


Fashion entrepreneur, Mocheddah, has taken to her IG page to recount how being an adult and entrepreneur in Nigeria makes her cry a lot. She posted the photo above on her IG page and wrote

This is me —

After a goooood cry ?, I had to wipe my tears , drink tea , get on the phone and get work done .

40% of my time is spent on the phone talking , I do not wish it so but it is , I’m either talking to staff , a supplier or trying to get logistic companies to “do their job “on time because customers need their orders .. .

Another 40% is spent on the field , in the sun buying materials I would need or on an okada trying to meet up with a delivery, ( I’ll post the picture soon ) 
The last 20% is what I have left for myself , family and other businesses I run … .

.It is HARD , I cry , I cry a lot ???.. .

that’s the only way you can survive as a Nigerian business owner … .

Do not let my Instagram slay pictures deceive you , being an ADULT is HARD work, being an entrepreneur is even HARDER .. .

If you must chop you must work 
On the brighter side God rewards hard work … so you will always reap what you have sewn .. I’m writing this to let someone out there know it’s hard for me too … but we will survive .. PS- try drinking green tea – it makes it easier ??

Credit: LIB

During a Q&A interactive session with Women Of Rubies, Online marketing professional and LinkedIn Influencer, Kayode Abass talked about why it is important to be on LinkedIn and also shared some nuggets on how to get started.
He shared:
*The most important part of your LinkedIn profile is your profile
photo and your headline. It’s the first thing people use to judge if
you are worth connecting with. It creates the first impression and
first impressions last.
*Your LinkedIn profile helps you build trust. It shows you do indeed exist. 


*To make your profile relevant, you need to fill all your information
on your profile, you need to get your colleagues and customers to
recommend and endorse you and you need to publish contents on
LinkedIn. If you do those, people will start seeing you on their

*Build relationships and network on LinkedIn. Don’t wait till you’ve
been laid off from work or till you have a product and service you
want to sell. Build relationships and network before those things
happen. LinkedIn groups are a great way to build relationships and
network with people who share the same interests as you.


*Your LinkedIn profile is what clients and prospective employers see
when they google search your name (Go to Google.com, search for your
name and see). Recruiters and companies now fully rely on LinkedIn
instead of the old fashioned way to recruit candidates.


*It is possible to schedule posts for personal page and business page
using Buffer and Hootsuite. I use the two for my clients and they run

*LinkedIn allows you to add your other social media account links to
your profile. If you need a job, you will need to find and connect
with the right people on LinkedIn. You will need to connect with and
build relationships with HRs especially.

Its been ages since I recorded my last vlog, which is why I am super excited to bring to your attention that within the next 10 days I will be releasing a series of vlogs all aimed at helping you up your networking game. I had so much fun recording the videos, they had to beg me to leave the venue..LOL.

In the first video I decided to tackle an issue many career women have when it comes to networking…the lack of results. It’s like when you are on a diet, eating leaves and bananas all day, only to check the scale a week later and you have added 1kg! Y-E-K-P-A! Well just like dieting, there is a right and wrong way to Network and I share it all in this video…all for your viewing pleasure.

Please try and find the time to watch this series of videos as they will only be available for a limited time. You can watch the first video by clicking here 

Have you made any of the mistakes I mentioned in the video? Hit the reply button and share with me after watching the video here 

Being busy means doing stuff, being productive means getting stuff done. However, it seems we live in a world that rewards being busy and at times where being is praised and almost rewarded. Many of us are preoccupied with the notion that busy automatically translate into being productive. You are likely to run the risk of just feeling busy but without actually accomplishing much.

I used to be mentally and physically exhausted and felt like I never stopped

My days were ever rushed

I always felt overwhelmed and at times inundated with work

No matter how early, or how quick I tried to work, I never seemed to get anything accomplished

I used to get frustrated at the end of the day having spending my energy and achieved a few things.

Despite my input, I never achieved much and I despised this. After going through this quote, I figured what I was doing. I was being everywhere, had no focus, a million priorities but was just busy, busy being unproductive.

Ask yourself, which is better making the most out of a few hours and getting things done or taking all day’s hours and getting less accomplished. If you struggle with the answer, you are probably caught up like I was in the ‘busy’ mode, but for some of us the answer is now easy.

By being busy you are demonstrating a disturbing form of lazy thinking and thoughtless. You find yourself celebrating your mediocre performance as you can only do a lot of small things. What happens to the bigger few things where it matters most? You are a busy person if you answer the question by asking, but how could I have achieved them, my plate is always full, cant people realise how much work I have to do? The moment you find yourself in a ‘busy’ comfort zone means you are hardly productive.

It is true that as people we are limited to what we can achieve within the limits of time. With that in mind, it is paramount to effectively prioritise and set realistically achievable targets. They say if you have 3 priorities, you have priorities. However, when those priorities shoot off to 25, then you have a mess.

When you start a day with goals and objectives, you know you have been productive after getting quality work done and get closer to reaching all your goals. On the contrary, you can use up all the time looking busy but getting constantly distracted even by work that never allow you to achieve your set goals and targets.

How do I free up my time at work, business or even at home and enhance my productivity?

You should appreciate that you don’t get desired results by involving yourself even when you can automate some of the things. Some of the work can be done much easily by using software, engaging virtual assistants,

Be in love with planning, try and get demanding work by 11am and maximise on your multi-tasking abilities. Identify activities that can be simultaneously accomplished, whether they are inclusive or exclusive. It helps to free up time.

