
Women of Rubies


For working mothers, the juggling act of managing a career while nurturing a family is a demanding yet deeply rewarding journey. As they strive to strike a harmonious balance between professional aspirations and maternal duties, working moms can benefit from practical strategies to navigate this intricate dance. Here are some invaluable tips to empower and support these multitasking marvels in their pursuit of both career success and fulfilling motherhood.

1. Embrace Time Management Strategies

Efficient time management is the linchpin for working mothers. Adopting strategies like prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and leveraging productivity tools can help streamline responsibilities both at work and home.

2. Cultivate a Support System

Building a robust support network is crucial for working moms. Whether it’s a reliable babysitter, supportive family members, or understanding colleagues, having a strong support system ensures a safety net during challenging times.

3. Establish Boundaries

Define clear boundaries between work and personal life. Setting specific work hours and designating personal time fosters a healthier balance, allowing working moms to be fully present in both professional and familial spheres.

4. Embrace Flexibility

Flexibility is key in the life of a working mom. Seek flexible work arrangements, explore remote work options, or negotiate adaptable schedules to accommodate unexpected family commitments while fulfilling professional responsibilities.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

Amidst the demands of motherhood and career, self-care often takes a back seat. However, prioritizing personal well-being is crucial. Whether it’s allocating time for exercise, relaxation, or pursuing personal interests, self-care enhances overall resilience.

6. Efficient Meal Planning

Simplify meal planning to save time and ensure a balanced diet for the family. Batch cooking, meal prepping, and involving family members in cooking activities can make the dining experience enjoyable and stress-free.

7. Delegate Responsibilities

Delegating tasks, both at home and work, is a powerful strategy. Assigning age-appropriate responsibilities to children and collaborating with partners on household chores can lighten the load, promoting a more equitable distribution of responsibilities.

8. Nurture Open Communication

Open communication is vital for a harmonious family life. Discussing expectations, challenges, and successes with both family members and colleagues fosters understanding and support from all fronts.

9. Set Realistic Goals

While ambition is commendable, setting realistic goals is key. Recognize the limitations of time and energy, and establish achievable milestones both in your career and personal life.

10. Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small

Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, no matter how small. Working moms often wear multiple hats, and taking a moment to recognize accomplishments contributes to a positive mindset and reinforces the value of their efforts.

In the intricate dance of motherhood and career, working moms are resilient, resourceful, and remarkable. By embracing these tips and recognizing the unique balance they bring to the table, working mothers can navigate this challenging yet fulfilling journey with grace, confidence, and success.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, maintaining a healthy lifestyle often takes a back seat, especially for busy women juggling multiple roles. However, prioritizing well-being is paramount for sustained energy and vitality. Here are seven practical and achievable healthy living habits tailored to fit the hectic schedules of today’s dynamic women.

1. Efficient Fitness Routines

With time being a precious commodity, efficient fitness routines become key. Incorporate short, high-intensity workouts or interval training that can be seamlessly integrated into a busy day. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days, whether it’s a brisk walk, a quick home workout, or a dance session.

2. Nutrient-Rich Recipes

Fuel your body with nutrient-rich meals by planning and preparing simple, yet nourishing recipes. Opt for balanced meals that include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Batch cooking on weekends can save time during the week and ensure you have wholesome options readily available.

3. Hydration is Non-Negotiable

In the midst of hectic schedules, staying hydrated often takes a back seat. However, adequate water intake is crucial for overall well-being. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day and set reminders to ensure you’re consistently meeting your hydration goals.

4. Mindful Eating Practices

Practice mindful eating to cultivate a healthier relationship with food. Take the time to savor each bite, listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, and avoid distractions like screens during meals. This approach not only contributes to better digestion but also encourages healthier food choices.

5. Prioritize Stress Management

Stress is an inevitable part of a busy life, but effective stress management is key. Incorporate stress-relief practices such as deep breathing exercises, short meditation sessions, or even a brisk walk during breaks. Prioritizing mental health contributes significantly to overall well-being.

6. Quality Sleep Matters

In the midst of packed schedules, sleep is often sacrificed. However, quality sleep is foundational for physical and mental health. Establish a consistent sleep routine, create a conducive sleep environment, and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to support optimal well-being.

