The culture cheered for 14-year-old Sydney Wilson earlier this year when she made headlines for being one of the youngest students admitted to Spelman. Now we’re celebrating the successful completion of her first semester.
Wilson has a full course load filled with classes like Population Biology, Big Questions Colloquia and African Diaspora & The World, but she’s managing it all. She’s ending the semester on the Dean’s list with a 3.76 GPA, a huge accomplishment for any college student, much less one just entering their teenage years.
Wilson’s parents first noticed her superb academic abilities when she was in the second grade. By the time she was 10-years-old, she was enrolled in high school and by 13-years-old she had officially applied to Spelman.
She began courses at the elite historically Black college and university this fall, living on campus just like any other college student. She majored in biology, a career path she hopes will lead to being able to cure illness in humans. And now, she’s finished her first semester with flying colors.
Wilson spoke to Because of Them We Can about how she’s been able to manage it all saying, “There have definitely been some ups and downs but the ups certainly outweigh the downs. It was a little hard in the beginning being away from my family but luckily I got to see them often. I am now able to see how the semester has impacted my life, refined my character and gifted me the ability to see things from different perspectives.”
She said she’s really looking forward to next semester now that she’s more settled in. And we’re looking forward to continue cheering her on!
Congratulations Sydney! Keep reaching for the stars!
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