A wise go-getter once said “A year from now, you are going to regret not starting today” Another wise go-getter said ”Success is a failure turned inside out. You can only succeed if you are not afraid of failure”. You can have big dreams, great goals, and still not succeed. You know why? The reason is not far-fetched- PROCASTINATION…always waiting for the right moment, always waiting for the perfect location, the right/huge capital..etc. Stop waiting for the right opportunity, create an opportunity for yourself. Start with the little you have, right where you are, and with the little audience you get. Don’t be afraid to fail and don’t be discouraged when you fail. Learn from your last mistake and don’t stop trying until you succeed. Stop waiting for people’s validations and approvals, pat yourself in the back and push yourself to be more.

There was a time I was trying to convince myself that I couldn’t be anything unless I relocate to Lagos. After reading the story of how Instagram and Walt Disney were started, I decided to start from where I am and build a name for myself right here! Stop waiting, start doing. Stop reading success stories and start reading failure stories. Trust me, you will get more wisdom. Big things don’t just start from being big, big things starts from being small.

Start from where you are with what you have!

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