I want to quickly share something that limits us a lot as entrepreneurs and even as individuals.
I call it the ”Story Wars”.
Story Wars is not my invention, I just borrowed it. lol
I call it Story Wars because there’s a struggle between your present reality…which seems very real to you and your future reality…which seems like a distant aspiration or dream that you may someday realize.
One way to win this war, is by asking yourself, ”what narrative am I going to believe?”
You can choose to believe the narrative that you are too limited in your present capacity, so you can’t achieve your goals.
Or you can choose to believe that you are more than enough and that by disciplining yourself to put in the work, over time you will achieve your desired result.
Before you choose the second worldview, you need something called ”Mental Assent”
You need to believe in your mind, heart and confess with your mouth your belief and faith in yourself to achieve your desired result.
Failure to do so means you will quit when challenges come or people come and start asking you questions.
You will quit because you haven’t made up your mind to give it all it takes or die trying.
Going all in is how champions win championships.
You need to be a practising extremist with a disciplined work ethic to achieve desired goals.
That’s how you win the story wars as an influential storyteller.
About Esohe
Esohe Igbinoba is the Founder, The Global Brand Network. GBN is a brand management organization with a focus on teaching entrepreneurs the art of influential storytelling for attracting visibility and building an engaged audience so they can build profitable businesses. She helps them to achieve this through her unique system: The Influential Storytelling Formula. She has helped over 150 people in 10 countries. She helps them through her online school, GBN Business School where she offers one on one coaching programs, online courses and training programs.
You can connect with her on
Social media @queenesohe
Or send an email to esohe@queenesohe.com
Or on her website queenesohe.com
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