


One of the most common desires I hear from business owners is that they want to grow their business. They are tired of going round in circles or things being stagnant for a long time. For some, growth means increasing their business revenue, for others, growth means opening new branches or increasing their customer base. I have noticed that growth is harder for businesses that have achieved some amount of success and have coasted in a certain level for a while. The reason this is the case is that they do not want to change a winning formula or rock the boat.

The fast pace of technology development has rendered a lot of formerly successful products obsolete; from typewriter’s to fax machine, to the cassette player and even to the floppy disk(remember those?). Most of these companies achieved a level of success and stayed there. They were not willing to step out of their comfort zone and make the required changes that would lead to growth and other more agile players took over their market share with new products. Albert Einstein defines Insanity as ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result’.
As a business owner or if you are part of a business that needs to grow or go to the next level, you need to step out of your comfort zone. You can start with baby steps and then take bigger steps with time. Here are a few tips on stepping out:

Take risks
This is a scary concept for a lot of us because by the very meaning of the word ‘risk’ it signifies uncertainty. It connotes that the outcome is unpredictable and can either have a positive or negative impact. I am an advocate for taking calculated risk and putting your leg in the water gradually and this is a necessary step to grow in business. This could mean introducing a new service or product to a small segment of your customers and testing the response before scaling it up.

Learn new things
Knowledge always fuels growth and most successful people are committed to continuous learning and improvement. Don’t only learn about things that are happening in your industry, learn from other abstract or unrelated things and you would be surprised where inspiration would come from. One of the ways I get inspiration is by watching cartoons with my son; the amazing characters that Disney and Pixar create seem to always have a message for me about life and business.

This is an extension of learning new things. It is looking at new ways to do the things you usually do. I met a lady some time ago who has built a successful business around sugar free cakes because she decided to explore a way to bake cakes that people could enjoy without packing on the calories. So my advice is look at your current process, product and services and find new ways of doing things.

Fail forward
Failure is a word that has a negative connotation to a lot of us, but I have learnt that failure is a perspective and true success cannot be achieved without some failure. I like John Maxwell’s advice to fail forward; which means let every failure be a learning experience that would move you forward. A famous quote by Robert F. Kennedy is: ‘it is only those who dare to fail greatly that can achieve greatly’. So instead of letting the fear of failure hinder us from moving forward, the goal should be to learn from our failures and grow through them.

Find your genius
I believe everyone has an inner genius and your inner genius is unleashed at the point where you let go of inhibitions and fear and embrace your true creativity. We always refer to some people as ‘geniuses’, but the truth is that everyone is capable of being a genius at something – if they are willing to hone their skills and put in the necessary work required to create genius standard.
You need to step out if you want to grow and this can only happen when the discomfort of being stagnant overshadows the fear of stepping out. I would like to also recommend this article: 3 success habits that changed my life to provide more inspiration.

About Tale Alimi
‘Tale Alimi is the CEO of Tale Alimi Global; a premium business coaching and strategy consulting boutique focused on helping progressive and forward thinking SME’s take their business from small to scale. She is the author of Uplevel-find your niche, share your story, build your tribe and profit from your passion( She has a Masters in Business Administration from Lagos business school, a certificate in personal coaching from the coaching academy UK. Visit her website to learn more:( Get daily business inspiration when you follow her on twitter ( and Instagram(


Wearing makeup everyday without removing them properly tends to block skin pores causing constant breakouts and blemishes that dull and age the skin giving it a lackluster appearance.

For days when there’s no need to wear makeup, the skin should be cleansed, moisturized and left to breathe but if you must wear makeup, ensure to remove every bit of it and replenish the skin of the stripped moisture.

For ladies who tend to wear makeup everyday or often, note that these listed bits should be done often.

1. Deep cleansing

After using a makeup remover, take the residue off with a deep cleansing astringent or a facial wash that totally gets rid of leftover makeup to make sure the pores are thoroughly clean and closed.

Whether you wear a lot of makeup daily or every other day, this step is extremely important.

