


Take a minute to think about how much information you process every day. If you’re like me and a lot of other people, you get a lot of your news on the Internet, and you also read a lot of blogs. You might also read books and magazines and newspapers. You probably also watch a lot of TV, where you get entertainment and news. You might watch a lot of movies and listen to the radio on your way to work.

At work, you might get memos and emails and a billion other pieces of information coming at you. You might be a part of an online forum, or social site, or newsgroup, or mailing list (or several!).

It’s information overload.

Our brains are not made to process this much information. We can do it, but it gives us a lot of stress, and we cannot think about any of the information long enough for it to give us real value. We are in the middle of a vast river of information, and it just flows by us constantly.

And then there’s all the time we spend on all this media.

Take a minute to think about how much time you spend online (typically a few hours), watching TV (typically a few more hours), and reading all the other stuff mentioned above (another hour or two). Now think about how many goals you could accomplish if you cut those activities out of your life. The time you would gain would be tremendous.

So what do you do about it? Sometimes it’s good to get drastic. Try a media fast. But is it even possible?

Yes, it is. Here are some ideas:

  • If you’re feeling bold, cut out everything for a week. Well, everything that isn’t completely essential — you might need things like email for work, but can you really say that reading your blogs is essential? Is TV essential? Most likely not. Cut it out and see if you can make it a week.
  • Fast for a day. Can’t hack a week? Try one day. Cutting all Internet, TV, radio, and reading (other than fiction) for a day would be pretty drastic for most of us. See if you can last.
  • Fast on specific media, and take turns. Instead of cutting out everything, try cutting out only TV for a week. Then try cutting out newspapers and magazines. Then … if you dare … try cutting out your blogs. Then your favorite websites.
  • When you fast, work on specific goals. Don’t replace one media with another, or with another time-waster. Have a goal that you’d like to accomplish for that day, or week. See if you can use the time you’d normally spend on media to accomplish actions that further your goals.
  • If you’re not sold, track your time. Try logging your time spent on media for one day, without actually cutting back. Add it up in a spreadsheet at the end of the day. See how many minutes you devote to each type of media. It might be an eye-opener.
  • Once your fast is over, re-think your media intake. You may discover that cutting out TV, for example, wasn’t as hard as you thought, and that you were able to get a lot done. Maybe you want to stay off TV for good, or at least cut back on it drastically. Instead of launching right back into your old media habits, use your media more thoughtfully from now on. See if you can live with less, and work on your personal goals more.

Imagine the peace of mind that could come from shutting off the river of information that comes at you daily. Imagine the focus you could find without all the distractions.

Imagine that your life can be changed for the better with this one little edit. It may seem difficult to quit an addition, but don’t you think it might be worth it? At least give it a try.

It can be easy to lapse into a predictable routine at the weekend, especially if you’re on a strict budget.

However, there are plenty of fun things to do on weekends! Here are examples of activities to liven up your free time. They are cheap, fun, and entertaining, so give them a go!

1. Go For a Walk: brisk walk is healthy and can be a fascinating pursuit.

2. Dance: Turn on the music, or stick on your earphones, and dance away to your favourite songs.

3. Join a Film or Book Club: Most film or literature fans will be able to find a weekly club. Here you’ll be able to meet like-minded people and discuss your hobby.

4. Visit Friends: Organize to meet with friends and spend the day talking and having fun.

5. Volunteer Work: Consider doing some volunteer work for a charity. As experience it can go on your CV, can introduce you to new people, and provide a welcome feel-good factor.

6. Bake some bread or cake using online recipes from YouTube or food channels on TV.

7. Netflix and chill: is a very cheap online streaming video service. Sign up to watch amazing shows such as Breaking Bad and Arrested Development.

8. As an alternative to Netflix, you can watch Free Films on YouTube: Typing “Full Movie” into a YouTube search brings up dozens of free films to watch. Check Rotten Tomatoes to gauge if they’re any good.

9. Go On a YouTube Marathon: It’s an amazing resource for fun and creative videos; go on a wild search for the funniest videos you can find.

10. Blog: If you want to write digitally you can start a blog (free on sites like WordPress) and connect with the world.

11. Have a Board Game Day: Want a break from the internet? Try these classics: Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Chess, Risk, Cluedo, Checkers, Battleship, or Snakes and Ladders.

