
#RubyGirl #TiwaladeAderemi #TechSavvy #Law #Podcast #Techlaw


 Tiwalade Aderemi is a penultimate year student at Olabisi Onabanjo University. She is passionate about the interjection between technology and the administration of Justice in the legal system.
She is an energy enthusiast who believes in clean energy and environmental sustainability.
In 2018, she was elected as the Public Relations Officer of the Law Students Society, OOU.
She serves as the Vice President of the law students society, OOU. She is the co-founder of Tech Savvy Law Students Club,OOU.

In her bid to build cutting edge relevance in the field of law, she has interned at top tier law firms in Nigeria; Omaplex law firm, Hilton Top Solicitors, Digital Lawyers Rights Intiative among others.

She shares her RUBY GIRL story with the team.

1. Let’s know you. Who is Tiwalade Aderemi?

My name is Tiwalade Aderemi, I hail from Aramoko, Ekiti state. I am presently undergoing an undergraduate degree in Law at Olabisi onabanjo University.

2. Has Law always been your dream course? If not, what prompted you to study Law?

Not exactly, during my secondary school days, I always told my parents about my interest in theatre arts. However, my passion for law was inspired by my aunty who is a Lawyer.

3. You’re the co-founder of Tech Savvy Law Students, OOU. Why Tech Law?

Technology is the tool that ensures our relevance in the society.
As a 21st century lawyer, it is expedient to be technology oriented.
In my bid to help students build capacity in the tech industry, I co-founded the technology savvy law students’ club OOU chapter, an organization set up to expose students to the intricacies of technology law.

4. You recently launched a podcast on Energy, “Tiwa Talks Green.” What prompted it and what are we to look forward to?

Tiwa Talks Green (T.T.G.) is an energy series podcast organized to educate the public on the nitty gritty of the energy sector.
I am passionate about causing a change in the energy sector and TTG was founded out of my passion towards enlightening people about the activities in this sector.
Look forward to educative and enlightening sessions on TTG. It’s all about energy

5. Technology Law is an emerging sector in the Nigerian Law practice. What is your advice to students or fresh graduates who want to choose it as a career path? What are the challenges they might face and how can they overcome them?

Technology is an important part of life.
Technology is as old as the world.
Remember, there were times we used typewriter. A typewriter in this century is almost useless but at that time, it was the technology.
For students who are interested in starting a career in technology law, I say technology law is different from technology itself.
Technology law is all about regulating the smooth running of technology users through a law; that is, it is the law that regulates the activities of the technology space.

Thus, technology law includes financial technology laws, crypto currency regulations, digital rights laws, block chain laws, inter alia.

My advise to students who are thinking or considering a career in technology law, is that they read extensively on technology itself, understand several areas in tech and the law that regulates it, take online courses which would further expand your knowledge and do internships at technology firms, or technology companies.
For example, my internship with Digital Rights Lawyers’ Initiative sharpened my tech skills and handed me first hand experience. Also, my internship with Omaplex Law firm, Hiltontop solicitors technology law firms equipped me with requisite skills needed in the technology space.

It is true that technology law is an emerging practice area in the legal profession, and the major challenge to me is not chasing your dreams because of challenges. The answer is this, “start by taking a step and be focused.”

6. You’re passionate about energy and a sustainable environment. How does the legal practice contribute to this area?

A short rhetoric question, is there any sector that doesn’t need law?

Even in our households we have laws, some would say, “we lock our gates by 9pm, anyone that comes after 9pm would pay a fine of N500.”
Again, I say, there is no place that the law is not needed.

The impact of the law has positively influenced the energy sector.
For example, the Petroleum Act of 2010, inter alia, was set up to regulate the activities in the energy sector.
Where there are no laws, the society becomes crimeless and man becomes more brutish, nasty, wicked , and evil.
Hence, it is my submission that the energy sector in my country, Nigeria, is alive because of the legal practice.

7. You’ve  won elections into the office of the Public Relations Officer of the Law Students Society, OOU and you’re presently serving as the Vice President of the same society. How has serving at the faculty level impacted you as a Law student and an individual?

My service to the law students society has taught me servant leadership, resilience, teamwork, effective multitasking, courage and strength.

My experience has helped me understand the value of hard work.
Working with other executives has built my teamwork skills, being able to approach issues is a great skill I own all thanks to my service.

As a law student, I have been able to strike a balance between my education and the positions I occupy.
Having to resume weeks before the official resumption, attending tutorials etc. I have learnt excellent multi tasking skills.

However, as an individual, I have been equipped with requisite skills and experience that would help me excellently in my future endeavors

8. You are in your penultimate year? How do you balance your education with the activities and offices you occupy?

Over the years, I have been able to strike an excellent balance with my education and offices I occupy through my multitasking skills. To me, the offices I occupy are registered courses in my “personal course form” and it is compulsory I pass all my courses. To this end, I say my activities, positions occupied all form a part of my LLB.

9. What are the greatest challenges you’ve had to face due to the positions and offices you occupy?

Challenges form part of our success stories. Behind every story, there are challenges and it’s just natural. For me, there are several challenges I have experienced in my several offices.
The major challenge that every administration faces is always finance related. Every administration has a goal, a plan and a beautiful picture of what they wish to achieve. However, getting finances is one of the greatest challenges we face.

10. You love space and recently participated in an hackaton competition where your team won. What endeared you to space and what was the competition like for you?

The DARA BIG DATA Hackathon competition exposed me to a journey beyond the legal profession.
During the competition, I was challenged to expand my learning horizon to experience technology and science at play. Prior to the competition, I restricted myself to only learn the law, however the competition made me understand the interjectory between Technology, Science and the law itself. Working on Sentiment Analysis was an unimagined dream for me in 2020. I wouldn’t have thought to be part of a successful project.

Winning as Team Amazons was something I was prepared for, Sir Andrew never gave room for us to think otherwise. He fed us with inspiring words, making us to believe in our capabilities. I am particularly grateful to him for his immense support and guide all through the competition. I remember asking him to explain python theory over 2times because I was lost.

I am glad that we won and the Hackathon Competition is one of the things that stood out for me in 2020.
I am grateful to the DARA BIG DATA for the support and passion to breed excellence in the space industry.

11. If you were the President of Nigeria for a day, what would you change?

Hmmmmm, this is not a movie, this is reality. Being the president for 24hours cannot change everything.

To be realistic, if I am the President for 24 hours, I would pick just one thing I am passionate about, which is Energy and sustainable environment. Energy is the heart of Nigeria’s economy. I would use 24hours to ensure that there is an adequate provision for renewable energy and also make provisions for the relief of residents who are deserted as a result of oil spill, gas flaring etc

12. Mention 3 women who inspire you and why.

My mother, her spirit of resilience and hard-work inspires me to always be the best version of myself, unrelenting and always strong.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I am inspired by the historical impacts she made as the former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Her great feats in the legal profession is a motivation that as a female, I can also stand out and never stop impacting lives.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, an economist and international development expert. I am inspired by her resilience and exceptional excellence which has made a name for the country, Nigeria, globally.

13. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I see myself achieving my dreams of leading a frontline career in the legal industry, making impacts in the energy sector and helping the less privileged.

14. If you were given the opportunity to address a group of girls five years younger than you, what will be your advice to them?

God is the only source of my success thus far, and I am glad to share two things with you today.
Dear teens, it is my advise that you build a relationship with God.
Be focused and don’t get distracted by present gratifications, success comes with a price; godliness, hardwork, excellence, consistency and determination. There are times you’ll feel unhappy, in these times, focus on one thing, God. Don’t give up , at the center of it all, see God only.