2. Exfoliation

Exfoliation essentially helps to reveal newer, softer skin by getting rid of dead skin cells that build up over time. When dead skin cells are not removed, the skin pores get blocked, it loses its shine and brightness so this is an essential part of skin routine and especially when you wear makeup often.

This can be done weekly to ensure the skin is not unnecessarily stripped of moisture.

3. Facials

Getting regular facials done by professionals is a must do periodically to make sure the skin stays in great shape. Opt for facials specially tailored to suit your skin; a professional is always in the best position to do this.

4. Serum (For rejuvenation)

In between getting the skin cleansed, treated catering to it overnight is also a must. Make sure that after the washes and cleansing every night, it’s replenished using products that work on it (the skin) even while you sleep.

5. Sun Protection

Whether you wear makeup daily or periodically, ensure you have sun protection always. Use moisturizers, makeup etc with enough SPF (sun protection).


No one understands a woman like a woman! This is why we women have to stand together and stop fighting ourselves. It is often said that women are their own worst enemies, unfortunately I believe this is true.
This is an irony to me because we women have gone through and are still going through similar experiences, so you will think we would be able to identify with our shortcomings, our struggles and with each other. But no, the opposite is the case.

A woman has been abused but instead of identifying with her, sympathizing and helping her go through it, her biggest critiques are women. Women will ask her what she wore or why she was even there in the first place.
A successful woman is being celebrated, but instead of rejoicing with her and give her accolades; fellow women will say she must have slept around to be able to have all she has… especially if she’s within a certain age bracket.
A woman who’s still expecting the fruit of the womb is being persecuted by a fellow woman – sister in law or mother in law, worse still by women who may have had to wait for a child.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying no one can be corrected or that women shouldn’t be objective, I am simply saying we should identify more with our sisters. As women, we have and are still going through similar situations.
We know what it feels like to be treated like second hand simply because we are female.
Most of us have been sexually exploited and abused.

Most of us have being termed good for nothing, our achievements discarded simply because of a marital status.
Why can’t we use our struggles to come together as one instead of fighting each other?
Also I have to ask, why most women are wicked to helps, treating them like rags especially a female help.
Or why a woman uses everything within her power to destroy the home of another woman, so that she can come in?
These are some of the things I can’t just understand.

Why do women hate each other?
I personally believe it’s because we see each other as rivals and competitors, fighting for the “prize”; the man, in other to win him.

We are envious of each other even to the silliest of things, clothes, hair, shoe, bag etc.
I am NOT a SAINT! I am not exonerated of these things; I have done some of the things I am presently talking about.
But then I had to ask myself why we hate each other? Why?

In offices, in church, you will be on your own dressing according to your pocket and taste, but another woman is having sleepless nights, because she wants to outdo you in the fashion department!
The funniest part is you don’t even take notice. But just walk by, and a woman will look at you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet so she can size you up. Whenever you show up, you are assessed.
You won’t even know you’ve made enemies who just hate you simply because you showed up!
I think that it is rather unfortunate.

I believe with the whole of my heart that there’s something powerful about women coming together. If we identify with one another, there’s no stopping what we can achieve.
In the words of Phylicia Rashad, “Anytime women come together, with a collective intention, magic happens.
It is my opinion that the devil knows the power of united women that he’s done all within his power to make us enemies.

The truth is a woman is incredibly powerful, but we don’t just know how powerful we are. No organization, church, society, can grow or be productive without women. A woman especially an educated one; builds a nation.
You’ve heard or probably even said it yourself, “I can’t be best friends with a lady” or “guys make better friends, even I too once said it.”

But I have come to realize from my own personal experience that it is near impossible or difficult to just be friends with a guy. More often than not, one party starts catching feelings. Well, that’s a topic for another day.
It is possible for women to support each other, encourage each other to be all they can be without being envious or jealous or fight over a man.

Permit me to use this example, Mary the mother of Jesus and Elizabeth her cousin.
Both women were pregnant with mighty men, but instead of Elizabeth being envious of Mary or Elizabeth saying who’s this small girl dragging pregnancy with me, Elizabeth recognized her place and recognized Mary as the mother of the Lord.

Elizabeth’s son was to prepare the way for Mary’s son; my gift may just be what you need to birth yours or to fulfil your dream.

