeline Makore stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for transformative change. A fervent youth activist, Angeline’s unwavering dedication is reshaping lives and communities across the nation. Her tireless efforts span various crucial fronts, from advocating for women’s rights and mental health to combatting violence against women and girls. Join us as we delve into the inspiring journey of Angeline Makore and her remarkable impact on her country.

Championing Women and Girls

At the core of Angeline Makore’s expertise lies her resolute commitment to championing the cause of women and girls. Her ceaseless work to end violence, promote sexual and reproductive health, and foster female empowerment serves as a testament to her unwavering passion. Angeline’s efforts radiate hope for countless women throughout Zimbabwe.

Her visionary contributions have transcended national borders. Angeline earned acclaim by receiving the prestigious Takeda Young Entrepreneurship Award, recognizing her pioneering work with the Mwedzi Social Enterprise. This award underscores her innovative approaches to addressing the intricate challenges faced by women and girls.

Leading Spark R.E.A.D

Guiding Spark R.E.A.D, a youth-led nonprofit organization, Angeline Makore is driving transformative change on multiple fronts. Through this endeavor, she tackles vital aspects such as education, empowerment, and holistic well-being for young individuals. Spark R.E.A.D stands as a testament to her dedication to nurturing the potential of the next generation.

Angeline’s academic pursuits seamlessly align with her advocacy efforts. Armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with honors, she translates knowledge into tangible action. As a Women Deliver Young Leader and a Vital Voices VVLead Fellow Alumna, her impact extends beyond borders, solidifying her role as a catalyst for change.

A Global Catalyst for Change

Angeline firmly believes in the transformative power of young individuals to effect lasting change. Her vision encompasses communities characterized by sustainability, health, and economic stability. Her participation as a European Parliament Sakharov Fellow and her role as a peer-to-peer judge in the GenH Challenge by Johnson & Johnson exemplify her commitment to driving global change through local initiatives.

A Remarkable Journey Continues

Angeline Makore’s journey, from an impassioned youth activist to an influential advocate for female empowerment and youth advancement, underscores the potency of dedication and innovation. With each milestone achieved and recognition earned, she etches an indelible mark on Zimbabwe’s landscape. As Angeline continues to lead, inspire, and innovate, she emerges as a formidable force shaping a future marked by equality and empowerment for all.

Tamera Preacher, a visionary entrepreneur, is rewriting the rules in a world where customer reviews hold immense power. As the founder and CEO of LyingClient, she’s spearheading a groundbreaking platform inspired by her own challenging experiences with difficult customers. Tamera’s transformative journey from adversity to innovation exemplifies her unwavering commitment to empowering fellow business owners and entrepreneurs. Through, she’s providing a powerful platform for reporting and sharing encounters with problematic customers, reshaping the narrative of customer-business interactions.

The Genesis of

Tamera’s inspiration to create stemmed from a series of unfortunate incidents. As the owner of a general contracting company, she faced an uphill battle—one that was exacerbated by her being one of the few Black women in the industry. In a particularly disheartening episode, her company was falsely reported to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). This unwarranted attack galvanized her to create a platform that would shine a light on dishonest and troublesome customers.

Defying the Odds

Creating was no small feat, especially for someone without a technical background. Tamera is a military veteran and holds a master’s degree in Human Resources, far removed from the world of website development. However, her determination to see her vision come to life superseded all obstacles.

Tamera embarked on a quest to understand the legal aspects of recording and displaying customer information. Armed with this knowledge, she set out to find the right website developer. Initially, it seemed like an insurmountable task to find a developer who shared her passion and standards for the platform.

The Perfect Platform

Tamera had a clear vision for It needed to be user-friendly, integrate seamlessly with social media, and, above all, be accessible to busy entrepreneurs. Recognizing that most self-employed individuals lack the time to extensively research or document customer information, she was determined to create a solution that catered to their needs.

After persistent searching, she finally found the right developer who shared her vision. The website was officially launched, and Tamera’s dream became a reality.

A Platform for Empowerment

Now in its second year, has garnered a substantial social media following and caught the attention of numerous business owners deeply engaged in their fields. Remarkably, the platform has gained recognition as the #1 platform on for reporting “Karen” customers—a testament to its effectiveness.

Key Features of

Here are some of the notable features of

  1. Real-time Scam Alerts: Stay informed and protected from scams with real-time alerts about fraudulent customer activities.
  2. Directory of Terrible Customer Experiences: Make informed decisions by accessing a comprehensive directory of negative customer experiences.
  3. Advertising for Your Business: Showcase your services to a targeted audience of like-minded professionals within the platform.
  4. Legal Aid Page: Find valuable legal resources for starting, maintaining, and securing your business.

Tamera Preacher’s journey from adversity to innovation serves as an inspiring testament to the power of determination and the importance of standing up against dishonesty. Through, she has not only empowered business owners but also shifted the balance in favor of those who believe in fairness and transparency in the business world.

