“Respiro Del Diavolo (Devil’s Breath) ice cream, dubbed “world’s most dangerous ice cream,” was created specifically for Valentine’s Day by the humble people over at Glasgow, Scotland-based Aldwych Café and Ice Cream Parlor. The treat ranks at 1,569,300 SHU on the Scoville scale, which makes it 500 hotter than Tabasco sauce.
According to brothers and co-owners of the cafe, Lee and Martin Bandoni, the idea for this potentially lethal ice cream comes from Italy. They told the New York Post:
“There was a place called Devil’s Bridge and with that, the Italian ice cream families used to meet up once a year and discuss how the year went for them. Every year it still happens over there and this year […] Martin […] brought back the idea that was passed down to him.”
The brothers say the recipe is top secret and only a handful of people know how to make this unusual, spicy ice cream. Lee even called it “a thermal explosion in your mouth” when describing the recipe to the local food agency.
To avoid any legal issues related to health, the owners make customers – who all must be over 18 years old – sign a disclaimer that informs them about potential risks involved with eating the Devil’s Breath ice cream, such as “personal injury, illness, and possible loss of life.”
But is it really that bad? Well, according to Evening Times editor Jenness Mitchell who tried the ice cream, ”
At first, the initial taste was tame. For a second, I thought I was going to have to fake my reaction, but then the hotness hit like a flamethrower to my face; my heartbeat raced as my whole mouth burst into flames.”
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