
Indra Nooyi


Margaret Thatcher very rightly said, “If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.”The immaculate researches in neuroscience said that there are biological differences in the way a woman and a man would think but that surely does not prove men and can soar higher than women in leadership capabilities. To prove this point, we do have a straight fact sheet – presently there are approximately 22 female presidents or prime ministers in the world, and more than a dozen women executives ruling the Fortune 500 companies.

Women have been ground-breaking the realm of business since long, but this particular year of 2015 has showed some records. The first female CEO in IBM was appointed this year – GinniRometty; Facebook got its much awaited IPO with the help of Sheryl Sandberg, Irene Rosenfeld is dividing Kraft into two different public companies, while Marissa Mayer raised a level from top Google executive to the seat of CEO at Yahoo. Reaching this level was not so easy!

Let us know more about these 5 extraordinary women and highest paid female CEOs in the world:

1. Irene Rosenfeld (Chairman and CEO of Kraft Foods)
Kraft foods is the second-largest food company in the world and she has been leading the company in perfect business terms since decades. Her journey started with Kraft as a CEO in 2006, before that she was the CEO of Frito Lay. Currently, she draws an annual compensation of $19.3 million. She took the company to a new level by replacing AIG on the Dow Jones Industrial, and then purchasing the British brand Cadbury in exchange of more than 10 billion pounds.

2. Carol M. Meyrowitz (President and CEO of The TJX Companies) –
Retail industry is now defined as a platform for low-cost options to the shoppers offering everything from clothing to housewares – this happened because of Carol Meyrowitz. She took over in the year 2007 and ever since then she looked over the business of TJ Maxx, Home Goods, and Marshall’s, doing a profit of around a $21 billion. Today, she is offered an annual compensation of $17.4 million; once she started as an assistant buyer at Saks but eventually she showed the world the consequences of working hard.

3. Indra Nooyi (Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo)–
She entered PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP) in 1994, climbed the corporate ladder and became the president by 2001. As her business milestone, Nooyi states acquiring Tropicana in 1998, followed by Quaker Oats Company in 2001. PepsiCo today has Gatorade and more tasty and healthy foods in the company basket due to the efforts of this lady. She draws an annual salary of $16.2 million and brought 72% increase in profits since 2001. In 2011, Forbes named her as world’s fourth most powerful woman.

4. Ellen Kullman (Chairman and CEO of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company) –
Ruling the Chemical industry, Kullmanjoined DuPoint in 1988 at the post of a marketing manager, later she became the president in 2008 and finally the CEO in 2009. She set a new arena in the company from oil-based chemicals to further technology oriented areas such as green energy and biotech. Drawing a yearly salary of $14.8 million, Kullman never moved back from investing billions for the latest development on new biofuels and highly fertile seeds. She made her company stand back and DuPont earned $1.75 billion profit along with $26 billion revenue.

5. Angela Braly (Chairman, President, and CEO of WellPoint) –
Now, from healthcare industry who else can be the best fitting name in this list apart from Braly ? WellPoint is better known as BlueCross BlueShield and most Americans own a BlueCross card for their health concerns. Braly became the CEO in 2007 and the company’s revenue increased to $60 billion in 2010. She mainly focussed on creating the best healthcare unit by making it unanimously affordable and advocating healthy living from the root level. Braly has a family with three kids; she has thus proved to be a perfectly organised working mother.

These 5 women CEO’s have not only proved that business and economic development of a country can largely come from this fairer sect but women are also skilful, dedicated and loyal workers who brought prosperity to their businesses multiplying returns.