Read Also: 17 Female Marketing Experts You Need To Follow




In the journey of pursuing professional advancement, setbacks and challenges are inevitable companions. Whether it’s a missed opportunity, a project that didn’t unfold as expected, or a proposal that faced rejection, setbacks can be disheartening. Especially for women in the workplace, these hurdles might seem more formidable due to societal expectations and gender biases.

However, the power to transform setbacks into career opportunities is a remarkable skill that can propel women toward success and personal fulfillment. In this article, we delve into six empowering strategies that enable women to embrace setbacks, emerge as more resilient individuals, and seize new avenues for career growth.

1. Nurture a Growth Mindset

The initial stride toward converting setbacks into opportunities involves adopting a growth mindset. Instead of viewing failure as a verdict on your capabilities, perceive it as a chance for learning, improvement, and advancement. Embrace the belief that your skills and talents can evolve through dedication and perseverance. By fostering a growth mindset, women can rise above challenges and leverage failures as stepping stones on their journey to greatness.

2. Cultivate Supportive Networks

The professional voyage becomes even more enriching when women have access to supportive networks. Surrounding oneself with kindred spirits who uplift, motivate, and comprehend the challenges can be transformative. A strong support system offers valuable guidance, encouragement, and empathy during times of setback, helping women recognize opportunities within challenges.

3. Mine Insights from Every Setback

Every setback carries a treasure trove of insights. Take a moment to analyze the situation and comprehend the reasons behind the setback. What lessons can be gleaned from this experience? What areas require further development? Viewing failure as an opportunity to learn enables women to evolve and enhance their capabilities, equipping them to confront future hurdles.

4. Convert Feedback into Growth

Seeking feedback is an essential ingredient for personal and professional progress. Constructive critique provides invaluable direction on areas that necessitate enhancement and underscores personal strengths. Embracing feedback offers a chance to refine skills and build upon achievements. By harnessing feedback, women continually elevate their capabilities and advance in their careers.

5. Foster Resilience

Resilience is the superpower that empowers women to rebound from setbacks and flourish in the face of adversity. Foster resilience by confronting challenges head-on, maintaining a positive outlook, and persisting through trying times. Resilience empowers women to surmount obstacles and inspire others with their unwavering determination.

6. Embrace Career Pivots

In some instances, setbacks can open doors to unexpected career opportunities. Embrace the prospect of career pivots and explore fresh avenues that align with your passions and strengths. Setbacks can be the catalysts for venturing into paths previously unconsidered. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

For women navigating the professional sphere, embracing setbacks is not an admission of vulnerability, but a testament to their fortitude and perseverance. By adopting a growth mindset, fostering supportive networks, gleaning insights from failures, utilizing feedback, cultivating resilience, and welcoming career pivots, women can reshape setbacks into milestones on the path to career growth.

Remember, every setback is an invitation to ascend, learn, and soar to new heights. Embrace the journey, and let setbacks catalyze your journey toward a triumphant and gratifying career trajectory.

As August rolls around, I find myself marking an incredible milestone – seven years since I made the courageous decision to walk away from a marriage that had turned into a battleground of pain and turmoil. This year, I celebrate the journey of healing, growth, and empowerment that I embarked upon after leaving a toxic relationship. My hope is that by sharing my story, I can inspire and encourage others who might be trapped in similar situations to take the step towards healing and liberation.

Looking back

I recognize how profoundly my marriage changed me. The trauma and betrayals altered my personality, eroded my self-trust, and cast a shadow of fear over my spirit. It felt like I lost myself in the process, and the wounds left me in a constant state of flight mode, always on guard against further pain.

But I refuse to be defined by those painful years. Instead, I chose to rise above my circumstances, embracing the strength that still resided within me. Over the course of these seven years, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing that has led me to a place of empowerment and self-love.

Esther Ijewere- WOmen of Rubies


Healing is not a linear process; it’s a journey with its own twists and turns. There were days when I felt like I was making leaps forward, and others when I stumbled. Through it all, I learned the importance of honoring my own path, no matter how long it takes.


One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned is the significance of forgiveness. It wasn’t about excusing the pain I endured; it was about freeing myself from the weight of anger and resentment. Forgiving my ex-husband was my way of taking back control of my emotions and moving forward without the burdens of the past.

To all the women who might be going through something similar, please know that you are not alone. Your pain is valid, and you deserve happiness, love, and respect. Leaving an abusive relationship takes immense courage, and it’s a step towards reclaiming your life.


I am incredibly grateful for the individuals who stood by me from the beginning – those who supported me instead of judging, those who chose to embrace me even when they didn’t fully understand. Your unwavering support has been a guiding light on this journey, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Remember, healing is not only about recovering from past wounds; it’s about reclaiming your power and embracing a future filled with possibilities. Healing allows us to shed the burdens of the past, rediscover our inner strength, and craft a life that aligns with our true selves.

Esther Ijewere

7th Year of Liberation

On this anniversary, I stand as living proof that healing is a beautiful journey. It’s a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and the unwavering belief that you are worthy of a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

Let’s stand together, supporting one another through our individual journeys of healing and empowerment. Let’s create a community where each person’s path is honored and celebrated, and where we can find strength in our shared experiences.