Ida Wheeler, 102, is challenging narratives about old age and health by visiting the gym to pump iron three times in a week to stay fit and healthy.

At 102, Wheeler is still a very healthy, strong woman and this is due to her frequent visitations to the gym. In an interview with KCRA, Wheeler revealed the secret to staying fit and healthy is ”just work and plenty of rest and no drinking of alcohol.” Wheeler, who just turned 102 emphasised that it is important people rest and eat good meals. According to Blacknews, since the 1970s, Wheeler has a workout routine she never wanted to miss. Wheeler even visited the gym on her birthday with her daughter and granddaughter, who often join her going to the gym. Shirley Rodgers, Wheeler’s granddaughter, said her grandmother credits her good health to her own cooked meals, physical activities, and daily news reading habit.

She is ”certainly an inspiration, a truly amazing and I’m proud of her being 102 and working out,” Rodgers said. Meanwhile, a 106-year-old woman identified as Nancy Stewart from Clonard, Ireland, has stated that having a good sense of humour is her secret to a long and healthy life. Stewart who is said to be the oldest person in Ireland still living in her own home, also advised that staying off alcohol and cigarettes can aid longevity. While speaking to RTE, she said: “Have a good humour, don’t fight with anyone and do your job well. That’s all.”

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