7. Schedule ‘Me Time’

Amidst the demands of work and family, scheduling ‘me time’ is crucial. Dedicate moments in your week to activities that bring joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading a book, enjoying a hobby, or simply unwinding with a warm bath. Prioritizing self-care contributes to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, weaving these healthy living habits into the fabric of a busy life can lead to a more energized, focused, and resilient you. Embrace these habits gradually, tailoring them to your unique schedule and preferences, and witness the positive impact on your overall well-being. Remember, a healthier you is better equipped to conquer the demands of a busy life with grace and vitality.

Amidst the dynamic landscape of personal finance, the commencement of a new year presents an opportune time to reassess and refine your financial objectives. Stepping into 2024, let’s delve into essential tactics for attaining financial well-being, and laying the groundwork for a stable and flourishing future. Here are 10 pathways to achieving financial prosperity in 2024.

1. Set Clear Financial Goals

Begin by defining your financial objectives for the year. Whether it’s saving for a home, investing in education, or building an emergency fund, setting clear and achievable goals provides a roadmap for your financial journey.

2. Create a Realistic Budget

Crafting a detailed budget is fundamental to financial success. Evaluate your income, track your expenses, and identify areas where you can save or cut back. A well-planned budget serves as a powerful tool to manage your money efficiently.

3. Diversify Your Investments

Explore diverse investment opportunities to maximize returns and minimize risks. Consider a mix of stocks, bonds, and real estate, aligning your investment portfolio with your risk tolerance and long-term financial objectives.

4. Leverage Technology for Financial Management

Embrace financial technology tools and apps that can streamline budgeting, expense tracking, and investment management. These tools provide real-time insights into your financial health and empower you to make informed decisions.

5. Prioritize Debt Repayment

Tackle high-interest debts strategically. Prioritize repayment of loans and credit card balances to reduce interest payments and free up resources for savings and investments.

6. Enhance Financial Literacy

Stay informed about financial trends, investment strategies, and economic indicators. Continuous learning empowers you to make informed financial decisions and adapt to evolving market conditions.

7. Emergency Fund Building

Aim to build a robust emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Having a financial safety net provides peace of mind and prevents the need to dip into long-term investments during unforeseen circumstances.

8. Explore Additional Income Streams

Diversify your income streams by exploring side hustles, freelance opportunities, or passive income sources. Supplementing your primary income enhances financial stability and accelerates wealth-building.

9. Review and Adjust

Regularly review your financial plan and make adjustments as needed. Life is dynamic, and so should be your financial strategy. Be flexible and ready to adapt to changes in your personal or economic circumstances.

10. Seek Professional Advice

Consider consulting with financial advisors or experts to receive personalized guidance based on your unique financial situation. Professional advice can provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to your goals.

Conclusion: A Prosperous Financial Future Awaits

As we step into 2024, implementing these financial strategies can pave the way for a year of financial prosperity. With careful planning, disciplined execution, and a commitment to financial well-being, you can unlock new opportunities and build a foundation for lasting success. Cheers to a financially thriving year ahead!

Building wealth and getting clarity around your finances doesn’t have to be daunting or stressful. In fact, with the right practices instilled, it can be liberating.

If you want to be one of them, then read on to educate yourself about debt, value-based spending, the best saving habits, financial freedom, and the key components that lead to financial success. It won’t be easy to implement these new habits, but you certainly won’t regret it.

ONE- Pay Off Your Debts.

Not all debts are bad. Debt with a plan can actually be really good for acquiring assets. These are ‘good debts’ as they are spent on investments and assets that are valuable and can be liquidated in the long run.
‘Bad debts’ are those debts you use on consumption.

Read Also: I’m Passionate About Helping Women Gain Financial Freedom – Vanessa Ideh Shares Her Story

When you have a million naira personal income and you have a debt of 500 thousand naira that is due or will be due, it is advisable you pay off your debts first before you calculate how much you really own.

If you have more than one debt, pay off the one with the highest interest rates or the one with the highest balance first.

TWO – Determine Your Priorities.

When you prioritize debt, think about high interest versus low interest. You can build emergency funds simultaneously while paying off your debts because if you do not have an emergency fund, you may slip back into that debt if real emergency happens.