12. Listen to Podcasts: Podcasts can be entertaining and informative at the same time. It is a free and accessible form of entertainment as it can be accessed anywhere using just your device.

13. Read: Reading is a great accompaniment to your life. Head to your local library for classics. You can search the internet for free books or ask your friends to recommend books to you.

14. Learn a Foreign Language: Nothing is stopping you from taking up French, Japanese, Italian etc. A foreign language can come handy, you just an never tell when.

15. Take an Online Course: You can learn anything you like at Coursera and Teachable. Just explore all the skills or interesting things you’d like to learn more about and take one of those courses.

As humans, occasional retreats are necessary because that is how we get rest, reignite our fire and bounce back with energy to continue on the journey to efficiency and productivity.

However, we sometimes get so engrossed with life and work and personal issues that we refuse to pay attention to our own need to take a break and do nothing but rest and allow your body and mind heal.

So instead, our body and mind revolts and breaks down, screaming and letting us know they need a break.

How do you know you should take a break?


When you begin to experience any of the 8 signs below, you should take a break.

1. You’re watching hours and hours of pet videos at the office during work hours.

Seriously. Maybe it’s cats. Maybe it’s reruns of Bridgerton . Maybe it’s random YouTube videos. The point is, you are no longer focused on your work. What you do seem to care about though, is how to pass the time.

2. You make careless mistakes that shouldn’t have happened.

When you stop caring, you tend to make careless mistakes. You accidentally drop your purse into the trash can at a restaurant. Your emails suddenly contain embarrassing typos. You look like a confused deer when you’re asked for your opinion in a meeting because you weren’t paying attention the whole time. You call a coworker by the wrong name because your brain cannot process their real name.

3. You’re emotionally overwhelmed and sometimes, you cry for no reason.

You’re upset, irritated, angry, frustrated, or sad over what would normally be a small issue. This happens to almost everyone. If you find yourself breaking down emotionally, that might be a good time to consider a break. Maybe it means walking outside for 30 minutes. Maybe it means buying a one-way ticket to Hawaii to lay on the beach and bask in the sun. Maybe it means driving to a resort nearby for a weekend. Take a deep breath, collect yourself, and consider taking a break.

4. You’re always exhausted.

Feeling tired for a day? That’s absolutely normal. Feeling tired for an entire month? That’s definitely not normal. Remember to get enough sleep and to take care of yourself. While it’s great to be hyper productive for a short period of time, it’s usually not worth it in the long term. Pace yourself.

5. You hate waking up for work

The alarm goes off and the first thing you think is “I really don’t want to go to work.” You no longer feel inspired by the company mission. You feel like you can’t make an impact anymore. You feel like you’re going through the motions. It’s time for you to step away. Take a moment for yourself. When you remove yourself from the situation, you allow yourself to think more clearly and to get a fresh perspective on what the next step should be.

6. You’re having trouble falling asleep

You have too much on your mind — that next project, that big deadline, that promotion you’ve always wanted, that coworker who seems like they can’t stand you. If you’re starting to lose sleep over work, it’s time to take a break. If you don’t take the break, the lack of sleep will start to hurt your health and your passion, energy, and focus will start to fade.

7. You’re getting physically sick a lot.

If you’re under a lot of stress, not sleeping well, and working crazy amounts of hours, your immune system is probably under a lot of duress and you’ll likely get sick quite often. Don’t let your physical health go sideways — take some time off and go on a break!

8. You’re dreaming of quitting work with no plan in place

You’ve romanticized the idea of quitting in your head. You have no back-up plan or next steps in place. It’s a clear sign that you’re simply trying to get away. Instead of making a quick decision with huge implications, it may be best to take a short break to see if that’s what you truly want.

If you’re seeing these signs, take a moment, take a step back, and take a break — you’ll be better for it.

Even though many assign a portion of their success to waking up early, many find it difficult to make the switch. While most people know what needs to happen to change their life, they find then difficult to implement consistently. To understand how to wake up early, you need to tap into the wisdom of those already doing it.

