
self development


If you are in a long-term relationship, you may find that there is no longer that spark and magic that you once enjoyed. Over time, most couples fall into a routine and they have other commitments that result in romance being put on the back burner. Of course, this does not mean that they no longer care about one another, it simply means that they have to put other things first and romance simple doesn’t get a look-in.

Well, if you want to try and bring back some of that romance, there are ways in which you can do this. You can use simple yet effective methods that are easy to put into place but can make all the difference. When people want to add spice to their physical relationship, they often turn to measures such as adult toys and will buy dildos online along with other toys. However, if you want to add romance, it is important to think with your heart.

What Can You Do?

There are various methods you can use in order to add some romance to your relationship. So, let’s take a look at some of the options:

Cook a Romantic Meal

One very simple thing you can do to romance your partner is to surprise them with a romantic home-cooked meal. You will find lots of great recipes for romantic dishes online, and this means that you can enjoy good food, good company, and a wonderfully romantic atmosphere with your partner. This is a method that costs very little and can be fun for you. You get to choose all the dishes and whip up culinary creations that will impress your partner. You can set the table with candles and chilled wine, or you can even head to the patio if the weather is good and dine al fresco.

Go for an Afternoon Picnic

Another great way to surprise your partner with a romantic gesture is to whisk them away for a surprise afternoon picnic somewhere beautiful. You can make some simple picnic dishes, pack some cold beers and other drinks, and head to the beach or a local park to while away the afternoon. This is a great way to get outdoors without spending money but still being able to have a great time with your partner.

Book a Short Trip

Depending on your budget, you could surprise your partner with a romantic trip away to their favorite type of place. This could be a secluded cottage, and cabin, a beach hotel, or a spa hotel depending on the type of thing they like. By doing this, you both get to benefit from a change of scenery, and you can look forward to spending some quality romantic time together without distractions. You don’t have to spend a fortune – you can even go on a romantic camping trip.

So, these are some of the ideas you can consider if you want to add some romance back into your relationship.

Source: Bauce Mag

Let me start by saying that dating is defined by what you do in it.

Dating is an act of spending time with a person to get to know them well and consider if you want to get committed.

Dating is not necessarily about sleeping with different people to ascertain who you want.

There are 3 ways to date on purpose and following this method can save you from unnecessary heartache.

  1. DATE INWARDLY: This means spending time with yourself to know what you want, who you are, the kind of relationship you want to build, who you are becoming, your personality, values and emotional needs. Gaining clarity in these areas of life helps you understand who you are. Another way of knowing yourself is seeing yourself through the lens of God because your internal lens may be broken if you have not healed from past hurts and you can’t afford to allow your wrong perceptions of your identity keep you stuck. You’re more than you think you are.


  1. DATE OUTWARDLY: Definitely, it is necessary to spend time with other people so you can network and engage well with them. Dating is a social word for meeting people and it is what you do in it that matters. You can have friends and spend time knowing them well before thinking about a relationship. Don’t be too quick to get into an intimate relationship with a person, consider knowing them for a while, asking the right questions, meeting their friends, observing patterns, giving value, praying about it and listening to your intuition before getting serious about it.


  1. DATE UPWARDLY: This is definitely your relationship with God, unshaken. If you don’t get this part right, it can mess up with the WHY around your dating. You should not date someone to feel complete or valuable.


Seeking for approval or validation from a man or woman for that can lead to more identity crisis.

This is still a process because some people haven’t really spent time knowing themselves, hardly go out or have a sour relationship with God. Do you see why you should sit down to also create a plan that can make this strategy work?


Here are examples:


  1. Dating yourself: Read books around self-discovery, Identity and Purpose.


  1. Dating outwardly: Hang out with some friends monthly or weekly, depends on your time. Read about building healthy relationships and boundaries.


  1. Dating upwardly: Spend more time knowing God through fellowship. Journaling is good too.


Which of these do you need to get better at?

 The easiest way to get healthy skin is by incorporating certain nutritious foods into your diet. Save money on cosmetics and skip filter if you try these natural and inexpensive foods.


This vegetable has high levels of beta-carotene which is turned into Vitamin A in the body.

This vitamin has been found to decrease the skin’s oil production, and there’s also some evidence that it can improve psoriasis.

One cup of carrot juice straight or in your smoothie will give you about 22 mg of beta-carotene, as well as a good dose of vitamin C, which also could help the skin appear more firm and plump.