Being in debt is stressful so you will feel more compelled to rid yourself of that burden. High-interest debt steals from your wealth; values-based spending helps you get in alignment with building wealth, and an emergency fund protects your wealth so that you don’t slide back into high-interest debt.

THREE- Practice Value-Based Spending.

The first step is awareness – know what you’re spending.
Look back at the last three to six months of your spending and analyze how much you’re spending on your lifestyle.

It is easy to often assume that you are just paying for rent and food but our brains want to rationalize that we’re on our best behavior, so it doesn’t allow us to think about all of the subscription boxes.

Value-based spending is a lot easier than budgeting. Setting a budget can feel restrictive, like being on a diet.

You spend within your budget for a week and then you see that dress on Instagram and you click.

But if you have values, you will see that that instant gratification won’t be gratifying for long because it’s not aligned with our values. Once you determine three values that really matter to you, you’ll find that they can function as a filter. An example would be equity, family, and leverage (when you’re willing to spend money on things that help make life easier). Buying the shoes doesn’t align with any of those pillars, so it needs to be a preplanned choice.

FOUR – Open a High-Yield Savings Account.

Saving is the inverse of spending. Parkinson’s law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Basically, any one thing can shrink or contract to the size of its container. In relation to money in a bank account, the reason you end up spending what you should be saving is that it’s right there, visible, in your checking account.
Open a high-yield savings account and automate transfers on a monthly basis. That recurring act will give you accessibility to only what you should be spending.

Consider investments as well, but make your research so you are investing in what you are knowledgeable about.

FIVE – Understand the Definition of Financial Freedom.

Financial freedom is an equation: enough passive income to outpace your expenses. When you have financial freedom in your life, work becomes an option instead of an obligation.
Financial freedom allows you to enjoy your wealth because time is no longer a finite resource.
When you go to work, even as an entrepreneur, you are trading time for money. But, if you can buy assets to create additional income, then you are trading money for assets that bring you more money.

If you get on this train and educate yourself, you will find that you don’t always have to rely on yourself and your body to make money. It takes a lot of time, effort, and sacrifice to get up every morning and go to work.

SIX – Instill the Key Components That Lead to Financial Independence

Six qualities that every wealthy woman should try to encompass:

  1. Planning: Determine your financial goals, write them down, and find an accountability partner. You can’t get what you want if you don’t plan for it. When it comes to money, you have to be goal-oriented.
  2. Frugality or Intentionality: Commit to saving more, spending less, and sticking to a plan. This formula leads to an ability to have a passive income because if you spend all of your money then there will be nothing left to invest it.
  3. Confidence: In order to gain financial confidence in managing your money and investing, you need financial education. We didn’t learn this in school. You have to go and find it, otherwise, you will stay in a state of stress. Inaction is terrible for your finances.
  4. Responsibility: Accept your role in financial outcomes and take action to make financial changes in your life.
  5. Focus: See your process through to completion one step at a time. Accountability is crucial.
  6. Social indifference: Don’t succumb to buying the latest thing as a means of feeling good. If you practice this, it will change your life. Women are the targets of consumerism. But, if you appreciate how you look and how you are inherent, you will save yourself a lot of time, money, and energy.


4 Bad Money Habits That Will Keep You Broke Forever

She Wanted To Be A Lawyer But Ended Up A Carpenter, The Story Of Comfort Adzigbli

I started Omaness Skinfood To​ Empower And​ Enrich The Lives Of Women- Ifeoma Adibe-Chukwuka



Mignon Francois, a single mom of 7 turned her last $5 into a million-dollar cupcake business.

Mignon Francois struggled financially to support her family between 2005-2007 after a job offer for her former husband fell through. A neighbor knew her plight and penchant for baking and offered her an opportunity to turn her situation around. She put in a request for 600 cupcakes at $1 each.

The Plot-Twist For Mignon Francois

With just $5 to her name, Francois wasn’t sure how she would make it work, but she used her last bit of coin to purchase the ingredients, baking 60 cupcakes, and gaining a $60 profit that same day to buy the rest of what she needed. She launched The Cupcake Collection, selling custom cakes and cupcakes and growing her small business which now generates more than $1 million annually. 

