It is that season where everyone and everywhere seems mushy mushy about love and while some people have gotten comfortable basking in the euphoria that comes with the season, others are overwhelmed with a rave of confusion and one of them is ‘how to find the perfect valentine gift for the one I love’
Now, while valentine’s day is a day of love, it isn’t specifically said it must be a day of only romantic love. What this means is that you can gift anyone -ranging from your romantic partner, siblings, colleague at work, down to your religious leaders and parents.
No doubt, there’s a little anxiety about how to get the perfect Valentine gift for your loved one. Read on, this article presents you with tips on how to go about it seamlessly.
Linger in your loved one’s closet.
I mean that both figuratively and literally. Give yourself a day where you think about their day. What’s in it, what its stresses are, what its delights are. The best response you can get is, “How did you ever think of this?” The answer: you thought of them.
Ask an expert.
Nahhhh. I do not mean you talking to some expert you find online. I’m thinking of that expert who is a best friend, who loves the same thing your loved one does, who shops in exactly the same places. Simply ask them, “What would you get X or Y for Valentine?” Seek and ye shall find.
Give where they give.
I’m always touched when someone gives a gift to a worthy cause in my name. It’s even more touching if it’s a worthy cause that they know I give to regularly. They’ve read my heart.
She will tell you what she wants/likes even if she doesn’t realise.
This may seem like an obvious tip but most people tend to drop hints about what they like and want, even if they don’t realise they are doing it.
They may have said that after their next pay-day, they might spoil themselves with those new earrings, gadgets, make-up brushes, trainers, speakers, etc. which is an obvious indication of the things they want. Another huge one to listen out for is, “I want a few new cushions for the sofa but I can’t justify getting them right now.”
However, some women may be a little more subtle or not be trying to drop hints at all. Some more phrases worth listening out for are:
– I’m nearly out of perfume
– My boots are starting to look really worn
– I could do with a jewellery box
The key to surprising people with gifts they wants is to listen for indicators in normal conversation, especially if she is complaining (as everyone does) about something she currently has! Also, make a note of it straight away so you don’t forget.
Think about them as a person.
We don’t just mean think about ‘what will they like’ as you desperately rush around a store. We mean think about what they already have and what they already like. Do they have a lot of jewellery or home knick-knacks, are they a fan of wine, tea or soft drinks, what do they enjoy doing?
Write down what you already know about them in a list and you’ll be surprised how much difference this makes when you shop for a gift.
For instance, if you know they have a lot of jewellery, you might realise that you don’t really want to buy them more, but it shows they might need something to keep it all together, something like a jewellery box.
By following this thought pattern you can explain why you bought her/him that gift and, trust us, if you show her/him it’s because you pay attention to her/him, you will get some major brownie points.
Buy a simple gift but make it unique.
You know they like a drink of wine in the evening . Yet what can you do with that information to give them something they’ll love – getting them some new wine glasses and a bottle of rosé might sound a bit simple.
But, it’s important to remember that when you are buying gifts for them, you want to get them something that they’ll love and use. So take those wine glasses and that bottle of wine and have them personalised with a special message or date that will be meaningful.
The same idea can work with so many other types of gifts too like jewellery, cushions and even candles.
This will show that not only have you thought about what they like but taken that information to a whole new level to make sure you put a real smile on their face.
Don’t buy her/him something mundane – spoil her/him!
However, the key to getting her a gift she will love is buying something that spoils her. You may argue that she is not the type of woman that likes being spoiled, however, we are here to tell you that any woman likes knowing someone loves her enough to really put effort into her gift and buy her something special.
Don’t fall into the trap of getting her something she needs that isn’t special, for instance:
– I’m nearly out of shampoo
– My break pads are starting to look really worn
– I really like my mum’s fabric softener
– I could do with some new socks
You see what we mean.
A gift doesn’t have to be a thing.
Bear with us for this one. If you think of buying a gift, you think of a (hopefully) beautifully wrapped item that she can open and hold – This doesn’t have to be the case.
If there is something you think she may enjoy doing it’s possible that an experience day or weekend away may be a better gift for her than a new jumper.
There are so many experience days out there, from spa days, vineyard tours and cupcake decorating classes to super car driving blasts and bungee jumping experiences, so it’s definitely another thing to put into the equation when buying gifts for her.
The perfect gift could be an experience, a dinner out, tickets to a concert or a play or better yet a gift that can be given all year: “I’m bringing you breakfast in bed the first Saturday of the month for the rest of the year” or “I’m going to help you clean up your closet by the end of February.” The gift is in the doing.