READ ALSO: 3 easy homemade treatment for your hands


Avocado is a superfood used in many face mask. They are a rich source of Vitamin C and E. Avocados are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids that can really improve your skin from the inside. You can directly apply the pulp on your face for deep moisturization and regeneration.


Citrus fruit, orange is a loaded with Vitamin C which helps reduces wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes. Oranges peels also do wonders for your skin with its anti-aging properties.


An egg is a popular ingredient in the most face mask. The amino acids found in protein-rich foods like meat or eggs are the building blocks of collagen production.

Dark chocolates

Aside from the numerous health benefits, dark chocolate is great for skin firming. It also has flavonols, which is a very potent antioxidant.

In this article, you will discover some of the natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny.

5 natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny  [thehealthy]
5 natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny [thehealthy]

Although everyone desires white and shiny teeth, there are some who have resigned themselves to the belief that nothing can be done to bring their wish to reality.

After all, they’ve tried every possible means to make it work without achieving a positive result.

Well, you might as well change your belief if you’re one of them; because, in this article, you will discover some of the natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny.

Here are five natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny

1. Banana peel

Surprising but efficient, the banana the peel has been proven to contain lots of magnesium, potassium and other teeth whitening minerals that can make the colour of your teeth look better.

However, it is very easy to use the banana peel method. Rub it on your teeth for some minutes after brushing and rinse out of your mouth with warm water.

2. A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Both the hydrogen peroxide and the baking soda have been known to give results when used singly and have been used as home remedies for whitening the teeth for quite some time now,

As a matter of fact, a mixture of the two is bound to give better results.

This remedy is used by mixing the hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and forming a sort of paste, which is then used as a toothpaste.

However, it is not advisable to make use of this remedy regularly because of the abrasive nature of its components.

3. Baking soda and lemon combo

The paste is formed by using half a lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda.

Apply it in your teeth using a cotton bud and let it stay for a few minutes (not less than one minute and not more than two minutes).

Use your regular toothpaste to wash off afterward.

4. Baking soda and coconut oil

When it comes to either home remedies of DIYs, coconut oil is king. And this is because it contains a lot of nutrients and minerals.

However, when combined with baking soda, they form a teeth whitening paste that can be applied to the teeth for a few minutes before washing off.

Apply baking soda and coconut oil paste to teeth for few mins and rinse with warm water.

5. Use of foil and toothpaste

Cut out two rectangles of aluminum foil and rub your toothpaste or any of the above homemade remedies. Use the foil to cover the teeth on your upper jaw and lower jaw and leave it for a few minutes before removing it.

In conclusion, when making use of the homemade remedies, remember to apply them consistently, because that is the only way you can get your desired result.

I was in my room one night, basking in the darkness and silence of it, when my sister put on her radio.

I hate noise. I hate it more when the moon is out, when the curtains are drawn to kill the little rays of light straying in from outside, when everywhere is still, the room is the colour of black and all I want to do is to live in my head and fall in love again with my imaginations.

But the OAP’s voice was sad and she sounded like she was sniffing. There were a lot of awws and I’m sorrys and my ears were suddenly stretched forward – like that of Bebeto, our silly, troublesome rabbit. That night, she asked callers to share any experience they had of when they found it difficult to forgive themselves.

One caller’s – let’s call him Aremu – story is one I’ll never forget.

Aremu had been dating this lady – let’s call her Kauna – since they were both undergraduates. Like many youngies, they were broke, madly in love, and had lots of sex. Now, having lots of sex means that one day, the tip of the condom might tear, there may be no condom available and you will use the withdrawal method – and, of course, small semen might have found its way into the vagina, or you may use pills, or just have the sex and rely on Insha Allah and vibes not to get pregnant. Being madly in love also means that when you make a mistake – like getting pregnant when you don’t want to, you erase this mistake, shake body like say nothing shele, and still set your bodies on fire at night.

But when these mistakes become very frequent, the person whose vagina is constantly prodded with metals, who had to watch blood flow down her thighs or the dismantled foetus drawn out of her will complain. There will be apologies. Begging and cajoling will swiftly follow, too, accompanied by “just one more time.”

This was the case of Aremu and Kauna.

Even after they graduated from school, Aremu was still not ready to become a father, although Kauna frantically begged him to let her keep the pregnancy. “I was waiting to become financially stable. I didn’t want to bring children into this world to suffer,” he said.

