


When it comes to the clearing of skin, lemon is magical; it is one of the best ingredients that can be used to promote skin condition.

How to improve the quality of your skin naturally
How to improve the quality of your skin naturally

The idea of having a flawless skin should not be confused with skin bleaching.

Simply because it is possible for every skin, irrespective of colour, to be made more beautiful and flawless.

Be that as it may, it can not be denied that every woman, and also some men, long to have a fresh glowing skin.

But owing to stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and constant exposure to sun’s ultraviolet rays, it seems like their desire will be difficult to meet with reality.

However, there are hundreds of chemicalized products that comes with the assurance of making the skin glow in a couple of days.

So luring is their temptation that a good number of people yield to it without knowing the long-term effect these products will have on their skin.

It is, for this reason, we decided to show you the natural ways in which the skin condition can be made beautiful and healthy without incurring any possibility of an aftermath effect.

Read on to see the natural ways that you can use to improve the quality of your skin.

1. Lemon

When it comes to the clearing of skin, lemon is supreme. It is one of the best ingredients that can be used to promote skin condition.

Because the presence of citric acid in lemon helps keep the skin clear by removing dead cells. Also, its vitamin C content helps reduce dark spots by increasing the cell renewal process.

Owing to the fact that lemon also has bleaching properties that help improve the overall skin complexion, it is, therefore advisable for dark skin people to use it as rarely as possible.

How to use lemon to improve skin quality

Apply fresh-squeezed lemon juice to your entire face and neck and leave it for ten minutes: wash it with warm water afterward.

To soften and moisturize the skin, rub the slices of cucumber all over your body. Do this every day for effective result.

Apart from the above method, you can also squeeze the juice of one-half lemon and mix two tablespoons of raw honey in it.

Apply it on your face, leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes and then rinse it off.

And to improve skin quality, mix two teaspoons each of lemon juice and sugar. Apply the mixture on your face, neck, and hands by scrubbing circularly.

Leave it on for ten minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. If you can do this twice a week, you will be surprised at the result.

2. Honey

Honey is not just a skin moisturizer, it is, in fact, a great skin moisturizer.

The antibacterial properties of honey make it possible for the clearing of skin impurities as well as the removal of skin infection.

How to use honey to improve skin quality

Apply raw honey on your skin and let it dry; rinse it off with mild water. The water content in honey will make the skin soft and supple as it helps to moisturize it.

Alternatively, you can also mix two teaspoons of milk and one teaspoon of honey. Add to the mixture one teaspoon of gram flour and mix them together.

Apply it all over your face. Leave it on for twenty minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

If you can do this once a week, you will appreciate the radiant quality of your skin.

3. Aloe Vera

Numerous are the benefits Aloe vera has on the skin. It has antibacterial properties that help kill bacteria that cause acne.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in the soothing of irritated skin, and astringent properties that help heal scars.

In addition, aloe vera moisturizes the skin and stimulates new skin cell growth.

How to improve skin quality with aloe vera

Extract the gel from the aloe vera.

Use a cotton ball to apply the gel on your face

Let it dry for about half an hour, and then rinse it off with mild water.

Do this every day if you can and you will be grateful that you did.

4. Coconut oil

When it comes to antioxidants that prevent free radical activity, which is one of the reasons behind dull and lifeless skin, coconut oil is king.

It is also rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties that help maintain clear skin. Additionally, it helps to soften the skin as the oil permeates deep into underlying tissues of the skin.

How to use coconut to improve skin quality

Warm coconut oil in a microwave.

Apply the warm oil to your face, neck, hands and legs.

Massage gently into the skin for ten minutes; rinse it afterward with warm water.

It is okay to do this once a day.

5. Pawpaw

It is not without reason that Christopher Colombus refer to it as the fruit of angels.

Papaya, as it is also known, can not only be used to improve the texture of the skin, it can also help to maintain clear skin.

Like lemon, papaya has natural bleaching properties that help reduce the appearance of scars.

In addition, the enzyme papain that is present in it has antibacterial and wound healing abilities that help in the removal of dead damaged skin.

How to use pawpaw to improve skin quality

Cut pawpaw into small pieces and combine the pawpaw with one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and honey.

Grind these ingredients into a paste and apply all over your face and neck.

Leave it for half an hour and rinse with cool water

Finish the treatment by applying some rose water on your face.

Do this, at least, once a week for effective result.


This should be made applicable to only light-skinned people because of the bleaching properties in it.

In conclusion, you should be reminded that what you eat, is what you are. In other words, what you eat ultimately reflects on your body, especially your face.

Try as much as you can to consume diets that do not only provide nutrients to your body but also bring about the repairment of damaged tissues, as well as the building of new cells.

Studies have shown that when it comes to getting rid of belly fat, lemon water is amazing.

Losing belly fat is one the healthiest thing that can happen to anybody that has it.

And it’s not because, by so doing, the body returns back to shape; losing belly fat helps prevent conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

As a matter of fact, studies have shown that having lots of fat in the abdominal area is strongly linked to these diseases.