Let’s stop this senseless silent war and see each other as channels of blessing to one another.
Dear older woman, you’ve been through what I am going through, please don’t despise me when I call for help, teach me in love using your experience. I beg you not to be envious of my youth; you can right your wrongs by not letting me make them.

Dear younger woman, please let’s slay together. There’s space for all of us.

Dear woman, I love you! You’re incredibly beautiful and powerful, please can we be friends?

About Adejoke
Adejoke was born in Zaria, Kaduna State (which she absolutely has no recollection of) and graduated from the University of Abuja with a BSc in Accounting at Gwagwalada (which she can’t believe she still lives in).
She started writing because her life was boring and had no one to talk to, so she thought, why don’t I talk with the whole world?
Her blog was born after she discovered a passion for writing, and that writing is therapeutic as she now lives a joyful purposeful life.
If you visit the blog, its description says, a lifestyle blog created with a purpose to impact and inspire people to live their best life (helping people to have sense) which sums up what she loves to do.
When she is not writing, she is baking (she makes the best chocolate cake) or disturbing her sister who she loves to pieces.

Your 20s are an important time. We’re told the personal and professional choices you make during this decade set the foundation of your adult life. A good problem you’re likely to face is which job to take: The one that promises security or the one that promises experience? The higher-paid one or the one with fast growth opportunity.

These choices can’t be made with a simple pros and cons list. You can find yourself longing for a crystal ball that can make the decision for you. Here are seven major questions to ask yourself.

1. Does it motivate you to learn something new?

We’ve long been instructed to specialize in college degrees, career trajectories, company ladders, etc. But specializing early at the expense of cultivating experience and contextual knowledge can limit your potential and stunt your self-discovery.

A familiar, comfortable job in a young career can be insidious. If an option you’re weighing will challenge you to stretch your concept of career, your long-term professional benefit will likely outweigh the short-term risk.

2. Does it push you to learn something about yourself?

Relative to risk, there’s usually no better time for self-discovery through work than your 20s. When considering a new opportunity, give more weight to the exploration and development possibilities of the role, rather than the job title or immediate responsibilities. Your early career experiences should give you room to grow and try something new.

My intended path was within the entertainment industry. I may never have discovered my passion for healthcare, technology and analysis without an openness to explore it.

Remain open to opportunities outside your original vision of career. You may have a hidden talent or interest that’s waiting to be discovered.

3. Does it scare you, just a little?

We grow most from those moments and experiences that force us to stretch beyond our limits. Be unapologetically ambitious, even when logic and security suggest an alternate route.

4. Does it scare your friends and family, just a little more?

Naturally, those who love you most want to protect you. Because of that instinct, they may steer you towards a safe choice to limit your risk of loss or failure. Although their intentions are pure, their influence can be stifling.

If your near-and-dear are directing you away from an opportunity, consider the loving biases that they carry. Many times, the best decisions for our personal and professional growth are difficult for others to understand.

5. Does it change the way you evaluate success?

If you only measure your success by 401k balances, promotions and bonuses, you’ve mistakenly focused your attention on byproducts instead of the personal and professional experience along the way.

Give yourself opportunities to find what’s meaningful to you, and give yourself room to grow your ideas of success.

6. Will it surround you with passionate people?

Passion is contagious and powerful. Surround yourself with energy and innovation, and you’ll adopt the same vigor.

That fervent energy transforms our world every day. If you’re deliberating what’s best for you, consider the people who will teach you when you get there.

7. Does it excite you to talk about it?

Notice if you can’t stop rambling to your friends and family about the opportunity in question. It means something! Enthusiasm and buy-in is critical in an opportunity’s potential success.

Tally the number of times the opportunity organically comes to mind. Pay attention to what you’re thinking. Is it the experience? Earnings potential? Outcomes? There’s no wrong answer, but understanding your own drivers and interests will give you insight into what’s most important about your potential next step.

With every decision, embrace the privilege that you can chart your own path. But also allow that path early in your career to help shape you, too.

