Staying at home has become a s part of social distancing measures to limit the transmission of the novel coronavirus. In some countries currently, people are being encouraged to exercise once a day.
Although, there have been some wrong assumptions that exercise suppress the immune system. This is wrong because exercise benefits our immune system. In fact, it has been found to improve the way people respond to vaccines.
A study has show that people who are active get fewer respiratory tract infections per year than less-active people. So, exercise doesn’t suppress immunity – instead, it may help the immune system function better.
At a basic level, the immune system has three main lines of defence. Exercise helps maintain the normal function of each of these.
“Regular moderate intensity aerobic exercise – such as walking or jogging – is beneficial for maintaining normal immune function. You should aim to do about 150 minutes of these types of exercise a week,” stated some UK lecturers.
Resistance exercise such as Weightifting also has clear benefits for health and wellbeing in general, being a resistance ecercise, it alleviates psychological distress, and helps in maintaining strength, balance and coordination.
Due to the current circumstances, it’s important to exercise in isolation and maintain good personal hygiene, washing hands following exercise.
In addition, you should also pay attention to getting a good night’s sleep and maintaining a healthy diet to give the body its best chance at fighting off infections.
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