
Global brand network


I want us to talk about 5 reasons you should communicate your brand stories.

First of all, I’ll like to clarify what brand storytelling is.

Brand Storytelling is a way of thinking and communicating a brand that puts a narrative at their very heart and thereby makes them both meaningful and compelling – for the audience and the brand.

Now that we understand what brand storytelling is, we need to understand how brand storytelling can help us achieve our communication goals

Usually, we have 5 major reasons for communicating our brand stories:

– Brand awareness and visibility

– Top of mind in our industry

– Communicate brand positioning

– Promote products and services

– Drive sales and conversions

There are a couple of strategies and tactics that can work for your brand, you need to find them and apply them to make your brand storytelling effective.

You need to understand that people are generally ‘’selfish’’.

They care ONLY about their problems and they are very preoccupied with finding solutions to those problems, hence, you need to do your market research and use social listening well, so you can immerse yourself in the lives of your ideal audience and know their pain points and challenges.

Once you do that, you need to think of solutions that provide UTILITY, CONVENIENCE, and MEANING.

Utility- solve a problem

Convenience – Save me time, money, stress

Meaning – provide me with a relevant solution that changes my life and helps me to be a better person.

Once your stories and solution do these 3 things, then you know that you are going to be successful at communicating your messages with influential storytelling.


About Esohe

Esohe Igbinoba is the Founder, The Global Brand Network. GBN is a brand management organization with a focus on teaching entrepreneurs the art of influential storytelling for attracting visibility and building an engaged audience so they can build profitable businesses. She helps them to achieve this through her unique system: The Influential Storytelling Formula. She has helped over 150 people in 10 countries. She helps them through her online school, GBN Business School where she offers one on one coaching programs, online courses and training programs.

You can connect with her on

Social media @queenesohe

Or send an email to esohe@queenesohe.com

Or on her website queenesohe.com

I want to quickly share something that limits us a lot as entrepreneurs and even as individuals.

I call it the ”Story Wars”.

Story Wars is not my invention, I just borrowed it. lol

I call it Story Wars because there’s a struggle between your present reality…which seems very real to you and your future reality…which seems like a distant aspiration or dream that you may someday realize.

One way to win this war, is by asking yourself, ”what narrative am I going to believe?”

You can choose to believe the narrative that you are too limited in your present capacity, so you can’t achieve your goals.

Or you can choose to believe that you are more than enough and that by disciplining yourself to put in the work, over time you will achieve your desired result.

Before you choose the second worldview, you need something called ”Mental Assent”

You need to believe in your mind, heart and confess with your mouth your belief and faith in yourself to achieve your desired result.

Failure to do so means you will quit when challenges come or people come and start asking you questions.

You will quit because you haven’t made up your mind to give it all it takes or die trying.

Going all in is how champions win championships.

You need to be a practising extremist with a disciplined work ethic to achieve desired goals.

That’s how you win the story wars as an influential storyteller.


About Esohe

Esohe Igbinoba is the Founder, The Global Brand Network. GBN is a brand management organization with a focus on teaching entrepreneurs the art of influential storytelling for attracting visibility and building an engaged audience so they can build profitable businesses. She helps them to achieve this through her unique system: The Influential Storytelling Formula. She has helped over 150 people in 10 countries. She helps them through her online school, GBN Business School where she offers one on one coaching programs, online courses and training programs.

You can connect with her on

Social media @queenesohe

Or send an email to esohe@queenesohe.com

Or on her website queenesohe.com

I had an amazing experience recently I’ll like to share with you.

I was feeling a bit restless and overwhelmed with all I had to do in my job and business and I felt like there was a lot of clutter around me.

Then I did something a bit strange.

I started clearing my physical environment, my room to be more specific.

I cleaned up the whole place, rearranged the beds and wardrobe and even made preparations for a painter to come paint and set up a mini office/studio in all the new space I had just created.

It was an exciting experience for me!

From where my bed was now positioned, I could see my vision board more clearly and I was more inspired to achieve my goals.

You need to be very intentional about the experiences you create for yourself because what you see, feel and experience affects your worldviews, belief systems, the stories you tell and your ability to take massive action.

If you want to be able to make accelerated progress in your life, change your life experiences.