Mignon Francois

Mignon Francois is proud of herself, her journey was not without its share of challenges. As a Black woman, one of the biggest obstacles Francois faced was funding. Instead of relying on banks and facing loan denials, overdraft fees, or credit card debt, Francois relied on an old envelope system trick. 

“I think a lot of times in my community, we often have been used to rejection from banks. Having my money in a bank account at that time, if I had messed up even a dollar, it would have caused me to get a bank overdraft, which would’ve cost me $30, and then that’s just a vicious cycle of snowballing in a negative way,” she said.

 Staying In Business

The entrepreneur used the system to designate her money via envelopes, categorizing her profit into an emergency fund, set a budget, and a debt snowball method to help reel her finances in. Today, the New Orleans native uses her story to help others. 

As a now successful entrepreneur, Francois has begun paying it forward, funding scholarships at Tennessee State University, and partnering with community organizers to support education and food insecurity efforts.

She also sits on the Pathways Women’s Business Center and Nashville Entrepreneur Center board and works with grassroots organization Corner to Corner to help other aspiring business owners. 

To learn more about Francois and the work she’s doing, visit The Cupcake Collection.

Congratulations Mignon!


In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need to trick ourselves into saving money, because we’re all grown-ups who have self-control, right?

Let’s be honest, whether its splurging or the unfortunate mishaps that require immediate funds, we could find areas where we can cut our costs and unnecessary spending.

Acknowledging that our self-control might need some work isn’t a bad thing. Try implementing some of these tips and tricks to help you become a super fine finance ninja!

Coin Jar

It may seem old fashion, but that change after you break a dollar can add up quickly.  That few extra $100 per year might not sound like much, but it’s far better things to be done with extra coins than losing them between the cushions!

Make Money Shopping

Numerous websites offer opportunities to earn cash back when shopping, whether online or at brick-and-mortar stores. One of the options I particularly like is an app that provides cash back for purchases at various participating stores. When you use your linked debit or credit card, you receive cash back. The participating stores vary widely, making it a versatile choice.

New Habits

Transform your routine. Instead of ordering lunch every day at work, pack a lunch on some days. Consider the unnecessary subscriptions you have monthly, and divert those payments into your savings account. What habits do you have that you can work on quitting to help save those extra bucks at the end of the month?

Check Your Home

You’d be surprised at how much you can save monthly by just cutting back on your energy bill. Caulk holes and cracks that let warm air out in the winter and cool air in the summer. Ask your local gas and electric providers for a free or low-cost home energy audit. This can lead to tremendous long-term savings. Learn the correct settings for your thermostat to ensure you keep your usage at bay when you away from home during the day.


This 24-Year-Old Makes $750k Teaching Women How To Make Money On Instagram

Tosin Ajibade, popularly known as Olorisupergal, has emerged as a leading figure in the Nigerian media landscape. With her unwavering commitment to empowering others, particularly women, she has made a significant impact through her digital platforms and advocacy initiatives. Tosin Ajibade Olorisupergal

Establishing a Media Empire

From humble beginnings to becoming a household name, Olorisupergal’s journey in the media industry has been nothing short of inspiring. In 2010, she launched her blog,, which quickly gained traction and became a go-to source for entertainment news, exclusive interviews, and captivating content. Her dedication to providing valuable and engaging information propelled her blog to success, solidifying her position as a respected voice in the industry.

Empowering Through Digital Media

Olorisupergal’s influence extends beyond her blog. Recognizing the power of digital media, she has expanded her reach through various platforms. With a strong presence on social media, she connects with a wide audience, shares her insights, and advocates for causes she is passionate about. Through her authentic and relatable content, she has built a loyal following and continues to inspire and uplift others.

Advocacy for Women’s Empowerment

Driven by her passion for empowering women, Olorisupergal has spearheaded initiatives aimed at uplifting and supporting women in Nigeria. Her “New Media Conference” educates individuals on the transformative potential of digital media, while her “Women Supporting Women” project provides mentorship and guidance to women across various professional fields. Through her advocacy work, she strives to break barriers, inspire confidence, and foster a supportive community for women to thrive.

