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Skincare can be kept simple. You should follow a routine for the skin, one that suits its type. These are three basic tasks any skin type, for a busy morning routine.

Washing the face with cold water

For that glow after a night nap, wash you face with cold water. Even if you are not stepping out of the house, washing your face and keeping it clean, is the first step towards achieving a naturally-glowy look. This would not strip your skin to dryness and would give it a refreshing look.

Use a moisturizer

Right after a wash, you need a moisturizer to help seal in moisture. The best time to slather in a moisturizer is when your skin is damp, according to research from a Dermatology Academy. Moisturizing is not a night care routine alone. A face moisturising cream will be handy.

Don’t forget a Sunscreen

The next best thing you can do is apply some sunscreen. If you only had time for one skincare product each morning, it should have some amount of sunscreen. Shea butter acts as a natural sunscreen if you know it, or you might want a store bought sunscreen product which is fine and suitable to your taste. But ensure to keep it simple.

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