I once watched a Dove T.V commercial in which two doors were open; one tagged ‘beautiful’ and the other tagged ‘average’. Both doors were beside each other leading to a mall and the ladies were to choose whatever door they passed through based on their how they viewed themselves. It was funny to watch a lot of females, including extremely stunning ones, go through the average door.
This could have been for a lot of reasons; maybe they did not consider themselves beautiful or maybe they were afraid to ‘dare’ call themselves beautiful. Haba, they were supposed to be humble, and maybe they were afraid of backlash.
In life there we will always be faced with two choices: to be beautiful or average (okay, there’s a third one, to be downright ugly)… but we need to teach our daughters to choose beautiful;
- When feelings of doubt, insecurity and low self esteem creep in, she is to choose beautiful.
- When people are malicious, when they gossip and backbite, she is to choose beautiful and show love.
- When evil lurks around, rather than be average and complain, she will choose beautiful by doing her best to bring a change.
- When being mediocre is easier, she will choose beautiful by striving to utilize all her God given potential.
- She will do her best, give her all, bring others happiness (okay, I’m stealing Beyonce’s lyrics but you get the drill).
- But most importantly, she will never compete with anyone or allow anyone put her down because she knows that she is a masterpiece, God’s definition of beauty.
Shout out to all women. In a world that strives to put us down and force their labels and definitions on us, may we be bold enough to always CHOOSE BEAUTIFUL.
Photo Credit: Paul Hakimata | Dreamstime.com