


Women have made great strides in the workplace. As a female student in college, the sky is essentially the limit. You can choose to take any career path that piques your interest. Of course, that assumes that you have a career path in mind.

Today, women can become anything they please. However, that sort of diversity in opportunity can confuse some students, both men, and women. Female students, in particular, struggle to identify the career paths they should adopt because they do not just want to secure a well-paying job.

Rather, they want to pursue a balanced life, one in which they are making money, socializing, starting families, essentially living a well-rounded existence. This puts young female students that do not know which career they must choose to make their dreams come true in a difficult position.

If you fall within this category, you are not alone. And if you are looking for inspiration, these are some of the career paths that other female students will most likely pursue in 2023.

1) I.T

The information technology arena has undergone numerous developments and advancements over the last few decades but it is showing no signs of stopping. This is why so many women are attracted to it. The field offers women options in terms of the type of work they can pursue. They can work on their own or as part of a team, developing programs or managing computer systems, making video games or building phones.

The sky is the limit for women in this field. There are no restrictions on what they can or cannot do. The field also creates an opportunity for women to work from home.

2) Freelance Writing

If you spend time online, you have probably noticed that the number of blogs written by women has grown. So many successful female bloggers started as housewives with free time or a desire to make their own money. And once they realized that they could blog about their interests, they went on to create massive online empires.

Plenty of female students are starting to target this field. Some of them blog. Others are editors. Quite a number can see the money that the freelance writing arena has to offer. But they are primarily attracted to freedom, the fact that you can work whenever you want.

3) Healthcare

Women have always flocked to the medical field. This is because they are natural caregivers. Decades ago, the majority of women in medicine were nurses. These days, women can become surgeons, pharmacists, physicians, basically any rank in medicine that they desire.

This is why female students are targeting this career path. It brings money, power, and status to the table. But there is also an opportunity to help the less fortunate. If you have even the slightest interest in medicine, you should know that medical programs are demanding, not only in terms of money but time as well. You must be prepared to surrender your entire life to your career.

The other problem is the number of papers that you need to deliver before you graduate. Luckily every female student can get nursing papers for sale at Copycrafter.net, it’s really convenient.

4) Mental Health

The fact that women are natural caregivers means that they are also suited to the field of mental health. They are empathetic. They also know how to listen and communicate. Besides the opportunity provided to help people, you stand to make a lot of money, especially if you can accumulate the necessary experience.

Female students were already flocking to the mental health field before. But their numbers are definitely going to grow in the coming months and years.

5) Civil Engineering

When people think about women in the workplace, their minds immediately turn to journalism, interior design, advertising and other careers of that ilk. They rarely think about civil engineering. That is a mistake because women are starting to flood this field in greater numbers than ever before.

Civil Engineers build things. They design and manage infrastructure-related projects. That brings with it quite a bit of prestige and that is attractive to female students who want to leave their mark on the world.

They want to go down in history as the women who built dams and skyscrapers and roads. They also want to earn the massive paychecks attached to such projects. As such, you shouldn’t be too surprised to find female students enrolling in civil engineering courses.

Soure: Bauce Magazine online

Ethel Delali Cofie is a leading tech entrepreneur from Ghana and the founder and CEO of Edel Technology Consulting, a company that provides IT and software services as an enabler and catalyst for businesses to achieve their goals.

Ethel is the founder of Women in Tech Africa, initiator of the 1st Pan African woman in tech meetup and was shortlisted for the UN GEM Tech Award for work supporting women in ICT.

She has been featured by the BBC and CNN for her work in technology and promoting women’s leadership. Ethel sits on numerous boards and is also a President Obama Washington Fellow for Leadership (YALI).

Ethel Delali Cofie. Founder, Edel Technology Consulting

Remember the mistakes you make are all part of learning, so instead of overthinking things just do it, and on your way down you will figure it out.

Ethel Cofie is a woman with a genuine passion for technology and is a real advocate for women’s entrepreneurship in the sector. Today, her company Edel Consultancy, which she founded in 2013, is the primary vehicle for driving her technology passion. At the same time, it provides a platform from which to run powerful women in technology networking groups and alliances, focused on education and enhancing women’s careers in the sector.

In the preceding decade, she gained invaluable global industry experience working with a wide range of innovative and transformational tech systems and products in different capacities including Product/Solutions Management, Business Analysis, Software Development, Service Management, Strategy Development and Implementation.

Her career path took her to the UK between 2006 and 2009 where she undertook her MSc in Distributed Systems at Brighton University, followed by a corporate position as a Business and Systems Analyst with RDF Solutions. Both proved to be invaluable experiences that were to help shape her next career moves.

I failed a lot along the way but learned many lessons, which made it easier to get back up and try again. So persistence was key in my development as a professional and a businesswoman.

She is also a woman entrepreneur that believes in making a positive contribution to society through her knowledge, expertise and innovative ideas. In 2010, she worked on a number of game changing social projects in Africa, such as the Ford Foundation funded election-monitoring project for Nigerian Elections, and also the Bill and Melinda Gates Funded Mobile Technology for Health. The project was so successful that it has been implemented in Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania and India, proving that technology can indeed save lives. She was also the Technology Consultant for Dream Perfect in Sierra Leone, working on new Mobile Technology Solutions in the country.

Having made a considerable contribution to the success of these social development projects in Africa, she returned to the corporate world, taking up the position of Head of Commercial Solutions at Vodafone in Ghana, responsible for managing a team of technical and business analysts. This new role gave her a different outlet with which to fulfill her passion of supporting businesses in their efforts to provide customers with great services and products, to provide excellent customer service, and make profits by providing excellent and appropriate technology solutions. After resigning from her role at Vodafone in 2013 following a successful career with the company, she launched Edel Consultancy as the new vehicle for driving her passion.

I have 3 passions: Technology, Female Leadership and Empowerment, and Entrepreneurship.

“I created women in tech Ghana because I wanted to create a girls’ club – if corporate promotions and business has been conducted over the golf club and over beers, then I was going to create a space for women in tech to help each other move up and excel.” She said.

I believe entrepreneurship is Africa’s way out of poverty. Entrepreneurship is on the increase, because Africa, at last has been emerging and the economies are booming — several countries are starting to really increase entrepreneurial activity and move to opportunity entrepreneurship, rather than necessity entrepreneurship.

Ethel Cofie is a real inspiration, not just to women entrepreneurs in Africa’s tech sector, but to all those women who would like to build a career or a successful business in this highly competitive and male dominated industry. She is living proof that with enough tenacity, self-belief, and a vision to be an industry game changer for the benefit of others, you can achieve incredible results.