But years after they got married, and were both financially stable, they had no child. Every attempt to get pregnant failed. Fear became desperation, desperation gave way to despair, and Kauna slipped into depression. When you want something so badly and you cannot get it, the desire grips you in ways you cannot explain. It grabs your jugular and sucks air off your lungs, it pummels your heart and chews your intestines slowly and steadily until you shrivel from within. It was this desire that ate up Kauna until she became bones. Aremu was weighed down by guilt, “I kept wondering if it was my fault. I was the one who asked her to abort our babies. I didn’t know what to do.”

Kauna eventually died without a child.

“I have not been able to forgive myself. Every day, I regret asking her to abort our babies. Every day I feel I killed her. I cannot sleep, I keep seeing her face. She really wanted to have a baby and it is my fault she didn’t have any until she died.”

It is over a decade ago but I can still hear his voice clearly. His voice is still shaky, thick with emotions, crackly with tears. It dripped guilt. When he said “I really loved her and I cannot forgive myself,” he was undone, gasping, choking on his own tears.

“Forgive and forget” is probably one of the most abused phrases in the world. No one, nothing, tells you how hard it is to forgive. The burden it places on you. The tightening of your chest or the way big balls of sweat escape your pores.  How do you forgive yourself if you are Aremu? Do you say “but I loved her”? Do you say “but she also agreed to it”? What do you say to console yourself? How do you forgive yourself when you are the cause of the accident that killed tens of people, yet you’re alive and well?

How do you forgive that man who calls himself your father? Who dumped you at the orphanage when your mother died, told you that you were his worst mistake, but suddenly came back, after you were successful, to seek forgiveness? How do you forgive your rapist? How do you forgive your mother whose toxic words still haunt you?

Forgiveness can be a burden sometimes, like something you have no choice but to do. The world expects it of you and you expect it of yourself too. The world makes you feel like you’re the devil if you refuse to forgive those who have wronged you. There’s the “for how long do you want to keep this in mind?” There’s also the “they are your family, your blood, you have to let it go. “Then there’s the “what is past is past, move on” (I really hate this one, but isn’t it true? Can you take back the hands of time?) They say forgiveness brings peace, but what if you don’t want peace?

The world tells you to forgive and move on, but they do not teach you how. They do not tell you that forgiving yourself is the hardest part of it all. They do not tell you that to forgive yourself is to break a part of you and bury it deep into the earth. It is to sprinkle tears on your past and try to make it look misty. They do not tell you that your past can sometimes be a ghost, appearing to you in the oddest of place and relieving the oddest of tales. They do not tell you that sometimes forgiving yourself feels like a betrayal to your loved ones, like Aremu moving on, living life, marrying another wife, and having many kids. Sometimes, forgiving other people feels like a betrayal to one’s self, like letting go of that person when you have made up your mind to deal with him/her. The world does not talk of this hollow you feel inside of you. This emptiness that is so filling it consumes you.

Forgiveness is hard. Still, it is not impossible to achieve. I don’t know where Aremu is. I still think about him all the time. Is he married now? Did he find love? Does he have kids? Or is he dea… never mind. But if I ever meet him, I’ll tell him that the dead is dead. The world never stops because someone dies. As long as we are alive, we must do everything we can to keep sane. And perhaps forgiving ourselves and others is one way to keep sane.


About the Author

Oluwadunsin is a Writer and Editor from Lagos, Nigeria. Her works have been featured on BellaNaija, The Kalahari Review, Barren Magazine, and others. Want to get in contact with her? Easy!! Send a mail to You can follow her on Instagram @oluwadunsin___ and on Twitter @duunsin.

When it comes to helping your business succeed there are a few things that you can do. At the end of the day though, all that matters is that you can do what you need to well. So, if you’re looking to get media coverage for your small business, then you need to know How To Write A Press Release and how to write it well. This is an essential skill that will take some time for you to learn, however, it’s very important that you can manage this.

You can’t just write anything and hope for the best. If you do this then it is likely that it will not work, and your press release will be a failure. You need to know how long a press release should be. What sort of information should you include? Ultimately, it’s not just a ticket to earn you news coverage though, you should also be thinking of your press release as a valuable piece of marketing content that can help your business succeed. So how do you write the perfect press release though?

Make Sure Your Story is Newsworthy

There’s no point writing whatever you feel like. Before you even start writing a press release you need to think about what people will actually want to read about. If you don’t know what to start with then think about what you like to read, watch and listen to what is on the media, this should help give you a good indication of what will work well. If you are still struggling to think of something after that, then most people will generally be interested in something that they haven’t heard of before, or something that surprises them, or even something that can help them solve a problem.

