Its no news technology is becoming more widely useful. An award winning tech professional, Susanne Tedrick is out to inspire other women to pursue careers in technology, especially ‘women of color.’

In her new book, Women of Color in Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators, Tedrick encourages them to pursue careers in technology and provides a roadmap to break through barriers and build a rewarding and successful career in tech.

Due to facts, women of color have been underrepresented in tech and many have not had the access to strong support networks or resources to build successful careers in the tech industry. With her bulk experience, Tedrick understands the many challenges that young women of color go through and has written Women of Color in Tech in hopes of inspiring the next generation of women to explore careers in tech.

“I wrote this book for women of color who may have the spark and curiosity in pursuing a path in tech, but perhaps, may need some guidance and clarity on what a tech career could look like beyond the ones we traditionally associate with the industry. I also wanted to provide actionable and practical steps that they can take now to build their careers, even if that path changes in the future. Finally, I wanted to talk openly on specific issues that may be a challenge for them – bias, imposter syndrome, mental health and lack of strong support systems among a few – and strategies to help navigate them through,” she said.

On Tuesday April 14th, Tedrick will host a virtual panel discussion with other women in tech to straighten out misconceptions about technical careers (it’s not all about coding!) – the other panelists will also share their various experiences.

This book will be available wherever books and ebooks are sold on April 14th; virtual panel discussion live at 6pm EST on the same day.

To pre-order the book and register for the virtual panel, visit https://webelongintech.comcomcomcom

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