Here are the 6 things early risers do:

1. Stop Procrastinating

The first thing you need to do when you want to learn how to wake up early is to go to sleep earlier. You will find it much easier to wake up when you are getting the proper amount of sleep. Set a bedtime that allows you to get 8-hours of sleep and hold yourself accountable.

The problem most of you will have at first is how tired you will feel. If you are someone who goes to sleep after midnight, waking up by 6 a.m. will not be easy. The reason you need to push through that initial difficulty is that you are going to be very tired at the end of the day. Realistically, you probably would fall asleep at your desk or doze off on your lunch break. Either way, waking up early no matter how you feel will motivate you to go sleep at the proper time that night.

Force yourself to wake up early no matter what time you went to sleep. You are going to promise yourself you will go to bed at the right time.

2. Pace Yourself

If you want to start waking up a couple of hours earlier each day, you may not be able to make that change all at once. It stands to reason the more drastic the shift, the more difficult it will be.

So, instead of trying to adjust your sleep pattern by several hours, start in 15-minute or 30-minute intervals. If you wake up 30 minutes earlier each week, you will be a morning person by the end of the month. This may feel like you are drawing out your goal but in reality, you are accomplishing it much quicker than most. Most people who are naturally night owls find it difficult to completely change their sleep habits overnight.

3. Watch Your Lighting Before Bedtime

Light reduces your body’s production of the sleep-inducing melatonin hormone. In practical terms, your body naturally wants to be awake when the sun is up and go to sleep when the sun is down. This is called your circadian rhythm.

In the technology-driven world we currently live in, you likely look at a screen or two before bed. Studies show television and phone screens trick your body into thinking the sun is up. As a result, your body starts producing less melatonin. To help you fall asleep, you should stop looking at screens at least an hour before bed.

This can also mean that if you want to wake up before the sun, looking at your screen when you wake up can help you to stay awake.

4. Make It Worth Your Time

Have you ever woken up early but went back to sleep because you didn’t have a reason to stay up? To put it another way, have you ever fallen asleep because you didn’t have anything better to do?

If you want to be excited about going to sleep and waking up early, then you need to give yourself a reason to be excited. You can accomplish this by listing the three things you want to accomplish the next morning. Notice I said “want” and not “need” to accomplish. You don’t want to be dragging yourself into the next morning kicking and screaming.

Your list should not only include what you want to accomplish but also why you want to accomplish it.

5. Avoid Binging

There is a difference between sleeping and getting a good night’s sleep. Sure, you can drink alcohol and fall asleep, but you will not be getting quality rest. You will wake up feeling as though you slept for only a couple hours.

It is best to stop drinking at least 4 hours before bedtime. Binge drinking is known to impact your sleep-inducing melatonin hormone levels for up to a week. The same holds true with eating a large meal right before bed. It is not that your body can’t process food and sleep at the same time. The main concern has more to do with the possibility of indigestion or heartburn than anything else.

If you find yourself dealing with either of these symptoms, then you may want to stop eating at least two hours before bed.

6. Get the Blood Flowing

Your first movement is to get out of bed. To help you get out of bed, have your alarm far enough away that you need to get up and turn it off. Before you allow yourself to contemplate going back to sleep, take a moment, and do 10 push-ups or 10 jumping jacks. Think of each exercise as you taking one step further from being able to go back to sleep.

You decide for yourself how you want to get your blood flowing. Whether you want to go on a walk, workout at the gym, or do something at home, make sure you are scheduling time to exercise.

Final Thoughts

The key to understanding how to wake up early is to recognize that it is heavily driven by the actions you take the night before. You will wake up early if you go to bed at a good time and get the proper amount of sleep.

By taking the time to prepare yourself both mentally and physically each night, you can ensure you are positioned for success the next morning. Once you have taken the proper actions the night before, make sure you use that momentum to start your day, on time.

The goal is to make the actions you want to take as easy as possible. The key to changing your life is to discover a way to have the wind at your back, going in the direction you want.

Everybody wants to have an even skin tone, especially when it comes to the knuckles, elbows and knees.

But this is not always the case…and even if, sometimes, it does happen with the body, the knuckles, elbows, and knees are usually left out.

