Chioma Uzoma is a public health educator, founder, the Medvocacy initiative (TMI) Africa.

Vaginal Candidiasis

Vaginal Candidiasis is a common Fungal/Yeast Infection that affects at least 3 out of every 4 women.
Research has shown that 75% of women will experience this at least once on their lifetime, hence the need to discuss this issue.
Vagina Candidiasis affects the Vagina and the Vulva (The tissue surrounding the Vaginal Opening in Women).

It normally presents with symptoms such as:
•Vaginal Rashes
•Vaginal Redness
•Vaginal Irritation
•Cheese-like, odourless discharge.

The Major cause is the Fungus *Candida albicans*.
This organism is responsible for most Vaginal yeast infections.

Your Vaginal naturally contains a balanced mix of *Yeast* and *Bacteria*.
Certain *Bacteria* (e.g *Lactobacillus acidophilus) help keep this yeast in check, because candidiasis infection will only set in when there is an overgrowth of Yeast cells.

Unfortunately, this balance can be disrupted. Overgrowth of the Yeast cells causes the Signs and symptoms of Vaginal yeast infection.

▪︎Indiscriminate Use of antibiotics:
In a bid to prevent Sexually transmitted infections, most women resort to taking Antibiotics after unprotected Sex.
Wide Spectrum Antibiotics kills a wide range of bacteria including the healthy Bacteria *Lactobacillus acidophilus* meant to keep the yeast cells in check.

▪︎Use of Contraceptives high in estrogen/ Hormone therapy increasing hormonal levels.

▪︎Pregnancy :This is due to changes in the Hormonal Balance/Hormonal Imbalance.
It should be treated in pregnancy as the infection may be transmitted to the Unborn child during delivery, causing *Oral thrush*.

▪︎Uncontrolled Diabetes

▪︎Impaired Immune System:

-Women constantly on Corticisteroids.

-Women with immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

▪︎Regular intake of Unsweetened yogurt (These are rich in *Lactobacillus acidophilus*

▪︎Cutdown on Sugar Intake

▪︎Avoid unnecessary Antibiotics intake.

▪︎Wear undies made with cotton and avoid wearing extremely tight undies.

▪︎Avoid *Douching*: The Vagina is Self-cleansing, you dont need to jet water with soap into your Vagina to wash it. This only removes the healthy bacteria and hence overgrowth of the yeast cells causing infection.

▪︎Avoid Using scented or harsh feminine products as they cause irritation to your Vagina.

▪︎Avoid extremely hot tubs and water baths.

▪︎ Avoid staying in wet clothes.

Self Medication is not adviced so you should see a qualified Medical expert immediately you notice these symptoms.

If infection becomes recurrent, lasts for more than 3 weeks or occurs more than 4 times in a year, do not ignore as it may be an indication for underlying ailment e.g Diabetes, Compromised immune system. Ensure to make an appointment with your Doctor.

*P.S*: Vaginal Yeast infection can be transmitted Sexually from a male who is infected with *Candida albicans*, to a female and vice versa.
However, it is not classified as a Sexually transmitted infection because anyone can be infected. At the onset of puberty, one can get infected without necessarily being sexually active.


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