 Credits: Cash Forshee

Hey you! Did you know that you’re very special? There is no other person in this world like you. You deserve to be loved not only by those around you but by the most important person in your life — YOU. Practicing self-love can be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious challenges. It’s not about being self-absorbed or narcissistic, it’s about getting in touch with ourselves, our well-being and our happiness. We practice self-love so we can push through our limiting beliefs and live a life that truly shines.

So do yourself a favor, take a deep breath, give yourself a little hug and start practicing the following:

1.Start each day by telling yourself something really positive. How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.

2.Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes it and makes it thrive.

3.Move that gorgeous body of yours every single day and learn to love the skin you’re in. You can’t hate your way into loving yourself.

4. Don’t believe everything you think. There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe. The downside is this also stops us from living a full life.

5. Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you. Let them remind you just how amazing you are.

6. Stop the comparisons. There is no one on this planet like you, so you cannot fairly compare yourself to someone else. The only person you should compare yourself to is you.

7. End all toxic relationships. Seriously. Anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing doesn’t deserve to be a part of your life.

8. Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small. Pat yourself on the back and be proud of what you have achieved.

9. Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. It’s incredible the feeling we get when we realize we have achieved something we didn’t know or think we could do before.

10. Embrace and love the things that make you different. This is what makes you special.

11. Realize that beauty cannot be defined. It is what you see it as. Don’t let any of those Photoshopped magazines make you feel like your body isn’t perfect. Even those models don’t look like that in real life.

12. Take time out to calm your mind every day. Breathe in and out, clear your mind of your thoughts and just be.

13. Follow your passion. You know that thing that gets you so excited but scares you at the same time. The thing you really want to do but have convinced yourself it won’t work. You should go do that!

14. Be patient but persistent. Self-love is ever evolving. It’s something that needs to be practiced daily but can take a lifetime to master. So be kind and support yourself through the hard times.

15. Be mindful of what you think, feel and want. Live your life in ways that truly reflect this.

16. Treat others with love and respect. It makes us feel better about ourselves when we treat others the way we hope to be treated. That doesn’t mean everybody will always repay the favor, but that’s their problem not yours.

17. Find something to be grateful for every day. It’s inevitable that you are going to have your down days. This is fine and very human of you. It’s especially important on these days to find at least one thing you are grateful for as it helps to shift your mind and energy around what’s going on.

18. Reach out to family, friends, healers, whomever you need to help you through the tough times. You are not expected to go through them alone.

19. Forgive yourself. You know that thing you did one time (or maybe a few times) that made you feel bad, embarrassed, ashamed? It’s time to let that go. You can’t change the things you have done in the past but you can control your future. Look at it as a learning experience and believe in your ability to change.

Source: Lifehack

Pic credit: Bing

Fashion is amazing and not only can it be used to enhance, it can also be used to hide. Women have lots of areas that they do not like or do not feel comfortable showing off but thankfully, there is a style to combat every body worry.

Lots of women struggle with the battle of the bulge. You could be slim everywhere else and still have to deal with a problem tummy.

Here’s how to hide that tummy whilst giving you a chance to accentuate your favourite features be it your arms or your legs.

These 5 styles will take you from self-conscious to confident in no time.

1. Loose Tops

This is probably the first and easiest to remember. I mean, who doesn’t know that tight outfits don’t always flatter our body shapes? Next time, when you are in a shopping spree, move away from those figure-hugging tops to their loose and baggy counterparts. The material will not be stretched over your body, it will be loose, airy and most importantly, hide all the bits you don’t want people to see.

2. Empire Line

An empire-waist doesn’t suit all types of figures but when it comes to covering a big belly, it works wonders. You can find yourself an empire line mini dress, maxi dress or top and whichever one you choose, you are guaranteed a flattering silhouette which skims the bust and flares out around the tummy/hips. It draws attention towards the thinnest as well as the sexiest parts of your body. Who can argue with that?!

3. A-Line Dress


An A-line dress can hide the round tummy perfectly and is perfect for work wear or to wear to a formal occassion. Cotton a-line dresses make for cute summer dresses too.