The reason for this is because the skin around the elbows and knees are usually thicker than the skin surrounding it. Additionally, it has more folds (because of the joints) and tends to be much drier because those parts do not produce oil.

Owing to these, lack of proper hygiene can result in having darker elbows and knees. But be that has it may, studies have shown that there are natural ways to lighten dark elbows and knees.

So, if you want to get rid of your dark elbows and knees, read on to find out the best possible ways to go about it.

Here are five natural ways to lighten dark elbows and knees

1. Lemon

Lemon has bleaching and exfoliating properties, and these properties can help even skin tone. It also contains a very high amount vitamin C which can help to remove dead cells and promote the regeneration of healthy skin cell as well.

Simply apply lemon juice on elbow, knees, and knuckles; massage gently, leave it for ten minutes and rinse with warm water. Do this for a couple of weeks to get result.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizing agent. The vitamin E which is contained in it helps lighten skin tone and also prevent skin hydration.

And for an effective result, gently massage your elbows and knees with coconut oil for three minutes, before shower. You can also mix one teaspoon of coconut oil and a half teaspoon of lemon juice, rub on your dark elbows and knees every day and wipe off with paper towels after 15 to 20 minutes.

3. Aloe vera

Known for its numerous health benefits, aloe vera is also known to be a natural skin lightener, which does not only keep the skin hydrated and moisturized, but help make the skin supple as well.

Aloe vera is also believed to promote the repair of skin cells damaged by sun exposure.

If you’re using aloe vera, simply apply the gel extracted from a fleshy aloe vera leaf on the elbows and knees. And after letting it sit for about twenty minutes, you can wash it off with warm water.

It is advisable to do this twice a day in two weeks for an effective result.

4. Sugar

I bet you’re surprised, right? Well, it is what it is: Homemade sugar scrub is excellent for lightening the skin tone of knees and elbow because sugar help exfoliates dead skin cells and soften the skin.

When using sugar to lighten dark elbows and knees, simply mix sugar and olive oil equally and massage your knees and elbows circularly for five minutes, before shower. Continue to this until you see result.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda is another agent of skin lightener and it is also effective for rid of dark elbows and knees.

Simply mix baking soda with milk to get a thick paste, if you’re using baking soda, and apply the paste on your elbows and knees and rinse after five minutes.

You can do this once a week for two months to get the desired result.

A Sunday well spent brings a week of content. Rather than sulking over weekdays, cultivating these 11 Sunday habits will help you to have a great week and a great Sunday. Read on to know about the 11 amazing Sunday habits you need to have from now on.


Write down everything you need to get done during the upcoming week. By doing so, you will be able to plan each day effectively, and deadlines will not make you feel like you have to die.

Take out a notepad, grab a pen, or download an excellent note-taking app and fill in all that you want to accomplish during the week. That way, you will be well-prepared for everything that will come your way during the new week.


By gathering all your supplies at the beginning of each week, you will not have to take out extra time for grocery shopping during the week. You will not have to spend those extra bucks too.

Make sure that you have enough groceries at home before the week starts. That way, you will end up having quality time for yourself during weekdays.


Larger stones go first into the bucket, then come in the smaller ones. Prioritizing will help you to finish the essential tasks first. When you prioritize and work accordingly, you will have plenty of time for all those little tasks, and you will also have some handful of time for yourself.

From now onwards, start prioritizing and make a list of all the large stones that need to go into the bucket as soon as possible.


Take out some time on a Sunday afternoon and organize everything. Arrange your bag. Dispose of unnecessary papers, documents, and things. Check whether all your pens are in working condition or not, and throw away the ones that are lying as waste in your bag.

Get all your project files and assignment papers lined up orderly. Run some Vacuum all over the house. Remove everything that stinks in the fridge and clean your kitchen. Such decluttering and cleaning will help you to start your week on a clean slate.


Rather than relying entirely on processed and packed foods throughout the week, take out some time on a Sunday for some meal prep. You can prepare some salads with vegetables and fruits, or you can make some snacks with dry fruits so that you will be able to grab and go throughout the week.


This habit is a must. By doing laundry before a new week, you can plan out your outfits in advance. Make sure that your formal clothes, as well as your casual clothes, are washed and ironed.

