
Chika ilang


Chika Ilang is a Mass Communication graduate from Caritas University, Enugu. She’s the founder of Chika Ilang International, a personal development company, which she launched in 2016, with key focus on helping women gain the clarity to build the life and career they truly love.

She believes everyone has equal opportunity to achieve greatness if you show up for yourself, It’s her earnest desire to teach more women how to live a happier, wealthier and fulfilled life. She shares her inspiring journey and some success nuggets in this interview.

Wanting to start a smoke fish business as a child

Not exactly because I was a very carefree child with no worries whatsoever. I wasn’t the very coordinated child who led other children to live right.

I was rather the love child, who got almost all her little request to the best she knew, so there was really nothing pushing me to focus better as a child.

But on the other hand, I was enterprising at heart as a child. I wanted to earn my own money at a very young age. I remember a time my cousin and I saved up our small allowances to start a smoked fish business. You can tell my parents didn’t allow this idea see the light of the day, else, maybe, just maybe, I would have blown in that area. But why smoked fish though? I truly don’t know *laugh*


The “Evolving” Woman

I’m Chika, I’m the last of my parents 6 children, I’m married to my amazing pillar of support, I’m an ambivert, I’m a dreamer and an achiever,I love colours, music, food, positive people, the good but simple life, and all things in between.

I’m an evolving woman, always open to opportunities that would help me become the best of my version.

Chika Ilang International

In 2014, while in my paid employement, I started my side hustle with fruit art and display, sale of gift items and smart kitchen tools; under the name Ore Services on instagram.

Prior to this, I had so many ideas but I didn’t know what or how exactly to launch any.

So I started this business when I desperately needed to do something with my life, beside my 9 to 5. I needed to occupy myself while I figured out what I truly wanted to do with my life. The beginning was intriguing, as it was my first time making money from any business. I made mistakes here and there and always came back stronger with the lessons.

Few months on, I lost interest in my business. I was still very much hungry for more growth. The business just didn’t fit perfectly into the picture I had in my head. So I closed down the business to seek what would give me the answers I sought for.

This self discovery and harnessing stage  led to the birth of Chika Ilang International, a personal development company dedicated to help other women who want to live out their passion, who are  in a job they do not like, who are desirous of life above average, but are confused on how to launch out.

They like I was, don’t know the exact WHAT and HOW to achieve their desired

result. Chika Ilang International is focused at helping them define what exactly they want, help them create a map that will guide them to achieving this and actually hold their hands on their journey to success and fulfilment.


Inspires by Success

I am inspired by every person who dares to show up for themselves and get things done.

I’m inspired by the woman who against all odds, chose to raise her standard and chase her greatness. I’m inspired by the fearless woman who believes so much in herself and her vision.

Success of one is my biggest inspiration. It reminds me that if one person can do it, I too can do mine.


My greatest reward is always the opportunity to do more when I deliver on value promised.


When I started out, I had struggle distinguishing myself. You know when you start a new path with little or no experience, with no result to show for your amazing idea and expertise, you could easily be mistaken for a sham. Until I started achieving results, I had to deal with this.


Projects and activities

Presently, I work with clients on different stages, depending on each person’s level on their journey. I also get involved with voluntary work where I can contribute optimally.

Giving Up

Oh yessssss, I have felt like giving up on few occasions when my business was still taking shape. I had done all I thought there was to be done, yet I wasn’t getting the result I wanted.

But somehow, I was able to persevere on the last tiny hope, and today, I’m glad I did.

Being a Woman of Rubies

I believe success is sweeter when we all win. Whenever I’m in the position to lift another woman, I feel a great joy within me.


Final word

Hey Queen, give yourself the permission to succeed. Be inspired by all the amazing women who have gone ahead to live their personal legend. Like I always say, SUCCESS OF ONE, IS AN EVIDENCE THAT IT IS POSSIBLE, BE INSPIRED NOT ENVIOUS!

Live, love, laugh, support, dream, and become!