4. Peplum Tops

One of the top styles that you should definitely choose for concealing your tummy fat is the peplum top style. The fit near the bust and the flare right near the waist line diverts the attention away from the tummy and also gives room for the waist to shine. It creates the illusion of a cinched in waist and gives you some much needed shape.

5. Upper Body Detailing


Whenever you pick a top or blouse, take a close look at its detailing. Outfits with details around the upper section of the body can play a huge role in disguising a bulging tummy. You choose ruffles or heavy embroidery at the neckline, shoulders or even on the whole front section. It adds a bit of glitz to your outfit and distracts eyes from the weakest part of your body. Double goals!



credit:, pinterest

If you have been in a relationship with your partner for a while, it’s normal for you to start wondering if you are what he has been looking for. If you are wondering if you are the one to him, check out WomensHealthMag’s seven signs that you are the one for him.

1. He’s his best self with you

Sure, there’s conflict that you have to work through in every relationship, but when you’re with your person, you’ll feel more alive,  joyful, and adventurous. If it’s not the right relationship there could be feelings of anger, helplessness, and you might not like yourself much when you’re together.

2. You don’t agree on everything

One of the important myths to dispel is the belief that you’ll feel completely compatible in every way. For example, you’ll have the same hobbies, the same likes and dislikes, and the same politics.

But our research suggests that compatibility of similar interests are mostly irrelevant. What’s more important is what it feels like when you’re together. You may both love to kayak, but if you’re arguing going down a river that common interest really doesn’t matter.

3. You make him feel wonderful

If he feels desired, attractive, funny, and all-around wonderful around you, then he’s probably considered that you could be the one. And the same goes for how he makes you feel about yourself. Remember this.

4. He feels safe

If he feels like he is home when he is with you then you could be the one for him. When you’re with the right person, you feel comfortable and relaxed. If every time you’re together things are negative, that’s not a good sign.

5. Your similarities are compatible 

Chances are that you won’t be exactly alike, and this is a good thing. Men and women get to learn a lot from their differences. But there is one arena where compatibility is very important feelings.

How do you both relate to anger, sadness, fear, and joy? How do you express affection and love? If you have very different feelings about feelings, it can cause trouble.

6. He doesn’t mourn the single life

When he finds “the one,” he’s thankful for what she adds to his life. He shouldn’t compare his committed relationship with you to what he might be missing out on by being single.

7. You agree on children

The only other make-or-break issue in determining if you’re “the one” is the issue of children.

Whether you both want them or neither of you do, agreeing on this important fact is key to settling down with the person meant for you.


For centuries, vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes. It is also an ancient folk remedy, claimed to help with all sorts of health problems. The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the sugars from apples. This turns them into acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar. It is claimed to have all sorts of benefits, many of them even supported and backed by science.

Non-Toxic Cleaner
It’s no secret that vinegar is an excellent household cleaner. What many of us don’t know is that raw, unfiltered vinegar contains all the bacteria fighting benefits that some commercial vinegars lack. To make your own cleaning solution, simply mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar, plus a little “scrub scrub”, to get your home free of dirt, bacteria, and toxins. Not to worry, the vinegar smell goes away as it dries.

Odor Neutralizer
Is your home filled with an unpleasant odor that just won’t go away? Place some apple cider vinegar in a dish and leave near the offensive odor to help get rid of it quicker.

Diabetes Prevention
Multiple studies have shown a correlation between apple cider vinegar and lower blood sugar levels. In one study participants took two tablespoons of ACV before bed and saw their blood sugar 4 to 6 percent by the time they woke. The antiglycemic effect of the acid in apple cider vinegar is what helps with insulin sensitivity.

Weight Loss
Yes O! … I know moms are dancing alingo right now – LOL – this is a use of apple cider vinegar you most definitely will be happy about. Consuming apple cider vinegar can help you feel more full, which can help you eat less. A study has also shown acetic acid, found in ACV, to slow fat accumulation. If the flavor is too strong for you to sip on its own (which I can assure it is), try adding apple cider vinegar to juices, salad dressing, and even water to incorporate it into your diet. I personally make sure I add ACV to every cup of tea I drink … add a dash of honey, and your tea drinking experience is magical *blush*

Lower Cholesterol
In addition to lowered blood sugar and weight loss, studies have also shown interesting findings regarding apple cider vinegar and cholesterol.  Lowered VLDL (VLDL stands for very low density lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are made up of cholesterol, triglycerides, and proteins. They move cholesterol, triglycerides, and other lipids (fats) to around the body. VLDL is one of the three main types of lipoproteins. VLDL contains the highest amount of triglycerides) levels and lowered triglycerides were discovered in lab rats who were given apple cider vinegar alongside a high cholesterol diet. The rats that weren’t given ACV did not see the same drop in cholesterol.