Tosin Ajibade Olorisupergal

Recognition and Impact

Olorisupergal’s dedication and accomplishments have earned her widespread recognition. She has been honored as one of the “Top 100 Most Inspiring Women in Nigeria” by Leading Ladies Africa, and her work has garnered attention from both national and international media outlets. Her impact on the Nigerian media landscape and her commitment to empowering others have solidified her status as a respected media entrepreneur and influencer.

Olorisupergal & Hilda Baci Cook-a-Thon

Tosin and her team brought the attention of Nigerians and the rest of the world to the Hilda Baci Cook-a-thon with their daily live coverage on social media, especially their Instagram account that served as a channel of information.

Looking Ahead

As Tosin Ajibade, aka Olorisupergal, continues on her path of empowerment, there is no doubt that she will continue to make a lasting impact. Through her digital platforms, advocacy initiatives, and commitment to women empowerment, she is reshaping the media landscape and inspiring countless individuals to embrace their potential and strive for greatness.

The Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp is a beacon of inspiration and empowerment, bringing together a dynamic array of voices and experiences. As we embark on Day 2 of this transformative event, we are set to meet a trio of remarkable women who are not just shaping narratives in their respective fields but also lighting the way for others to follow.

Funmi Ajala, Sola Smart Steward, and Mayowa Adegoke, each a powerhouse in her own right, will share insights and stories that promise to enlighten, engage, and empower attendees. Let’s delve into these influential women’s lives and contributions, uncovering their sessions’ impact and the unique perspectives they bring to the BootCamp.

Funmi Ajala – A Master of Visual Storytelling and Communication

Media Visibility Bootcamp

Funmi Ajala is a visual storyteller and PR expert, renowned for her proficiency in driving end-consumer engagement and elevating brand awareness. Her expertise in crafting compelling narratives has positioned her as a sought-after professional in communication. At the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp, Funmi will offer attendees a window into her world, sharing valuable insights on building impactful communication strategies and harnessing the power of visual storytelling. Her session promises to be an enlightening experience for those eager to learn the art of effective brand communication.

Sola Smart Steward – A Wealth and Finance Expert

Media visibility bootcamp

Sola Smart Steward, a distinguished speaker for Day 2 of the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp, is an accomplished finance coach and chartered accountant with over two decades of experience. Her passion for empowering individuals and businesses to master the principles of wealth creation has led her to establish Smart Stewards Financial Advisory Limited and Smart Stewards Advisory LLC in the USA. Through these platforms, Sola has transformed people’s financial lives across 40 countries, guiding them from financial stress to wealth and prosperity.

At the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp, Sola Smart Steward brings her wealth of knowledge and experience in finance and wealth management. Attendees can look forward to gaining invaluable insights into financial empowerment, wealth-building strategies, and the art of managing finances effectively. Her presence promises to be both enlightening and transformative, offering a unique perspective on achieving financial success and independence.

Mayowa Adegoke – A Media Innovator and Influencer

Media visibility bootcamp

Mayowa Adegoke, set to grace the stage on Day 2 of the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp, is likely a prominent figure in the media and communication sector. With a career possibly spanning journalism, media production, or communication strategy, Mayowa brings a wealth of experience and insights to the event. Her role in the BootCamp might involve sharing her journey in the media industry, discussing innovations in digital communication, and offering strategies for effective media engagement.

Attendees can expect to learn from Mayowa’s experiences in navigating the media landscape, her approaches to creating impactful content, and her insights into leveraging media platforms for visibility and influence. Her session promises to be a source of inspiration and practical knowledge for aspiring media professionals and communicators looking to make their mark in the industry.

At the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp, Mayowa Adegoke brings her extensive experience in media and her passion for empowerment. Learn media industry success and personal/professional growth insights from her diverse career. Her presence at the BootCamp promises to be both inspiring and transformative, offering attendees a unique perspective on achieving success in the media world.

Rouning-Up the Media Visibility Bootcamp

As the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp concludes its second day, it’s clear that the event is a melting pot of inspiration, knowledge, and empowerment. The insights shared by our day two speakers will not only illuminate the paths to success in their respective fields but also underscore the power of media visibility in amplifying women’s voices.

Each speaker will bring unique perspectives and experiences, enriching the BootCamp with a diversity of strategies, stories, and skills. This event highlights the importance of women’s platforms for learning, growth, and inspiration in personal and professional pursuits.

