
Gabby bows


According to Black enterprise, 12-year-old Gabrielle Goodwin just inked a major deal to sell her product, GaBBy Bows, in 74 Target stores across the country.

We first reported about Goodwin back in January when she and her mom, Rozalynn Goodwin, expounded upon the young CEO’s business, launching their Mommy and Me Entrepreneurship Academy. Gabrielle is the owner of GaBBy Bows, a company she started at the age of 7 with the help of her mom. The 12-year-old created the first patented double-face, double-snap barrette. She began selling her product, eventually expanding the business to include hair care products, books and the Entrepreneurship Academy which allowed other kids and their moms to microfranchise GaBBy Bows. 

Goodwin has gained national recognition for her invention, being featured in a number of publications and being named Black Enterprise’s “2018 Teenpreneur of the Year.” Her new deal with Target allows her to expand the brand even further.

The pre teen spoke with Black Enterprise previously saying, “Everyone talks about how I’m so amazing. I want them to know that they can do similar things as me and know that anything is possible.”

Now that she’s expanding her business, she hopes that it inspires young women even more. “This dream coming true helps girls know that whatever they put their minds and hard work to, they can achieve, Goodwin said. 

You can find GaBBy Bows at your local Tar