So, before you start writing your press release you need to ask yourself a few questions: is there anything “new” in your story? Is there anything unexpected about it and would anyone be interested in this? You need to think about the people who are already aware of your business, but also you shouldn’t forget about the people outside of your business. So, if you are a small gardening company, how can you impress people who have limited gardening skills, or hire a personal gardener to do the work for them? Will your press release interest them or only people who like to garden?

Write Killer Headlines

Even if you write the most perfect press released ever, you won’t get very far if you have a boring headline. You need to stand out from the crowd and entice people to read more. When you are sending your press release to journalists to review, you need to remember that they will probably go through a hundred emails a day, so it’s a good idea to label your email with something like “press release” and then also have a great subject line as well.

Don’t try and be too clever though, you need to make sure that they can understand it. So, if your subject line is too complicated and means that they’ll have to think about it for more than a few seconds, they will probably just bin it and move on. You need something that is catchy and draws in people’s attention. Writing a killer headline is a sure way to get seen, and you’ll soon have plenty of people interested in reading more about you and your business.

Be Concise

When it comes to writing your press release, you might be tempted to show off your business and just waffle on. This would be a mistake. The ideal length of a press release is about an A4 side, or about 300-400 words in length. If you go much longer than this, then you probably have a load of unnecessary things in it, that won’t add any value to your story. If this is the case, then you need to edit your piece down and get rid of a few words or paragraphs.

You will also want it to look good as well. You need to have the same number of lines in your paragraphs. You will also want to include things like sub-headings and bullet points to help the person read it with ease. Bullet points make all the information a lot easier to digest particularly if you’re including statistics and figures. Don’t forget it’s not just press releases that can help your business – why not check out these small budget advertising strategies for your business here to help you take that next step!


Every woman knows the importance of independence and self-reliance. After all, the ability to work and earn an income wasn’t always available to all women. But as competition for work gets tighter, more women need a job that pays well and gives them the flexibility that they need.

Fortunately, work from home jobs are now an option and there are a plethora of freelance jobs available as well. What’s more, many online jobs don’t require applicants to have any experience. In this post detailing how to make money from home, we will look at 15 good jobs that women can do from anywhere without experience.

Remote Jobs for Women

1) Pet Sitter. If you love animals and are able to provide excellent care, then being a pet sitter is an ideal part time work from home for you. As the name of the job suggests, you get paid by your clients for looking after their pets while they’re away. Managing an online listing for your services is, of course, essential for building your clientele.

2) Bed and Breakfast Host. Another work from home option is being a bed and breakfast host. If you have an extra room or a guest house, you can list your property for short-term rentals. That said, make sure that your property has an online listing and that you’re easy to contact. Also, ensure that your property is clean, comfortable, and welcoming. Finally, make sure you have the necessary social skills for interacting with clients.

3) English Teacher. Many people from other countries learn English through the internet. As such, there is an entire industry that hires people with good English communication skills to teach clients across the globe. Note, though, that while experience is often not required, fluency in a foreign language may be a requisite for some companies.

4) Online Tutor. Online tutoring is also one of those no experience jobs that can get you earning extra money. While you’re not required to have any experience as a tutor, this job may require you to have extensive knowledge on a specific area, especially if you’re tutoring clients in higher academic levels such as college students.

5) Online Writer. Online writing basically involves producing written content for your clients and covers anything from crafting letters to drafting articles. A lot of writing jobs require little to no experience, particularly simpler writing tasks. For example, CustomEssayMeister hires freelance writers who have no experience, provided that they can produce output with high quality. However, having effective writing skills is a solid advantage.

6) Blogger. As a blogger, your main job is to come up with content for your personal website. Regardless of what you share, whether recipes, do-it-yourself craft tutorials, or your reviews of products, your goal is to make your content worthwhile as to grow your internet following and attract ad placements from companies. Experience in this field is not necessary, but creativity can certainly get you far.

7) Transcriptionist. This job basically involves converting audio files to transcripts by listening. Most transcription companies do not require any experience, although good hearing and typing skills are certainly needed to be effective in this job.

8) Translator. This online job requires you to translate audio or written documents from one language to another. Whereas more advanced jobs necessitate some experience, simpler tasks are perfect for beginners. Make sure, though, that you’re fluent in the foreign language you choose and that you do not just translate literally but also consider cultural context. You can register as a translator here:

9) Virtual Assistant. Like a traditional assistant, the job of a virtual assistant involves executing tasks delegated to you by your employer such as transcribing data, drafting letters, and managing schedules among others. This job requires little to no experience, but soft skills such as attention to detail, organizational skills, a strong work ethic, and communication skills are vital.

