I had an amazing experience recently I’ll like to share with you.
I was feeling a bit restless and overwhelmed with all I had to do in my job and business and I felt like there was a lot of clutter around me.
Then I did something a bit strange.
I started clearing my physical environment, my room to be more specific.
I cleaned up the whole place, rearranged the beds and wardrobe and even made preparations for a painter to come paint and set up a mini office/studio in all the new space I had just created.
It was an exciting experience for me!
From where my bed was now positioned, I could see my vision board more clearly and I was more inspired to achieve my goals.
You need to be very intentional about the experiences you create for yourself because what you see, feel and experience affects your worldviews, belief systems, the stories you tell and your ability to take massive action.
If you want to be able to make accelerated progress in your life, change your life experiences.
Another way you can change your life experiences is by traveling and going out for events in inspirational places. These experiences influence your worldviews, quality of life and the life stories you live and share.
This encourages you to be more confident in yourself and your ability to produce results.
About Esohe
Esohe Igbinoba is the Founder, The Global Brand Network. GBN is a brand management organization with a focus on teaching entrepreneurs the art of influential storytelling for attracting visibility and building an engaged audience so they can build profitable businesses. She helps them to achieve this through her unique system: The Influential Storytelling Formula. She has helped over 150 people in 10 countries. She helps them through her online school, GBN Business School where she offers one on one coaching programs, online courses and training programs.
You can connect with her on
Social media @queenesohe
Or send an email to esohe@queenesohe.com
Or on her website queenesohe.com
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