Apple cider vinegar can help detox your home, but it can also detox your body. It can help promote circulation and detoxify the liver. The acid in ACV can also bind to toxins which can assist in removing toxins from the body. Apple cider vinegar’s potassium content helps to break up mucus in the body and clearing the lymph nodes. This also aids in the removal of toxins.

Clear Sinuses
Since breaking up mucus is one of apple cider vinegar’s many talents, it also helps clear out the sinuses. Since it’s antibacterial, it can also prevent a sinus infection or cold as well. Sip some water and apple cider vinegar to breathe a little easier.

Sore Throat
The bacteria fighting properties of apple cider vinegar works just about anywhere. Gargle equal parts warm water and apple cider vinegar at the first sign of a sore throat to keep it at bay and repeat every hour as needed.

Digestive Aid
Having tummy troubles or know you’re going to eat something that you might regret later? Sip diluted apple cider vinegar (mixed in water or juice) to help settle that stomach. It’s the antibiotic properties and bacteria fighting power of ACV that help. Some say the pectin in apple cider vinegar also helps with intestinal spasms.

Itchy or Sunburned Skin
Just apply right to the itchy area for some relief. It works for itches caused by insect bites, and as for sunburned skin, soak in a bath with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to help ease the pain.

Energy Boost
Don’t reach for any chemical filled energy drink if you’re feeling tired. Instead, grab a bottle of apple cider vinegar for an energy boost. The potassium and enzymes in apple cider vinegar will help give you that quick “pick me up”. Just add some ACV to a glass of water. I like adding it to my water during a workout to prevent fatigue. The amino acids in apple cider vinegar combat lactic acid build up that can happen after exercise.

Shiny, Flake Free Hair
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent weekly hair rinse. It leaves hair looking shiny and soft. The acid in ACV helps to remove product build up. It also helps to balance your scalp’s pH level. Mix 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar into 4 cups water and rinse the hair after shampooing, then rinse with cold water. If you are having issues with dandruff, twice a week try spraying your scalp with equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Place a towel around your head and leave wrapped for up to an hour. Wash your hair as you usually would.

Facial Toner/Cleanser
Thank God for the antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar, it’s great for cleaning most everything, even your face. It can even help prevent break outs. Just like with you scalp, it can help balance your skin’s pH levels. Dilute some apple cider vinegar with water and apply to a cotton ball to use as a toner or on blemishes.

Many deodorants are harmful to your health. Apple cider vinegar will help fight the odor causing bacteria without the cancer causing toxins. Just apply a little ACV under your arms. You won’t be left smelling like vinegar once it dries.

Fade Bruises
After any bump or the appearance of a bruise, dab on some apple cider vinegar. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and will help to ease the discoloration.

Whiten Teeth and Eliminate Bad Breath
Make those teeth sparkle after swishing around some apple cider vinegar diluted with two parts water. Then brush as usual. The bacteria fighting power of ACV is an added bonus too. So to eliminate bad breath, use apple cider vinegar as a mouth wash and gargle to help eliminate objectionable mouth odor. It kills the bacteria that causes bad breath.

Stop Smelly Feet
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, apple cider vinegar helps get rid of bad smells, wherever they may be. If that just so happens to be on your feet, try this remedy. Wipe your toes and feet down with a paper towel soaked in ACV to combat the odor. The ability of apple cider vinegar to balance the pH of your feet and eliminate odor causing bacteria is what makes it a great natural remedy.

Juices / Smoothies
Consuming organic raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar can assist in many of the health benefits I listed above. Try adding it to juices or smoothies if the taste is too pungent for you on its own.

