Sometimes back, a mate of mine said that she does not like relating with people who had offended her in the past. She said it so poignantly that I had to truly look at her like I was seeing her for the first time. Another spoke so terribly about people that I wondered if she herself came from a race higher than that of humans, or lived among animals. Funny, right?
Almost everywhere you go, you’ll find a man that tries to put his neighbours down. There’s always a fault somewhere. Different narratives about different sets of people in different contexts.
Countless, these narratives are. Is it the one about men? That all men are scum? That all men are misogynistic? Sadist? Sexually pervasive? Egoistic? Immoral? Wicked in their core? Or is it the lie wound around women? That beautiful ones are senseless and the sensible ones are ugly? That women are full of deceit and trickery? That they are the ones responsible for every man’s downfall on the earth? That they have no usefulness apart from being a homemaker?
Or is it the one about men and women in different professions? The promiscuity of doctors and nurses? The deceit of lawyers? The fraud of bankers? The selfishness of politicians? The seductiveness of actresses? The adulterous nature of CEOs and managers? The immorality of artistes? The hypocrisy of spiritual leaders? The list is endless .
Some of these narratives were among the materials that laid our foundation, some we grew into, some we formed for ourselves, some we learnt in school, some we acquired from our interpretation or misinterpretation of the Holy books. When all these keep flying around without end, and even more are added to the league, why will a man not see his fellow human as a potentially dangerous enemy’s? In fact,a dangerous being either with proof or not.
Yes. Some policemen are wolves in human skin. But much more are worthy, in fact, worthier of their profession. Yes. Some ladies are the female version of the devil. But much more have brought so much glory and dignity to the human race. Yes. Some politicians are not even worthy of being referred to as animals, as animals are wiser than they. But much more are striving to truly establish a true government. Some actresses and dogs are of the same sexual value. But much more have attained a high pedestal by their pure efforts. Nothing more, nothing less. And the list, also, is endless. So endless.
So you see, there is still hope in us, in fact, something greater.
Humanity is not dammed, has never been and will never be. There are bad people, but there are also good people. Everything has an opposite version. And as long as there is evil, there will always be light. No conclusion from someone who believes all is lost for humanity is to be believed, because such has not met every one neither has he seen what lies in every heart.
Never, for once, let it enter your mind that humanity is damned. Like Mahatma Gandhi said: ” You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
Making Life More Meaningful
I prepared a speech for an occasion and the content really touched me. Here’s it.
How do we make life more meaningful?
It’s about building homes and making families wherever we are. Take, for instance, a child is given birth to and reared for, say, two years within the confines of the mother’s arms. Then he goes from creche to nursery to primary and secondary schools and finally to the university. Even if he might have lived part of his life with his family, he’d probably spend 13 to 15 hours with outsiders–teachers, classmates, friends, etc.
At a close examination still, you find that the majority of the time in your life is spent with those who are not family. Since this is so, why don’t we make the most of life by building families wherever you may be?
A place of love, care, comfort, laughter, forgiveness, support, solace – that’s what family is, that’s what a home connotes. Being and building homes are about being that trustworthy person people can share deep secrets with, that honest person who doesn’t stab friends in the back, that provider who meets the needs of others in their own little way, that friend in need, that friend indeed. You won’t carry your home everywhere you go, and your family won’t follow you wherever you go. Why not live life in such a way that wherever you may be, amidst friends, colleagues, neighbours, in Nigeria, out of Nigeria, you’re home, you’re with family?
In essence, I write this to propel us all to be and build a home away from home, a family away from family. Only then will Life be much more meaningful.
Oyindamola Grace Osinubi is a student of the University of Ibadan, an aspiring author and a writer.
Facebook handle: Oyindamola Grace Osinubi.
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