That way, you will save some time, instead of staring at your wardrobe forever and wondering, “What should I wear today?”


An overflowing inbox is a pain in the neck. So, delete all those unnecessary messages and e-mails. Only keep those which you might need for a future reference. And, trust me, there will be at least a couple of e-mail lists that you can unsubscribe.

Instead of keeping your fingers lazy, tell them to press the delete button for all the unnecessary mailing lists waiting in your inbox.


You read that, right! Exercise. Weekdays leave you with only a little amount of time for you to exercise. Physical activity is vital to stay mentally and physically active. It will also help reduce the effect of those nasty stress hormones.

Next Sunday, grab your shoes, get out and sweat out a bit! Not only will you burn some calories but also end up feeling better and great!


Sunday is the best time to review your finances. We don’t bother to take a look at our finances because, most of the time, we are in a hurry.

Take hold of your Sunday time and assess your spending and other financial activities. Also, make a note of how much money you may have to spend in the coming week.


A decent night of sleep is essential for you before tackling Monday! Otherwise, you will find Monday punching you in the face. Don’t start your week with heavy eyes and a bad headache. Instead of looking like a sleepyhead, go to bed early, get enough sleep, and wake up fresh!


Have a hot shower, scrub yourself, go for a drive, watch returns of your favorite television show, talk to your old friends or scroll up and down your favorite music playlist. Otherwise, get hold of that book which has been waiting for you on the shelf forever.

Play your favorite video game. Or watch a movie while munching on your favorite dish. It’s your day off. So, do anything that you’ll enjoy and will make you feel calming and happy.

Sunday is a great day to refuel yourself. Get yourself ready to handle whatever the coming week throws at you. While it is true that time flows weirdly on Sundays, utilize every moment of that day. Invest in these 11 fantastic Sunday habits and start feeling SUNDAY-LICIOUS.


The phrase “I have nothing to wear” is common enough, but wedding season makes people shout it from the rooftops. If you’re in your twenties, you may have at least one ceremony per weekend . Some will be casual, others will be semi-formal, and dress codes are always a possibility.

What are the rules of wedding guest attire?

Here are top do’s and don’ts when considering what to wear.

1. DO consider dress code.

Is this event a black tie, semi-formal, casual, or even a costume party? What the bride wants should always be considered before making any fashion decision.

2. DO consider the location.

The attire you wear to a beach will (obviously) be much different than the outfit you rock at a ritzy hotel. Consult the dress code provided, but use common sense when it’s time to decide between flip flops, flats and heels.

3. DON’T forget about colour.

Make sure you know the couple’s color selection. The invitation should give you some insight, but it doesn’t hurt to ask a member of the wedding party. You don’t want to be mistaken for a bridesmaid or groomsman, right?

4. DO wear layers.

Layers are a necessity. Yes, AC can be a life saver, but it can also be a woman’s worst nightmare. Bring a cute, cropped jacket or cardigan no matter what. An outdoor party can quickly turn chilly as it reaches evening hours. Just make sure the outfit you wear is still long enough for bare legs!

5. DO consider time of day.

This may seem obvious, but so many ladies forget that some evenings can still be a bit chilly. Layers are necessary, but if the event is an evening affair, consider a maxi dress or long-sleeved cocktail look.

6. DON’T wear white.

This isn’t the first time you’ve heard this, but I can’t leave it out. White is an obvious faux pas, but be careful with champagne, cream, and even light shades of gold and tan. Brides are going for colored wedding dresses these days, so an awkward match can happen when you least expect it.

7. DON’T wear black.

Wearing black is perfectly acceptable—when the venue calls for it. Try to keep a little black dress in the closet for a backyard, beach, or brunch party. In the end, think twice before wearing black, but never rule it out.

8. DON’T wear jeans.

This rule should be obvious, but some guests still think it’s acceptable at certain venues. I’m going to make it very clear for everyone: Jeans are never allowed—no excuses. Unless specifically told by the bride and groom that they’re having jean and t-shirt nuptials, trade in your Levi’s for a pair of khakis or slacks.

9. DON’T go bold.

Sequins, animal prints, and other over-the-top designs are not O.K. The focus should always be on the bride, not your outfit.

