- It is definitely not easy raising kids already. But again, how does a mother cope when she feels really down health-wise? What can you do when you can barely keep your head up to do those house chores?
This seems like an impossible task. Yet mom from all around the world manage to keep themselves and their kids functioning during seasons like this..Hang on we’ve got some tips to help you moms!
Lower your dining expectations
kids would always eat something, they can’t afford to skip a meal. Make it easy on yourself by having quck and easy meal plan. Do not go worrying about real meals. You can pick out healthy fruits and vegetables as side menu, and consider meals like noodles which dont take long to prepare. For breakfast, opt for cereals.
Have some meals frozen before hand that your microwave can quickly heat up to feed the little ones. While you didn’t plan to get sick, if you have family and friends nearby, ask them to come by with a homemade meal — even better if they stay and play with the kids for a bit.
Ask for help
You do not have to hesitate to ask for help when you need to. Ask when you need it, especially when you’re sick and your kids are little. Let your husband understand the situation, so he can proffer solutions as well. If you have siblings and trusted friends nearby, why not have them help too.
Go easy on yourself
Finally, quit the idea that you have to do it all. Meals do not have to be as lavish as they were, your kids bedtime stories can be a little shorter. You can also drop the kids with their grannies if that’s possible.
Rest, drink plenty of water, take a hot shower and do anything that helps you deal with stress. Taking good care of yourself would also teach your kids about self-care and therefore gives them examples of how to act when they’re adults.
These tips may not necessarily make you feel better, but hopefully, they’ll make being sick more easy to handle at home with the kids.
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