Two 22-year old women, Princess Bright and Tele Lawal, have been elected as Councillors of their wards in the UK

Princess Bright was elected the councillor for Eastbrook ward, while Tele Lawal was elected the councillor for the London Bourough of Havering council – representing residents in Heaton Ward, Harold Hill.

Tele, in a series of tweets shares how she won the election despite the many obstacles on her journey.

She tweeted,

Let me give you a quick run-through of my journey and obstacles faced. Hopefully, some of what I’ll share will inspire you to believe that even when it seems like the odds are against you, no matter what may come your way, if it’s for you it will be yours with faith.

I don’t come from a political background, I have never studied politics, nor do I have any friends/family involved in politics – in fact, I’m fairly new to politics(I’ve been a member of the Labour Party for about 2 years now). So, I lacked experience and knowledge

Compared to all the other candidates. This did not hold me back or put me off from running, nor did it stop residents from voting for me. Why was that? GOD! • I did not run in a ‘safe’ Labour borough. My council is Tory-led and has TWO Labour Councillors out of 54.

You can do the maths…. With my area not being a Labour Party focus, we had less funding for our campaign compared to other political parties. This did not hold me back and I was still elected despite fewer funds to run a year-long campaign. How was that? GOD!

I was juggling a full-time job, volunteering at Capital Moments, a part of KICC Romford choir, the constituency’s youth officer and taking part in the uprising leadership programme. How did I find the time and manage? GOD!

The final Labour Party candidate selection stage was on a day I was out of the country and I had to provide a statement to be read out on my behalf. (swipe to see a vid of when I found out I was selected) I wasn’t even there yet they picked me. Tell me how? GOD spoke for me.

Close people told me I couldn’t win, others laughed at me. I begged people to support me in different ways and got nowhere. I had only a three/four-man team leafleting hundreds of houses and knocking on doors for a year plus.

Yesterday’s Election Day a stanger called me and asked if she could help me out of the blue. Where did she come from and who brought her to me when we were struggling. GOD!

I am not the typical/more favourable politician, I am not white neither am I older or male as are the majority of leaders in my area. But yet I won getting the third most votes. Compared to candidates who have been doing this for years.

How did I get more votes? Why is it that despite the trend showing us that people with foreign names were receiving fewer votes why did I get more? GOD!

This is only a snapshot of what I faced and I thank God for everything. Please go for everything you want to do and keep fighting, it truly will be worth it. • • I am so humbled and thankful for every single resident who voted for me and I will work so hard for you all.

My team who came out in rain and snow. Thank you so much for everything you did, without you all I wouldn’t be here!

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Cllr Tele Lawal@telelawalxo

Yesterday at approx. 5:00 am, at the young age of 22 I won my first political election. I am honoured to now be the youngest @uklabour party Councillor on the London Bourough of Havering council – representing residents in Heaton Ward, Harold Hill.🌹❤️


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