Online businesses have become very popular these days and I have to say that I love them. Apart from the fact that they save you the hassle and stress of going shopping by yourself, they provide a larger variety of options for you without having to leave the comfort of your home. So many things are now sold online; from clothing to accessories and even food items. Thank God for the internet and social media! However, there are a few things that a lot of online vendors have to stop doing.

Posting products without prices

This one really has to be the most annoying for me. I can’t explain how seeing that ‘DM for price’ note at the bottom of product posts annoys me and a lot of people online complain about it too. Someone on Instagram likened it to being asked to go to the checker at a supermarket or shopping mall to ask for the price each time you see a product you want to buy. How stressful! You might think it is to ensure only serious buyers contact you but it only repels prospective customers. A prospective buyer might think: “what if I can’t afford your price after inquiry?”

Personally, I would rather save myself from the awkward situation of having to explain that I can’t afford it. Some vendors do this so that they can size up the potential buyer first from their social media account, and then give them a price depending on ‘how rich they look’. If you don’t want your business to be perceived that way, please post with your price. Trust me, it saves your own time as well.

Using inappropriate words like ‘dear’ and ‘love’ to talk to customers

This is sometimes as funny as it is annoying. You should run a business professionally and avoid using inappropriate words to address customers. Person wey no go buy, no go buy! I remember having this same experience with an Instagram clothing vendor and even with all the ‘love’ and ‘dears’, it still ended in tears. The dress I ordered was a terrible case of ‘what I ordered versus what I got’. Anytime I think of that dress, I still feel heartbroken. A simple ma’am or sir is appropriate enough to address a customer. It saves your business from appearing unprofessional.

Comment section advertisement

I know you’re trying to get your business more customers but ask yourself this: would you patronize a business from the comment section? I go through comment sections sometimes and see business handles advertising their products and I usually just scroll past. I’m no marketing expert but I can tell you this: sponsored ads can draw more people to your page than comment section adverts. Social media influencers can also help you with advertisements, for the right price of course. I have seen businesses advertise in the comment section of posts that talk about death and gotten bashed for it. If you must advertise in comment sections, use your head!

Using product pictures from other vendors/poor photography

Have you ever seen the same picture of a product being used by many different sellers? Does it ever make you wonder if the business is genuine? As a business owner, you should learn to take your own product pictures and avoid using pictures of others, even if it is the same product you both sell. You should invest in good photography as well to avoid posting poor quality pictures. Remember, we are mostly attracted by what we see.

Posting no reviews

Because you want people to see all the amazing products and services you have to offer immediately they visit your page, you bombard your page with product pictures alone. This is wrong. One thing about online buyers is that they want to see some proof that others have ordered and indeed received their product. Buying online is as risky as it is helpful. Reviews are very important in getting buyers to trust you enough to send their money to you without fear. You should post reviews of your products regularly, especially if you have been running your business for a while. Avoid posting fake reviews though. Simply ask your buyers to take pictures with your products after receiving them and send them to you.

About Author

Jesupemi Are is a young, creative and passionate writer. She likes to write about her personal life experiences, ideas and opinion on subject matters that give her a thought. She holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry from Achievers University, Ondo state. You can reach her on Instagram- @theafricanlily and via Email-

Source: Bellanaija

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