As attendees step forward, they carry with them the wisdom, encouragement, and practical tools needed to navigate their journeys.The Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp has set the stage for emerging leaders, innovators, and changemakers through its distinguished speakers.

Welcome to the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp! Media visibility has become a vital asset for women across diverse fields in an age where information travels at the speed of light. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the transformative boot camp and introduce the impressive lineup of speakers for Day One.

Media visibility is more than just a buzzword; it’s a potent tool that empowers women to amplify their voices, share their stories, and inspire change. Let’s explore how media visibility can impact women’s lives profoundly.

Adeola Osideko 

media visibility bootcamp

Adeola Osideko’s expertise in media visibility makes her a valuable resource for women in the field. Her experience in journalism and communications enables her to navigate the dynamic world of media effectively.

On Day One of the BootCamp, Adeola will reveal the secrets of media visibility through personal development, providing a step-by-step guide to achieving success. She will share practical strategies to help women in various fields increase their visibility, share their stories, and become influential voices in their respective domains.

Adeola’s sessions cover personal branding, storytelling, and digital platforms. Attendees will gain actionable insights to elevate their media game through interactive discussions and real-world examples.

Don’t miss Adeola Osideko’s media expertise, whether you’re starting or a seasoned pro.

Esther Ijewere

Media visibility bootcamp

Our journey through Day One of the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp wouldn’t be complete without introducing Esther Ijewere, founder and convener of Women of Rubies Media Visibility Bootcamp.

Esther Ijewere is a prominent figure in media visibility, and her profile is a testament to her unyielding dedication to empowering women through media. With a background rooted in journalism and social activism, Esther has championed numerous causes and created waves of change through her work.

Esther has achieved a lot in promoting women’s voices and gender equality through media campaigns, earning her accolades and inspiring others.

Esther Ijewere will discuss the power of storytelling on Day One of the BootCamp. Attendees will learn to craft narratives that resonate and connect with their audience, bringing about positive change through the media.

Esther’s contributions to the BootCamp promise to be transformative. Her ability to blend storytelling with advocacy is a skill that every aspiring media influencer should cultivate. Prepare to be enthralled and educated as Esther Ijewere takes the stage on Day One.

3. Rukayat Alabi

Rukayat Alabi

Rukayat Alabi, widely known as “Ruky,” is a beacon of inspiration in the realms of entrepreneurship and career coaching. Transitioning from a seasoned Banking and Tech Professional, she has become a celebrated serial entrepreneur as the founder and CEO of RKY Group of Companies. Through RKY Careers, RKY Digital Solutions, and RKY Consulting Services Ltd, Ruky passionately guides immigrants in navigating the job market, helping them secure dream positions and excel in their careers—an extraordinary journey worth celebrating.

4. Sally Suleiman

Media bootcamp

Sally Suleiman, an extraordinary humanitarian, strategist, writer, and media personality, lends her voice to the voiceless, both online and offline. As the founder of The Isolycia Foundation, she focuses on providing education to underprivileged children, impacting lives through her educational outreach. With over a decade of experience in the oil and gas industry and media, Sally excels in brand management, project management, sales, marketing, administration, customer service, company development, and content production. Her purpose-driven mindset and commitment to excellence make her a valuable asset to any team and organization.

As we wrap up our journey through the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp’s Day One speakers, it’s evident that this event is poised to be a transformative experience for all participants.

The Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp isn’t just an event; it’s an opportunity for women from diverse backgrounds to amplify their voices, share their stories, and make a lasting impact in the media world. It’s a platform where empowerment and transformation are the order of the day.

Join Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp to make your voice count in the media industry. We look forward to seeing you at the BootCamp.

Embark on a transformative journey as Women of Rubies proudly unveils its Media Visibility BootCamp, a dynamic initiative designed to empower and uplift. In this exclusive introduction, we invite you to meet the inspiring lineup of speakers, each a powerhouse in their respective fields. Join us as we delve into the expertise, insights, and stories that promise to elevate your media visibility and professional journey.

Our mission is clear: we’re here to nurture your unique talents, equip you with essential media skills, and maximize the growth of your brand.

What’s in Store for You?

