


Beautiful OAP Toolz and her husband, Tunde Demuren welcomed their first child together recently, a baby boy.

The on-air personality has confirmed the news with a heartwarming testimony:

‘For this child I have prayed and You heard my cry.

For this baby I had faith and You gave new life’… This time last year, I posted my most vulnerable and honest post to date after my miscarriage.

WHAT A DIFFERENCE A YEAR MAKES!! This time last year, I would often cry myself to sleep thinking about the baby we lost, but now I can’t sleep because I can’t stop staring at the most precious gift God has given me this year….MY SON.❤❤❤

I look at my little prince and I am in complete awe! I still can’t believe I’m a mummy.

I can’t wait to teach him everything I know and learn so much from him too.

I can’t wait to show him how much every inch of me loves him.

I also can’t wait to “Patience Ozokwor” his future girlfriends 😁😁 The biggest lesson I learnt this year is to NEVER…EVER GIVE UP ON GOD.

Since last year, we prayed, fasted and prayed some more for God to bless us with a healthy baby in 2018. Towards the end of the first quarter, I started to think that our prayers wouldn’t be answered in 2018. I stupidly got impatient and frustrated with God.

One day in April, Captain came home and found me in bed crying my eyes out because I thought we wouldn’t have a baby in 2018. Little did I know that as I was crying and getting upset and frustrated with God, I was actually already pregnant.

While I was being weak and doubting Him, He had already answered our prayers!

For our family, friends and every single one of you that remembered us in prayer….Thank you so very much. May God overwhelm you with incredible blessings this coming year.

For women dealing with the loss of a child like I did last year, know that the story doesn’t end there. God has already completed your testimony, and I pray that you (just like me) will be celebrating sooner rather than later.

For anyone waiting on God to answer their prayers, please remember that God’s delay isn’t His denial.

Thank you Heavenly Father for always showing that you’ve got me!

Lots of love and Happy Amazing 2019 from Toolz, Captain and Chairman 👶🏾 #GodsGotMe #TreeOfUs #Testimony#We2019Ready

The days of motherhood and careers being an “either/or” are long gone. Currently, having both simultaneously is the standard, and women are taking things to the next level. Women aren’t only balancing motherhood and career–they’re balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, exuding a whole new level of determination, management, and commitment.

From the outside looking in, it may seem like these “mompreneurs” have it easy. They can create their own schedules, govern their workloads accordingly, and have it all, in one place, at one time. On the surface, that seems simple enough, but mompreneurs have revealed that looking easy and being easy are two different ball games.

How do these mothers do it well? Here are a few tricks of the trade:

1. Find your groove.

Though motherhood may come naturally to some people, with entrepreneurship, it might take time for you to find your knack. There are several moving parts to starting and maintaining a business, and typically you won’t discover many of those parts until you do. Allow discovery to be a part of the process; take one day at a time to continuously build, until you’re grooving right along.

2. Manage your time well.

Create a reasonable schedule for yourself and try to adhere to it. If you happen to get off course, that’s perfectly fine. Just find your way back. Managing time for your business and your family not only makes you feel like you’re turning all of your stones, but you’ll also be impressed by the pay-off of investing in both.

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3. Whoever says you must always do it all, knows nothing.

Don’t, for a second, be afraid to ask for help. If you need a lending hand on the home or business front, ask someone you trust to do so. What you need to know firsthand, as a mother and an entrepreneur, is that your assistance is your golden ticket. Finding another set of hands that is willing to dig into your responsibility pot makes the load a lot lighter. Teamwork is what makes this dream work.

4. Don’t underestimate passion.

Build a business that you love, as sometimes that love will have to be the driving force. Find something you’re really passionate about, so your work won’t feel as daunting as it could. Loving what you do offers personal fulfillment, reduces the stress of the work, and can help sustain your energy.