Prioritise at least 3-5 things you really need to get done. Even a machine, also gets worn out, don’t try to be a superman. There are always unforeseen circumstances that are bound to creep in, wearing you out and making it difficult to accomplish things.

You can do well managing your own clutter, but opening doors and letting in a barrage of request might just be the worst thing. At times you need to eliminate possible sources of distraction at point go. Keep away from people who burden your day with never ending request but instead zero in on your goals. Often you can easily get distracted by colleagues, friends or family who dumps time consuming request on you. As a busy person you never take a glance but are quick to say yes to all request whist a productive person takes a cautious and measure approach.

It is a certainly a must to have knowledge of what disturbs you as a step in getting productive. Ever notice how curious and anxious you can be when you notice a new facebook notification, an Instagram message, a watsapp message or even an email. You are quick to drop everything and focus on that and quickly reply. Chances are, once you start dealing with your social media or emails, you end up spending longer than even planned leaving you less focused on important tasks.

Such daily distractions whilst they keep you busy can easily fool yourself to think that you are being productive. You can hardly focus on what really makes a difference but fill your time with things add little or no value. Such distractions can easily push you off your path.

Being busy can be overwhelming but unfortunately there is nothing to show for it. Stop getting busy and start getting productive, focused on what you should be doing, prioritise and learn to say no to avoid any distractions.

Source: Sheconquers

In today’s world, a CEO or business owner needs to scrutinise how their marketing spend is impacting on their overall business growth.

Buying signage at the Olympics can be exciting. You get to go to the games, entertain customers, but does the investment translate into more business? Being a title sponsor at a polo charity event can make you feel good, but are you able to leverage it effectively? Or how about sponsoring a music event? It’s great music and fun times, but does it help the bottom line? If you are simply putting up a sign and you don’t have the time to devote to leveraging the event, then it’s a waste of money. You may as well kiss your hard-earned cash goodbye.

Since 2008, sponsorship marketing (sports, arts, cause or event) has slowed due to the economy and as more businesses question what they get for their investment. The focus of any marketing spend, including sponsorships, should be the “Return on Investment”.

1) What is your target audience and what types of activities are most appealing to them?

Knowing this will help you determine the type of sponsorship program that makes the most sense for your firm or brand. For example, if your firm manufacturers a product that is mostly used by moms for their children, then look for activities that appeal to those moms. In some cases, although the mom is the purchaser, the person who actually uses the product is the child or the spouse. In this example, you need to focus your sponsorship spend on your end user and they will influence the purchaser (mom). Or in the case of business to business, your target may be the person who signs the contract for your firm’s services or it might be the person who place the orders.

2) What type of marketing sponsorships does your competition engage in?

Evaluating how your competitor is spending their marketing budget will help you better understand the playing field. It also provides you insight on whether key sponsorship opportunities are still available. Typically sponsorships have a “non-compete” clause when it comes to companies in the same industry.

3) What is your overall marketing communication plan for your business & where does sponsorship marketing fit into it?

You should create a strategic plan each year, which should include your brand’s communication objectives.  During this process, you should be able to determine whether a sponsorship fits into your short and long term plans.

4) What are your specific sponsorship objectives?

It is critical to determine your objectives up front and ensure everyone is aligned. Your objectives might include driving awareness for your products or services, increasing your firm’s community involvement (CSR), capturing sales leads, increasing brand loyalty, driving retailer traffic, etc.  Every objective should be measurable and include specifics around timing and deliverables.

5) Which sponsorship program best supports your brand or business?

Evaluating which sponsorship program to pursue should be done in conjunction with your overall business / brand and sponsorship objectives, your target audience alignment with the sponsorship audience, the sponsorship cost, how you can effectively activate the sponsorship across channels (i.e. consumer, retailer, sales force, distributor and internal teams), and how the event can be leveraged to build the business over the short and long term.

The sponsorship you select should build equity in your brand (or business).  Ideally you should look to identify a space that your brand (or business) can “own” that aligns with your equity message.  For example, Nike sponsors top athletes across the globe, which supports their brand message of inspiring athletes around the world.

6) What is the sponsorship’s Return on Investment?

At the end of the program, it is critical to evaluate the return on investment based on the established sponsorship objectives.  This analysis can be done internally, or through an outside marketing research firm specializing in sponsorship evaluation.  Some metrics to analyze include: sales activity, lead generation, lower customer acquisition cost, attitudes toward the brand or firm, response to sponsorship or event related promotions or ads, and TV logo exposure, if applicable.

The key to managing sponsorships is ensuring you get the “best bang for the buck”, while minimising risk to your brand or business. So, whether you are a title sponsor for a major event, or a smaller sponsor at a local event, setting your objectives, ensuring you have the right sponsorship partner, leveraging the association beyond just a sign, will yield better business in the long run

About Chidiadi Madumere

Chidiadi Madumere is the CEO/FOUNDER of Black Purist Media Limited, an integrated communications agency with a team of expert consultants offering a 360 marketing communications solutions and professional writing to individuals, start ups and global companies within the Sub-Saharan African Market. 

Follow: @blackpuristmedia
Email: chidiadi@blackpurist.ng, 0909 999 1035, www.blackpurist.ng