10. DO cover yourself up.

Summer calls for showing a little skin, but don’t go over the top. Marriage ceremonies are family affairs, so keep it classy and stay covered.

11. DO wear comfortable shoes.

If you’re like me and love to dance freely, without care, comfortable shoes are a must-have. Flats or wedges are always good options. Feel free to wear heels, but think about packing flats or sandals for later.

12. DO ask friends what they’re wearing.

If you’re stuck, there’s nothing better than getting advice from a fellow attendee. That way you have each other to lean on if you make a fashion faux pas.

Unarguably, people waste too many seemingly inconsequential time slots several times a day.

For example, while you are waiting your turn at the ATM, while you are waiting your turn at the mall. While you are waiting for your food to be heated, while you are waiting for your browser to load,thanks to poor internet connection, etc. All of these little time slots may seem little but can be put to some great use.

Here are 5 things you can do in 5 spare minutes during your day.

1. Call a friend or a relative

You promised to call your friend back last week but somehow, you forgot. Now is the time to do that. Return calls you missed, check up on that friend or relative, while you wait for the internet to come back on on your computer.

2. Snap some photos

Take a photo of yourself. It must not be something exquisite but you can take a selfie. Snap some photos of something fascinating around you. There’s something that must have caught your attention. Maybe it is the way your mouse pad blends perfectly with your water bottle. Take a shot.

3. Do some exercise for your eyes

Digital screens tire our eyes out very quickly. Try a simple set of exercise for your eyes to ease the fatigue: look up and down, left to right, ‘draw’ diagonals and circles with your eyes, and then look far away. Repeat as often as needed.
Look outside your windows. Stare into space for a while. Close your eyes and allow them breathe for sometime.
Take your eyes off the screen for five minutes and return back to it. Your eyes will thank you.

4. Exercise!

Tabata intervals work great for that. Tabata training is a four-minute mini-workout that consists of 20-second intervals of exercising and 10-second rests. Here’s my favorite combo: Jumping jacks, push-ups, high knees, squats! Listen to your favorite song while doing that to make things more fun… or, you know, you can always just dance intensively to that song.

You can also take a break and walk around, especially if your work involves you sitting still at a table. Stretch your legs and let them catch a break from being at a spot.

5. Have a silent conversation with yourself

We talk to others, we ask for people’s opinions, we make meaningless small talks every day. It is easy to forget to pay attention to your own feelings and ideas. Next time you have 5 minutes, ask yourself what mood you are in, is anything bothering you, or just ‘discuss’ a creative idea!
Have occasional ‘board meetings’ with yourself as many times as you can in a day. It not only keeps you in tune with yourself and your emotions but it also helps you reach forth and draw inspirations from within.

Which of these are you going to try out today?


Have you ever heard the saying, ‘the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself’? Simply put, it essentially suggests that if you spend all of your time worrying about how bad things are going to be in the future, you could easily end up stuck in the past. Not to mention the fact that you won’t be able to enjoy the present if you’re living your life consumed by fear and feeling anxious for no reason.

Anxiety itself can come from a variety of stressors, such as medical conditions, relationship issues, and money matters. By definition, anxiety generally refers to ‘an intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear that is out of proportion to normally occurring situations that we experience. Some of the most common symptoms of anxiety include insomnia, racing thoughts, poor concentration, irritability, restlessness, palpitations, trembling, nausea, and sweating.’

Similar to your favourite video game, obstacles in life tend to get a lot more challenging the further along you go, increasing your level of stress as you reach each milestone or complete each mission. No one is immune to experiencing stress.

If you’re alive, you’re going to feel some form of stress at one point or another in your life, it’s inevitable. And as most of us already know by now, having too much stress in our lives can lead directly to severe anxiety.

So now, let’s take a look at some anxiety-busting strategies to help you cope more effectively with the severe and debilitating experience of feeling anxious for no reason.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Although you may be able to accomplish anything that you put your mind to—such as losing weight, improving your relationships, or making more money—carefully consider the level of stress involved in whatever it is that you intend to do.