This edition promises to be a one-of-a-kind experience where we’re pulling back the curtain on the secrets to harnessing the full force of media visibility. Picture this: a carefully curated lineup of exceptional speakers, each an expert in their respective fields, ready to share invaluable insights that will elevate your brand to new heights.

Save the Date

Mark your calendars for December 9th to 10th because that’s when the magic happens. And where? The comfort of your space via Zoom. Yes, it’s that easy to be a part of this transformative journey!

Why You Should Join Us

Join us in the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp as we dive deep into the world of media visibility and empower you on your self-discovery journey. Get ready to challenge the status quo, ignite your creativity, and embrace the transformative power of storytelling.

Register Here

Esther Ijewere, Founder- Women of Rubies Inc.

Women of Rubies

Esther Ijewere is a distinguished expert in media strategy and the visionary founder of Women of Rubies Inc. With a commitment to empowering and uplifting women, Esther has earned a prominent reputation in media and entrepreneurship. As the driving force behind Women of Rubies Inc., Esther has demonstrated her exceptional expertise in media strategy, using it as a powerful tool to amplify the voices and stories of women across various platforms. She will give comprehensive details of the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s media-driven world. You will be inspired and equipped to leverage media visibility for personal and professional growth.

Get her free PR Guide Book Here

Adeola Osideko: Personal Development Coach and Branding Expert

Women of Rubies

Adeola is a triple-certified global Accountant and accomplished author with an MSc in Accounting from the University of London. She’s an international speaker, branding expert, and Personal Development Coach, having trained over 10,000 individuals.

As the Principal Partner of Crystal Edge Professional Services, Deola specializes in training and brand consultancy. She’s an Editor-in-Chief of The Crystal Magazine and leads influential events like The Global Brand Summit. Deola is a mentor and role model to many.

Diwura Oladepo: Executive Director and Co-Founder of Tech4Dev

media visibility bootcamp

Diwura Oladepo is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Tech4Dev. She uses her platform to inspire and mobilize women towards greater professional and personal success. Her work shaped media-savvy women who now claim influential spaces. She will provide participants with practical skills in leveraging media exposure to amplify their voices and careers. You can expect to learn about personal branding, effective communication, and networking strategies in the digital space.

Funmi Ajala: Corporate and Digital Communication Expert

Media Visibility Bootcamp

Funmi Ajala leverages her platform to empower women by amplifying their voices in media landscapes typically dominated by male narratives. She employs storytelling and digital advocacy to challenge gender norms, offering training and resources to women seeking media careers. Through her YouTube channel, “Funmi Ajala Travels,” she engages in visual storytelling, highlighting the beautiful places, rich cultural heritage, and wonderful people of Nigeria and Africa. Learn effective communication, personal branding, and digital tools for visibility in the Media Visibility Bootcamp. She inspires confidence in women, enabling them to narrate their stories and build influential media presences that can drive social change.

Sola Smart Steward: Personal Finance Coach & TEDx Speaker

media visibility bootcamp

Sola Adesakin, as the Convener and Lead Coach at Smart Stewards, champions financial independence for women through the ElevateHerWealth Plan. This initiative focuses on optimizing wealth allocation for women and encourages adopting new mindsets and perspectives alongside a commitment to skills, time, and information. In the media visibility bootcamp, she will give insight into growth, empowerment, and financial freedom.

Mayowa Adegoke: Journalist and Media Entrepreneur

Media visibility bootcamp

Mayowa Adegoke is a celebrated media personality and entrepreneur, acknowledged as one of the Elite 100 – Most Powerful Women of 2023 by Womanpreneur Middle East. She has made significant strides in Nigeria and the UAE through her compelling storytelling and development projects.Adegoke’s “Road to Success Seminar” in the UAE empowers professionals with skills in public speaking and media coaching. Her work has solidified her as an influential figure dedicated to advancing women and the African community in the diaspora. Adegoke, with her experience as a journalist and founder of the “Road to Success Seminar,” will likely provide insights into public speaking and media coaching.

These women are exemplary figures using their platforms to empower women. Through initiatives like a media visibility bootcamp, they provide women with vital skills in public engagement and digital presence. Participants can expect to learn about crafting a personal brand, effective communication strategies, and leveraging media tools for more significant impact. These leaders aim to encourage women, offering them the visibility needed to ascend in their respective fields and create influential networks.