5. Let yourself off of the hook.

Sometimes balls drop, and that has to be okay. Situations change, schedules alter, things don’t always go exactly as planned, but motherhood has prepared you for anticipating the unexpected. Try not to be too hard on yourself if your superwoman cape starts to wrinkle. Look at unforeseen circumstances as opportunities to be innovative, to learn, and test your adaptability.

Source: Black Enterprise

Sometimes back, a mate of mine said that she does not like relating with people who had offended her in the past. She said it so poignantly that I had to truly look at her like I was seeing her for the first time. Another spoke so terribly about people that I wondered if she herself came from a race higher than that of humans, or lived among animals. Funny, right?

Almost everywhere you go, you’ll find a man that tries to put his neighbours down. There’s always a fault somewhere. Different narratives about different sets of people in different contexts.

Countless, these narratives are. Is it the one about men? That all men are scum? That all men are misogynistic? Sadist? Sexually pervasive? Egoistic? Immoral? Wicked in their core? Or is it the lie wound around women? That beautiful ones are senseless and the sensible ones are ugly? That women are full of deceit and trickery? That they are the ones responsible for every man’s downfall on the earth? That they have no usefulness apart from being a homemaker?
Or is it the one about men and women in different professions? The promiscuity of doctors and nurses? The deceit of lawyers? The fraud of bankers? The selfishness of politicians? The seductiveness of actresses? The adulterous nature of CEOs and managers? The immorality of artistes? The hypocrisy of spiritual leaders? The list is endless .

Some of these narratives were among the materials that laid our foundation, some we grew into, some we formed for ourselves, some we learnt in school, some we acquired from our interpretation or misinterpretation of the Holy books. When all these keep flying around without end, and even more are added to the league, why will a man not see his fellow human as a potentially dangerous enemy’s? In fact,a dangerous being either with proof or not.

Yes. Some policemen are wolves in human skin. But much more are worthy, in fact, worthier of their profession. Yes. Some ladies are the female version of the devil. But much more have brought so much glory and dignity to the human race. Yes. Some politicians are not even worthy of being referred to as animals, as animals are wiser than they. But much more are striving to truly establish a true government. Some actresses and dogs are of the same sexual value. But much more have attained a high pedestal by their pure efforts. Nothing more, nothing less. And the list, also, is endless. So endless.
So you see, there is still hope in us, in fact, something greater.

Humanity is not dammed, has never been and will never be. There are bad people, but there are also good people. Everything has an opposite version. And as long as there is evil, there will always be light. No conclusion from someone who believes all is lost for humanity is to be believed, because such has not met every one neither has he seen what lies in every heart.

Never, for once, let it enter your mind that humanity is damned. Like Mahatma Gandhi said: ” You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
Making Life More Meaningful

I prepared a speech for an occasion and the content really touched me. Here’s it.

How do we make life more meaningful?

It’s about building homes and making families wherever we are. Take, for instance, a child is given birth to and reared for, say, two years within the confines of the mother’s arms. Then he goes from creche to nursery to primary and secondary schools and finally to the university. Even if he might have lived part of his life with his family, he’d probably spend 13 to 15 hours with outsiders–teachers, classmates, friends, etc.

At a close examination still, you find that the majority of the time in your life is spent with those who are not family. Since this is so, why don’t we make the most of life by building families wherever you may be?
A place of love, care, comfort, laughter, forgiveness, support, solace – that’s what family is, that’s what a home connotes. Being and building homes are about being that trustworthy person people can share deep secrets with, that honest person who doesn’t stab friends in the back, that provider who meets the needs of others in their own little way, that friend in need, that friend indeed. You won’t carry your home everywhere you go, and your family won’t follow you wherever you go. Why not live life in such a way that wherever you may be, amidst friends, colleagues, neighbours, in Nigeria, out of Nigeria, you’re home, you’re with family?

In essence, I write this to propel us all to be and build a home away from home, a family away from family. Only then will Life be much more meaningful.



Oyindamola Grace Osinubi is a student of the University of Ibadan, an aspiring author and a writer.

