If there is one thing we collectively hate, it is that ugly face-ruining spot on our face that calls itself acne. The glaring reality is that people battle acne in their youth and throughout their lives, and it can be challenging to find a solution that is both effective and natural. This was a challenge that entrepreneur Didintle Leatile Moreki, founder of Organic Natural Skincare in Botswana successfully took up in starting her business.
Organic Natural Skincare manufactures skincare products with the use of indigenous plants found in Botswana and Africa as a whole.
Organic Natural Skincare was born after she had a persistent skin acne that would not heal. After years of trying what the market offered, at the age of 18 she finally decided to try an organic alternative.
Unfortunately at that time, the market could not offer this, as a result she decided to opt for what she consumed as food.
This revelation simply came out of her need to say: “Beauty should not be harmful or toxic and so long as l can eat it l can use it on my skin!”
Years later, as the vision became clearer, and she came to understand that the cause of her low self-confidence is skin acne.
As a result Didintle knew that whatever she was formulating had to boost the confidence of the African Woman or empower her to be confident in her skin.
Didintle’s entrepreneurial journey started when at age 10. She sold watermelons and maize from her parents’ farm. This grew with her when her mother started her poultry farm and even at her tender age, her mother would send her to negotiate with suppliers and clients.
This is a clear indication that she was not a newbie when she chose to birth Organic Natural Skincare.
By profession, Didintle is an accountant, currently pursing her certification as a Financial Analyst. For her Under-graduate degree, she had an honour of studying an Entrepreneurial Module in her last year of University.
In 2019, Didintle was one of the 50 entrepreneurs chosen from the 500 applicants for the DeBeers Stanford Go to Market Programme.
Her word to aspiring women entrepreneur is simple, “Girl, you too can do hard things!”
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