People experience depression in different ways. Some get their moods affected while others get the effects on their bodies. Symptoms may also be ongoing, or they come and go.

This mental condition, can also influence relationships and also cause some chronic health conditions. Feeling down at times can be a normal part of life. Sad and upsetting events but, if you’re feeling down or hopeless on a regular basis, you could be dealing with depression.

The symptoms of depression can be experienced differently among men, women, and children differently – we have compiled this categorized list originally from Healthline which is a trusted source.

For men they may experience symptoms related to their:

  • mood, such as anger, aggressiveness, irritability, anxiousness, restlessness
  • emotional well-being, such as feeling empty, sad, hopeless
  • behavior, such as loss of interest, no longer finding pleasure in favorite activities, feeling tired easily, thoughts of suicide, drinking excessively, using drugs, engaging in high-risk activities
  • sexual interest, such as reduced sexual desire, lack of sexual performance
  • cognitive abilities, such as inability to concentrate, difficulty completing tasks, delayed responses during conversations
  • sleep patterns, such as insomnia, restless sleep, excessive sleepiness, not sleeping through the night
  • physical well-being, such as fatigue, pains, headache, digestive problems

Women may experience symptoms related to their:

  • mood, such as irritability
  • emotional well-being, such as feeling sad or empty, anxious or hopeless
  • behavior, such as loss of interest in activities, withdrawing from social engagements, thoughts of suicide
  • cognitive abilities, such as thinking or talking more slowly
  • sleep patterns, such as difficulty sleeping through the night, waking early, sleeping too much
  • physical well-being, such as decreased energy, greater fatigue, changes in appetite, weight changes, aches, pain, headaches, increased cramps

Children may experience symptoms related to their:

  • mood, such as irritability, anger, mood swings, crying
  • emotional well-being, such as feelings of incompetence (e.g. “I can’t do anything right”) or despair, crying, intense sadness
  • behavior, such as getting into trouble at school or refusing to go to school, avoiding friends or siblings, thoughts of death or suicide
  • cognitive abilities, such as difficulty concentrating, decline in school performance, changes in grades
  • sleep patterns, such as difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • physical well-being, such as loss of energy, digestive problems, changes in appetite, weight loss or gain.

Common causes could include: Family history, childhood trauma, brain structure, medical conditions and drug use.

However, in many cases, healthcare providers are unable to determine what’s causing depression but it is advisable to seek help and practice meditation in some mild conditions.

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