Facebook handle: Oyindamola Grace Osinubi.

About 4 years ago, I sat down and asked myself why I was so unlucky in love and ending up with all the Mr wrongs instead of ending up with my Mr. Right? I thought hard for days and that was when I realized there was only one constant in all my years of terrible dating choices. ME.
I woke up one day and said, “If I didn’t work on ‘ME,’ I would never end up with a good man and be a ‘WE’.
For all those years that I had been ‘just being myself’, it always led me down a path to nowhere. Then one day I decided to become the very best ME by learning everything I could about myself and the love department. And everything changed, including the sentence that not only changed my life, but can change yours too.

“Don’t Be Yourself, Be Your BEST Self”
So, if you want to learn about how you can be your best self, then keep reading.
Do you consider yourself the exact same person today that you were a year ago? 5 years ago? 10 years ago?
If you are being truthful, there’s no doubt that you understand that as a human being you are constantly changing. Think about what you were like at your happiest time of your life. Maybe you were in love or were on a great vacation. Think about the way you felt inside.

The way you looked at the world.
Now, do the same thing and think about what you were like during one of the lowest point in your life. Maybe you were just dumped by someone or just got fired from your job. Think about the way you felt inside. The way you looked at the world. The fact is that our life experiences are constantly changing us and on any given day we are gathering up more fuel to fill fire that is our “self.”

The problem with the concept of being yourself is that at any given time our sense of self is different. It is ever changing, which means when someone offers up the advice to just be yourself is that it fails to take into account where you are in your life at any given moment. Let me ask you these two questions: Are you the best you that you can be?” and “Are there areas in your life you can improve on today that will help you tomorrow?” If the answers to both of these questions is “NO” then I ask you, “Should you just go on being yourself or try to make improvements?”

The key to happiness and success in life isn’t about staying in one place (aka BEING); it’s about striving for personal growth and improvement. It’s about continually putting yourself in a position to learn and stretch into positive change. When you understand that, there is little you can’t accomplish in life.

Did you know that being yourself can actually keep you from meeting the love of your life? Imagine for a moment there is a very shy woman named Temi. She is someone who doesn’t like to engage other people very much either in social situations or work settings. Now she is at a party surrounded by attractive, single men. Any one of those men could be the man of her dreams.Since Temi is a shy person, she is being herself and standing in the corner. Nobody comes and talks to her and she leaves the party meeting not one single man.

So because she is being herself and standing in a corner do you think Temi is putting herself in a good position to find that special someone? Of course not.

When you or anyone else enter a situation like a cool party you want to be the very best person “you” can be. You want to show the people in that room the very best of you. Show them that you are a special, confident, authentic person. And for Temi, and people like her, this will take effort.

Let’s take another example where there’s a guy named Damola. Damola is unhappy. The reasons are simple, he’s pushing 40, extremely unhealthy, lives at home with Mom, and spends 10-hours a day watching tv. He wants to find a woman and even does some online dating, but has not had much luck. You need to know that change does not happen over night, but day-by-day those little changes add up!

What do you think Damola’s prospects are at finding true love? Not so good. But if one day he took steps to become the very best Damola he could be, what do you think could happen for him?

If I were Damola’s friend, I would help him to work to improve at least one aspect of his life. It sounds cliché, but it is about being the best person he can be one day at a time.

Maybe he starts working out to get healthy and in shape. Then he makes the goal to go on one date a month. Finally, he makes the big step to look for his own apartment. It may take time, but once he makes the decision to be the best person he can be, happiness and change are soon to follow.

If you are ready to make the positive changes in your life and begin the work it takes to become the very best “you,” that you can be, then I ask you what is one thing you’re willing to do today that get’s you one step closer.

You are a special person who deserves the very best out of love and life and in order to make the changes to achieve that it starts with one decision, a decision to break away from the conventional thoughts about who you are and start thinking about who you want to be. Once you do that there will be nothing you won’t be able to achieve.
To our happiness. Cheers.

Source: Guardian