Another way you can change your life experiences is by traveling and going out for events in inspirational places. These experiences influence your worldviews, quality of life and the life stories you live and share.

This encourages you to be more confident in yourself and your ability to produce results.


About Esohe

Esohe Igbinoba is the Founder, The Global Brand Network. GBN is a brand management organization with a focus on teaching entrepreneurs the art of influential storytelling for attracting visibility and building an engaged audience so they can build profitable businesses. She helps them to achieve this through her unique system: The Influential Storytelling Formula. She has helped over 150 people in 10 countries. She helps them through her online school, GBN Business School where she offers one on one coaching programs, online courses and training programs.

You can connect with her on

Social media @queenesohe

Or send an email to esohe@queenesohe.com

Or on her website queenesohe.com

I want us to talk about 5 brand stories you should be sharing with your audience. There are 5 types of stories your brand should be sharing:

Your personal story

If you want to start a conversation with a stranger, you do one of two things:

Introduce yourself briefly and ask about the other person

Find common interests and instantly bond based on shared interests.

None of the strategies is wrong, you can employ both.

The important thing is you make sure to share parts of your personal story that resonates with your audience.

Your self-awareness story

This is keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey

You didn’t just wake up and decide to start the niche business that you are currently working on.

Even if you’re still finding clarity about what you want to do, you can share the different insights you’ve gotten from your self-introspection.

Your growth story

As you get more aware of yourself and you grow, you need to find out what periods in your life you experienced tangible growth (in your mind, capacity or results).

Journal all these experiences and use them as often as you can in your brand stories, as long as your audience can relate to them.


Your result-oriented story.

This is the part a lot of us jump right on to.

It’s not a very effective strategy.

The saying holds through, ‘’I don’t care how much you know until I know how much you care’’.

Hence, you communicate your results-based story with EMPATHY.

Communicate with a shared sense of understanding of the problem and struggles of your audience and how your growth journey and key milestones achieved qualifies you as a guide to help them on their own journey.

Make it all about them.

Never about you.

You’re the guide remember?

Empower your hero to stay in the spotlight. Be the guide.


Your movement story

This is when your storytelling gets interesting.

You have gotten the attention and trust of your hero and you’ve shared your journey: struggles, failures, milestones, successes and how that qualifies you as a guide.

Now, you have to CLEARLY communicate the journey you are taking the hero on and how you will take him on that journey.

Introduce your movement and trigger curiosity, interest, and excitement.

Find other heroes and introduce them too to your movement.

Lead your tribe.


About Esohe

Esohe Igbinoba is the Founder, The Global Brand Network. GBN is a brand management organization with a focus on teaching entrepreneurs the art of influential storytelling for attracting visibility and building an engaged audience so they can build profitable businesses. She helps them to achieve this through her unique system: The Influential Storytelling Formula. She has helped over 150 people in 10 countries. She helps them through her online school, GBN Business School where she offers one on one coaching programs, online courses and training programs.

You can connect with her on

Social media @queenesohe

Or send an email to esohe@queenesohe.com

Or on her website queenesohe.com

Whenever I ask clients if they write often or journal, most times I get a ”not really” or ”sometimes, but I’m not consistent”.

While I understand the not consistent bit, I’m a bit worried about the ”not really” people.

Do you know why?

I’ll tell you.

We, humans, have a short attention and memory span.

What that means is if you don’t document your life experiences often and as a habit, you will lose a lot of juicy stories that could help you further in your influential storytelling journey.

When you think of stories to share with your audience, you should be more concerned with curating what you’ve already written than creating a new story.

Well, except if that new story just happened recently.

Even if, you still need to document that story for future reference.

Influential storytelling isn’t magic.

Neither is it hard.

Great storytelling is a product of good documentation and great telling.


About Esohe

Esohe Igbinoba is the Founder, The Global Brand Network. GBN is a brand management organization with a focus on teaching entrepreneurs the art of influential storytelling for attracting visibility and building an engaged audience so they can build profitable businesses. She helps them to achieve this through her unique system: The Influential Storytelling Formula. She has helped over 150 people in 10 countries. She helps them through her online school, GBN Business School where she offers one on one coaching programs, online courses and training programs.

You can connect with her on

Social media @queenesohe

Or send an email to esohe@queenesohe.com

Or on her website queenesohe.com