Debt is bondage — emotional and financial bondage,” Tiffany Aliche
Award-winning finance expert and financial educator is the amazing Tiffany Aliche.
She has made it her mission to empower women in america and across, by providing them with access, tools and resources needed to create a better life for themselves and their families.
With her company, the Budgetnista, she has created a financial movement that has helped over 800, 000 women worldwide collectively to save more than $100 million, and pay off over $75 million in debt, purchase homes and transform the way they think about their finances.

Aliche says that she also bought two homes in cash last year, paid off her parent’s house, and paid off her student loans in one lump sum.

“I don’t have any debt now. My car is paid off and my credit card is paid each month in full,” she says. “It still feels a little strange going food shopping and not adding up my cart before I got to check out. Strange, but good

“It’s my greatest desire to see people live richer lives and I truly believe that one of the most effective ways to do so is to provide access to the tools and resources they need.”

“At its core, teaching is unlocking access. I was inspired to serve and teach by the many women in my life that I know struggle with money,” says Tiffany. “My motto, Live Richer, is really a play on words, it’s not just about the money, it’s about growth. It’s a movement forward.”

Aliche has created and teaches numerous free, financial classes both online and in person.

“I’m grateful for the work I do. It’s what wakes me up in the morning and give me purpose. I’m passionate about the people I serve and I can’t believe I get to make living transforming lives. If nothing else, I know I’ve tried my best to make the world a better place than how I entered it, and that’s all anyone is called to do.

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