Fluff up your baked good by adding apple cider vinegar. It adds lift to cookies, cakes, and other concoctions and you won’t taste it in the final product.

Soups and Sauces
I’m sure at this point you are like “Ruby, please tell us more ways to get apple cider vinegar into our diet” … Not to worry … Try adding it to your favorite soups and sauces, mix it into condiments that are too thick. It will definitely add a bit of brightness and flavor to your cooking. I use apple cider vinegar for all my cooking, it’s perfect for that tangy but sweet flavor.


I think this one goes without saying, but it certainly needed to make the list. I almost never buy salad dressings. Whisk together some apple cider vinegar, olive/coconut (my fav) oil, mustard, and honey for a delicious drizzle over your vegetable salad.

I know what you’re thinking, “I need to buy a lot of apple cider vinegar right now”. You can get ACV in any supermarket or pharmacy.
You’re Welcome *wink*


Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist | Nutrition Consulting | Fitness Training/Advisory

Whether you are happy or miserable, these tips can strengthen your relationship.

After the honeymoon ends and reality sets in, you begin to realize how much work goes into a healthy marriage. And yet, even decades after their wedding day, some couples claim their many years of marriage as the best of their life. Clearly, they’ve learned what it takes to maintain a happy marriage, so why can’t you?

Here are the top four things that will make all the difference in your marriage:

  1. Apologize and let things go

There’s a misconception that apologizing is a sign of weakness. But in a relationship, doing so demonstrates strength. Happy couples will build their relationship by offering genuine apologies when they’ve done something wrong or hurtful to their sweetheart.

Being stubborn or holding grudges can tear you and your spouse apart. The longer you wait to apologize, the longer the problem will fester and infect your relationship.

Once you’ve cleared the air, learn to let the issue go, because leaving your problems in the past will allow you to grow closer together.

  1. Honest communication

Communication takes work – a lot of work, but it’s the key to a strong and thriving relationship.

There’s a bit of a learning curve as you adapt to each other’s needs.

Start with, “This is how I’m feeling, and this is what I need from you right now.”

This statement will open an honest and judgement-free conversation that allows you to be transparent and straightforward with your feelings and with what you need from your spouse in return.

3. Never say anything bad about your spouse

You never know who is listening, and it might get back to them. People who don’t know your spouse could meet them and greet them with, “I’ve never met you but I’ve heard…” Don’t talk badly about them, even if they aren’t around.

Even if what you’re saying is true, speaking ill of them promotes your underlying negative feelings. Every time you vocalize those thoughts to yourself, in your journal, to your mother, to your friend or even to your spouse, negative thoughts and feelings become rooted deeply and cause you to resent them for no reason.

Avoiding negative thoughts and promoting each other’s positive attributes will immediately strengthen your relationship.

4. Learn each other’s love languages

There are a variety of love languages, so you and your spouse may differ in the ways you receive and show affection. Make it a goal to learn your spouse’s love language and vice versa. That way, you can always be certain you are meeting their needs.

For example, I have a friend whose love language is quality time. Her husband knows this, so he sits in the same room as her. But, he tends to fiddle with his computer, play a game or do homework when sitting with her. My friend explained to me that it took some time for her husband to understand that being in the same room was not the same thing as quality time.

The fastest way to find happiness in your marriage is to establish healthy habits from the beginning. Take time to discuss any changes you want to make in your relationship, and ask for your partner’s cooperation and help. Honest conversations are worth the time to infuse your relationship with more life, affection and happiness.

Source: Familyshare

OAP Uwanma Odefa is out with a new Vlog where she shares her thoughts on love, life and everything in between, and this time she is listing out the 12 Things Single Ladies Hate to Hear.

She says:

We live in a society where women are made to feel like marriage is the ultimate goal and lifelong ambition a woman should aspire to. And when, at a certain age, she hasn’t met this goal; society, family and friends begin to pile on the pressure, directly and indirectly, subtly and aggressively. Some do this with good intentions however, they inadvertently make the single lady feel inadequate, judged, pressured and faulty/faulted.

source”: Bellanaija