A graduate of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Chiddie Anyasodo is the co-founder of Chotayah, a high-end executive matchmaking service for professional Africans all over the world. Through the platform, Chiddie and her husband Ben, have helped many African singles discover and route out the obstacles preventing them from being in a healthy relationship. Chiddie’s career path evolved from engineering into full entrepreneurship over the years. She has worked in different phases of the Upstream Oil and Gas industry – initially as an International Mobile Field Engineer with Schlumberger, working in different countries. She also worked as Business Development Manager, later joined another company as the Global Vice President for Commercial, before moving on to build her own businesses.

Having previously experienced numerous heartbreaking failed relationships, Chiddie understands relationship pains and so empathizes fully with clients. This understanding ignited her passion to study relationships, how people can find High value Spouses and build healthy fulfilling relationships in their own terms .
Chiddie coaches and strategizes with heart, bringing the perfect combination of visionary thinking and practical experience to her service.
Chiddie is happily married to Ben Anyasodo, they are both co-founders of their matchmaking platform, Chotayah

Ben and Chiddie have a proven track record of creating head-turning power couples who augment each others’ successes.
The services they’ve crafted for Chotayah are bespoke and exquisite, tailored to each client’s desires and challenges, and focus on putting the seeker back in complete control of finding their ideal mate.
Together they have helped many African singles discover and route out the obstacles.
About Chotayah
Chotayah has become the most trusted name in high-profile African matches and marriages.
Speaking on the inspiration behind Chotyah, the sought after relationship coach had this to say: “I got rejected many times with excuses like ‘you earn too much,’ ‘a woman shouldn’t earn more than a man’. ‘You are too boyish, too ambitious’. ‘Your job exposes you and makes you travel too much’ and ‘you won’t make a good wife’. ‘A successful woman will never respect a man’.
“At one point, I was told by some pastors and relatives that I had a spiritual problem. You can imagine. After praying so much and the cycle kept repeating, I decided to try alternative methods.
“First, I tried to use some Western dating sites like E-harmony and Match.com. But they always rejected my application as I was Nigerian. I also tried to hire a matchmaker in the USA then, but she didn’t work with people outside the USA.
“So, I decided to go on my own. That experience made me start reading and exploring what makes relationships work. I also got a relationship coach, started studying serial men and women who always seemed to have lots of attention from their love interest.
“I took everything I learnt and crafted my own strategy to find my man. It took me about 8/9 months to find my man and no more heart breaks. My friends who knew about all my negative experiences started using the same formula and it worked for them.
“And every day, I see so many people like me going through the same challenges that I went through. Successful high-flying people who have succeeded everywhere but seem they are not able to succeed in the love department.
“I then decided to go study matchmaking in the UK and Relationship Coaching in New York. My husband is a Behavioral Change Expert & Therapist. We decided to join our passion and expertise to give birth to Chotayah.”
To know more about Chiddie’s , Follow her via her social media accounts below