Become a student of your surroundings. Learn as much about the people, places, and things in your life as possible. Whether your dream is to bring the world closer together by creating a brand new social media platform or to open up a cool corner cafe in your own hometown, you’re going to have to be able to cope with some form of stress to make whatever you decide to do in your life a success.

With that said, set goals that are challenging but attainable with hard work and determination.

2. Set Firm Boundaries

Map out your emotional territory. From the very beginning of history, conflict has been an inherent part of the human experience. The more conflict, the more stress, and the more stress, the more anxiety, and so on.

Besides learning how to strengthen your body and soul, you can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety by taking better care of your mind. When you set firm boundaries with others, you give yourself the emotional space to process the value of relationships on your terms.

Let the people that surround you know exactly what you are willing to do and how far you are willing to go. Ultimately, this will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by setting realistic and manageable expectations with others.

3. Set Priorities

Choose your emotional battles wisely. Not every stressful situation necessarily leads to debilitating symptoms of anxiety. Rather than trying to tackle the most profound obstacles in your way all at once, reverse triage the situation by chipping away at smaller issues first.

Consider taking on challenges that you feel you can manage effectively with the least amount of effort. Get the momentum going as you lead with your strengths. And then, as you begin to break through each obstacle in your way, take a personal inventory of your accomplishments. Take note of all the progress that you were able to make along the way, as well as how you were able to muster up the courage and internal fortitude to keep moving forward even in your most difficult and precarious moments.

4. Pace Yourself

When you’re feeling anxious for no reason, one of the best things to do is to pace yourself. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. The key to longevity in whatever you do is setting a manageable pace to avoid burning out before you make it to the finish line.

So, try not to get ahead of yourself as you work your way up and through the gauntlet of impending issues that we will all ultimately face along the way in life. Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will your own personal empire, no matter how entrepreneurial or emotionally fuel-efficient you may be.

Rather than trying to accomplish all of your goals as fast as possible, you may be better off striving to reach attainable milestones on your journey. Whether you’re dealing with problems at work or home, do as much as you can to address and resolve your issues without getting yourself stressed out and overwhelmed.

And if you just can’t get a handle on the situation, know when to say when. You just may need to step away from the battle for a moment or two, so that you can ultimately return to the front and fight the good fight another day emotionally re-energized.

5. Talk to Someone

You can’t see the forest from the road. That is unless you’re able to somehow see above the treeline. Many of us experience tunnel vision when we’re dealing with something that we perceive to be a major problem in our lives. We find ourselves consumed with the circumstances that surround whatever it is that’s bothering us while losing sight of many of the other important things in our lives.

Taking the time to talk through your greatest fears with the right person can help you break through even some of the most seemingly impenetrable walls of anxiety that you have ever experienced. Talk therapy works if you work it.

In other words, if you want to change the fruit, you have to start at the root. The more you open up to another person about the things that make you feel anxious, the less likely those things will negatively impact your life moving forward.

6. Breathe

Have you ever worried about something so much that you actually ended up feeling physically sick, emotionally drained, even gasping for air? I know that I have. Sometimes, we may feel anxious for no reason.

If you haven’t realized it by now, life is like a perpetual obstacle course. It’s full of ups and downs, plenty of unexpected twists and turns, a bunch of hurdles, and even a few trap doors along the way. However, rather than being the first to arrive at an actual finish line, you may want to focus your attention on simply being able to make it through to the other side successfully, accomplishing as much as you can in your life-time with as much peace of mind as possible.

Holding your breath until you get what you want might work a few times when you’re a child but not at all when you’re an adult with responsibilities like paying your bills and maintaining healthy relationships with others. With that said, at one point or another, you are going to have to come up for air to help clear your mind and replenish the oxygen in your lungs. Similar to pre-flight instructions, if there’s a problem in the air, you have to put your oxygen mask on first.


In conclusion, no matter how cool, calm, and collected you may appear to be at one point or another in your life, you are going to experience stress in one form or another. Too much stress can ultimately lead to a variety of debilitating symptoms of anxiety, which in turn, negatively impacts your quality of life.

Now, more than ever, as we all learn how to adapt to our post-pandemic new-normal world, many of us are experiencing symptoms of anxiety no matter how hard we try to manage the level of stress in our lives. By learning how to effectively cope with anxiety, we can ultimately break right on through it so that we can live an even more productive and fulfilling life.

