Have you explored using LinkedIn to get clients as a freelancer, coach, consultant, or entrepreneur?
If you’re a freelancer, coach, consultant, or entrepreneur with a service-based business, LinkedIn is the right platform for you to be on now. The opportunities are endless, and if you use it right, it can be your major platform for getting clients for your business. For me, about 70% of my clients have come through LinkedIn. After months of using it successfully, I’ll share 5 key things you need to get clients consistently on LinkedIn:
This is the first key ingredient to getting clients on LinkedIn. And I don’t just mean any connection, you need relevant connections. Make sure the majority of your connections are your target clients. If you’re a graphic designer and you mostly connect with other graphic designers, how do you want to get clients? As an editor, I make sure that most of my connections are copywriters. You can’t connect with just any and everybody. It’s much better to have a small but targeted connection list than a large but irrelevant connection list. If you get this right, it will be a game-changer for your business.
If you’re not visible on LinkedIn, you’re not going to get any results. This means that just setting up your LinkedIn profile is not enough. The only way your target clients can find you is if you’re actively posting and engaging. If you don’t post on LinkedIn, then forget about using it to get consistent clients for your business. The LinkedIn algorithm is set up in such a way that it favours only those that are active on it.
So what can you do to stay visible?
- Post content regularly (at least 3 times a week if you’re just starting out).
- Comment and engage with other people’s posts.
- Play by the algorithm’s rules. The LinkedIn algorithm determines the reach your posts will get. So if you’re just starting out and you don’t play by their rules, you won’t get visibility, no matter how often you post.
Posting and commenting is great, but if what you’re posting is not relevant to your target audience, then you’re posting amiss. You’ll be like someone punching the air when there’s a clear target you’re supposed to hit. This is so common on LinkedIn. I see so many people posting about several unrelated topics and then complain that LinkedIn isn’t working for them.
Besides posting relevant content, you also need to comment on relevant posts. If you don’t actively engage with posts by your target clients, how are they going to notice you? You can’t just comment on any and every post hoping that someway or somehow, you will attract the right clients. No, you won’t. And even if you eventually do, it’ll take you months or years to get tangible results.
So what makes a post relevant?
It’s valuable to your target audience. For example, since I’m an editor for copywriters, I make sure my posts are about what copywriters find valuable. I post a lot about writing and editing tips that can help copywriters. The goal is for most of my posts to drive discussions among my target audience so it will attract even more of them. Sometimes, I can talk about other areas that are relevant to them like freelancing. Still, those posts don’t show my expertise, so I don’t spend time making those kinds of posts. So before posting, ask yourself, “Is this topic going to drive discussions and attract my target clients?”
This one is huge. Showing your expertise is crucial to getting clients through LinkedIn. You can post, comment, and be visible on LinkedIn with relevant content. But if that relevant content is not your own, you’re selling yourself short. You need to have original posts. It’s not every time you should share or copy and paste a post. For potential clients to come to you, they need to see you showing your expertise. And they see it in full force when you post original contents that touch on topics that are relevant to them. You need to have your own voice and be able to voice out your opinions and advice.
This is the glue that holds everything together to get you the results you want. If you only show up once a month and post valuable content, you won’t get any results. LinkedIn is a long-term investment with high yield returns. You need to set a weekly schedule to be consistent with everything you’re doing. Whether you’re connecting, posting, and engaging, you need to stay consistent to see tangible results.
What do you think? Have you explored using LinkedIn to get clients as a freelancer, coach, consultant, or entrepreneur?
Source: Bellanaija
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