However, studies have shown that diet and exercise are the best ways to get rid of belly fat; but there are also home remedies that can be used to make the process much more effective.

Here are five natural home remedies to help you get rid of belly fat

1. Ginger

Ginger is not only a natural digestive aid that helps with nausea and an upset stomach, it is also thermogenic; which means it increases your body’s temperature to let it burn fat more efficiently.

As a matter of fact, ginger also suppresses the production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Stress causes weight gain, so ginger helps prevent this. Drinking ginger tea daily can really help with losing belly fat.

How to get rid of belly fat with ginger

The ingredients you need to make ginger tea is 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger, 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of raw honey or pure maple syrup, and the juice from half of a lemon.

Put the water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add the ginger, and turn off the heat. Place the lid on the pot and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Next, strain the tea into a mug, and then add the lemon juice and sweetener, and mix. At night before bedtime is a great time to drink this tea.

2. Honey

Honey is one of the best natural foods in the world that you can consume if you want to lose belly fat. It is not only delicious but extremely beneficial. The ethereal oils and alcohol in honey help reduce belly fat.

How to get rid of belly fat with honey

Mix the honey in the water and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Organic raw honey should be consumed each and every day. It would be best to replace sugary cereal with honey for breakfast if that’s what you have been eating.

Do this daily for a few months. Supplemented by some of our other home remedies, you’ll start losing fat in no time.

Do not eat until after at least two hours.

3. Lemon water

Studies have shown that when it comes to getting rid of belly fat, lemon water is amazing.

Lemon water detoxifies your liver. This is important because when the liver is clean, it works best and it metabolizes fat so the fat doesn’t get stored in your stomach.

How to get rid of belly fat with lemon water

A simple recipe for lemon water is 2 cups of water, with the juice of half a lemon. It is okay to add some of the zest in there as well for added benefits.

All you do is squeeze the lemon into the water, grate some of the zest into the water, and drink. It is important to note that the best time to drink lemon water is right in the morning before drinking or eating anything else.

4. Warm salty water

As strange as this might sound, it is what it is. Studies have shown that warm water helps neutralizes the lactic acid produced when the bacteria in your mouth break down the sugary, fatty and starchy foods you consume.

It is, however, important to note that you can also use salt water even if you do not have belly fat, as it will help you to stay in shape.

How to use salt water to get rid of belly fat

Dissolve the salt in the water and take a sip.

Swish it around your mouth for about a minute, then swallow. You can do this as many times a day as necessary.

5. Garlic

Garlic is not only effective for getting rid of belly fat, it also helps prevent weight gain by stopping the pre-fat cells from converting into actual fat cells

How to use garlic to get rid of belly fat

Garlic and honey might seem like a weird combination, but it does wonders for your body.

What you will need is 3-4 heads of garlic, 1 cup of raw honey, and a small mason jar. Start by separating the heads of garlic into individual cloves.

Don’t peel the cloves, just remove the outer layer. Fill the jar with the unpeeled garlic cloves.

Then slowly pour honey over the cloves. Use a spoon to make sure there aren’t any air bubbles. Make sure that all of the cloves are covered with honey, and then put the lid on.

Allow the honey to infuse for a few days in the fridge or at room temperature and take a spoonful of the combination daily on an empty stomach.

Do you want to get rid of dark spots on the skin? These spots may make you feel embarrassed and not confident. This article discuss the best natural remedies for dark spots and how to get a smooth textured skin.

Those remedies include:

1.Lemon Juice: Take a fresh lemon and cut it into half. Rub the juicy part on the scar. Lemon works as a natural bleach and thus, reduces the blemishes and scars. Drink lemon juice (without mixing sugar in it) twice a day for 15 days.

2.Ice Cubes: Ice cube is a very easy and simple home remedy for fading the scars. Take an ice cube and rub it gently on the scars.

3.Aloe Vera: Take an aloe vera leaf and cut it into half. Squeeze out the gel and apply it on the scar.

4.Honey: Apply honey on the scar. It works great in removing scars.

5.Potato: Take a raw potato. Extract its juice and apply it on the scars. This will let the scars fade away. You can also rub a slice of potato on the scars, directly.

6.Coconut Oil: Whenever you get a scar, apply coconut oil on it. This will reduce the scar, ultimately making it invisible.

7.Olive Oil: Olive oil is said to be really effective when it comes to scar removal. Take a few drops of olive oil and apply it on the scars on the daily basis. Olive oil will also moisturise the skin

8.Cucumber: Place a slice of raw cucumber or apply its juice on the scar.

9.Tomato: Apply a slice of tomato on the scar or massage with tomato juice. Like lemon, tomato also works as natural bleach.

10.Baking Soda: Take 5 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water. Mix it until you make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the scars and let it dry. Wash it off, later on. Repeat this natural remedy thrice a week.

You can also try mixing Honey with lemon juice and baking soda and apply that as a mask. I use that often as well, it gives my skin a very smooth, spot free texture. You should try it too.

By Esther Ijewere