Nevertheless, perhaps the most common-sense strategy to reduce experiencing symptoms of anxiety is to avoid putting yourself in highly stressful situations in the first place if possible.


Why am I so tired all the time and have no energy?

I’ve noticed lately that when I ask friends how they’re doing, half the time their response is either “tired,” “exhausted,” or “beat”—it’s almost as though being worn out is just another part of our busy, modern-day lives that we’re somehow supposed to get used to.

But I believe that when our bodies and minds are in sync and healthy, we should feel amazing and energized even when our schedules are full. If we’re getting enough rest, exercising, and eating foods that fuel us, we should feel strong, satisfied, and alert. But as most of us know, that’s easier said than done, and there are several reasons why you may be feeling mysteriously tired.

Read on to find out some of the most common causes—then make some lifestyle changes or see your doctor so you can rediscover the energy you need to feel your very best!


Even slight dehydration has been shown to cause moodiness and fatigue in women; other signs can include headaches and inability to concentrate. It’s an easy fix: just drink more fluid throughout the day! Women should consume, on average, 2.7 liters of fluids (or about 11.5 cups) a day, more if it’s hot outside or you’ve been exercising. Try to keep a big bottle of water on your desk while working or in the car when when driving, so you can continuously sip throughout the day.

Not getting adequate sleep

Before you roll your eyes at how obvious this one is, think about it: are you really getting seven to eight hours every night? Because that’s the amount the National Sleep Foundation recommends most people need. Well actually, that’s the suggestion for people over age 64—they advise seven to nine hours for people between the ages 18 to 64. And if you’re not getting that much, then it’s probably the main cause of your fatigue. Make an effort to get to bed earlier, and stick to a regular nighttime routine that encourages a restful nights’ sleep.

Sleep apnea

Sometimes people think they’re getting a good night’s sleep, but if you suffer from sleep apnea, you experience short bursts of wakefulness through the night caused by brief interruptions in your breathing. It’s also not a condition that should be taken lightly. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea. Since people often aren’t even aware that they have it, a doctor may order a sleep test to diagnose.

Not fueling your body with the right kind of food

Eating too little is an obvious issue, but eating the wrong foods can also be a major drain on your energy level. Eating less fiber, more saturated fat, and more sugar throughout the day is linked with lighter, less restorative sleep. In one study, researchers tracked diet, and sleep for a group of healthy adults over the course of five nights and found that indeed, food choices during the day did affect sleep. So, including protein (eggs, fish, meat, lentils), healthy fats (avocado, nuts), and good-for-you-carbs (fruit, slower processed grains like quinoa and oats) will give you long-burning energy. Simple carbs and sugar will make you crash and burn.


In particular, iron deficiency,  anemia is one of the common reasons for fatigue in women and is more common during pregnancy. While initially, it can be so mild it often goes unnoticed, once the body becomes more deficient in iron and anemia worsens, the signs and symptoms intensify. Some of these symptoms include extreme fatigue, weakness, headaches/dizziness, cold hands and feet, and more. See your doctor for some blood tests on your iron levels then take a high-quality supplement, and incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet.

Not getting enough exercise

It may seem counterintuitive, but anyone who regularly works out will tell you that breaking a sweat actually gives you more energy throughout the day. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.. It just makes sense—when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.


Your thyroid controls how fast or slow your body converts fuel into energy, and hypothyroidism (a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of certain crucial hormones) means that it’s under-active which can lead to obesity, joint pain, infertility, and heart disease. Fatigue is also a side effect of this condition. Head to the doctor for a blood test if you think you may need to get your thyroid checked.

Food allergies or sensitivities

If you have an undiagnosed food allergy or sensitivity or suffer from environmental allergies, you could be in a cycle of inflammation and fatigue also known as brain fog. Try eliminating certain foods to test your intolerance levels (a simple elimination diet is a good start), and see if your fatigue improves.


Many people don’t realize that depression has physical symptoms as well as emotional ones. If you’ve been feeling down and tired for a few weeks, especially combined with a loss of appetite or headaches, consider seeing a doctor or speak with someone that can help.