10) Survey Taker. One of the easier ways to make money online, this job requires you to answer surveys such as opinion polls, questionnaires from researchers, and product reviews. Although this job is relatively easy, note that honesty and integrity are important in this field.

11) Website Tester. Website testing involves navigating given websites and providing reviews of the experience afterwards. The goal is to give a company the common user’s perspective on the user-friendliness of a website. Note, though, that tasks are not that many, and thus this is more ideal as a part time job than full time employment.

12) Search Engine Evaluator. The main task of this job is to evaluate the efficiency of search engines in delivering results. For example, you will be given a topic by your company to search, and then you will evaluate the results for accuracy and relevance. Experience is not needed when signing up for this job, although companies usually look for wide knowledge on various topics and contemporary culture when considering applicants.

13) Telemarketer. The job of a work from home telemarketer is generally the same as that of a telemarketer based in an office. And just like how companies hire telemarketers who have no experience, you can easily find a home-based telemarketing job without any background on the field. Nevertheless, soft skills such as effective communication as well as patience and determination are expected for someone who applies for this job.

14) Customer Service Representative. Although working as a customer service representative has been traditionally office-based, more companies today are allowing employees to work remotely. No experience is required for this job, but you will likely undergo a period of training before you’re competent enough to start working at home.

15) Social Media Manager. As the name of job indicates, a social media manager is about managing content on social media with the intention of enhancing online presence, advancing the brand, and fostering customer relations. While it is usual for social media managers to be hired even without any experience, knowledge on how social media works is a must for this job.

As more and more women want to know how to make money online, online jobs from home are fast becoming a viable option. These 15 decent jobs that women can do from anywhere without experience give women the flexibility and income that they need. However, women must note that while most of these entry-level remote jobs do not require any experience, the criteria and compensation set by companies still vary. The important thing is for you to consider what your situation and conduct research to know which job best fits your needs.


The current health crisis has already altered many facets of everyday life. Entertainment, transportation, and education are all accommodating the realities of the new normal. That is especially true for businesses and companies. The commercial sector is experiencing radical changes. Thanks to its resilience and digital technology, a new working paradigm has emerged.

As of June 2020, as many as 42 percent of working adults in the United States are using work-from-home arrangements. Although these set-ups will protect you and uphold social distancing protocols, they come with their own downsides. Namely, working from home can be a continual source of stress.

Sources of Stress Working from Home

As many as 83 percent of working Americans already experience work-related stress. Unless you’re looking forward to adrenal fatigue treatment, you’ll need to understand how working from home can be just as stressful as going to the office. Just because you’re working from, it doesn’t mean the sources of stress have disappeared, just that they’ve changed. Here are the most apparent causes of anxiety and stress when you’re working out of your home.

  • Lack of organization. Because you’re no longer in your office, you are essentially semiautonomous. Your distance from supervisors and coworkers could make it difficult to reach out to them, even with internet connectivity and messaging apps. The frustration of trying to reach coworkers and coordinate with teammates can drive your stress levels right up.
  • Too many distractions. Unlike the pristine and controlled environment of your office, your home can be chock-full of distractions. Your family can continuously barge in on you, neighbors could blast music, and pets can demand your attention. Your electronics, such as your phone and television, can also tempt you from focusing on your work.
  • Overwhelming responsibilities. When you’re working from home, your duties to your home and family don’t disappear. You could be suddenly needed to cook a meal, help with some chores, and other tasks. Juggling these responsibilities can be overwhelming and ramp up your stress.
  • Blurred boundaries. Without the mental framework provided by going to the office, you may have more problems maintaining your work-life balance. That can cause you to work too much and neglect your personal needs.

Managing Your Stress Efficiently

How do you deal with all this stress? You need to make your work-from-home arrangement for efficient and learn how to manage your stress. The following tips can help you create a less stressful environment.

Establish Your Own Space

The first thing you need to do is to establish a home office. Of course, this is much easier if you can set up an entire room with a door. However, if you don’t have the area for it, you need to create a designated nook. Make sure it’s comfortable and away from distracting areas such as noisy roads or your entertainment systems. Finally, discuss this space with your family or housemates. Make it clear that they aren’t to invade your workspace.

Stick to a Schedule

Unless you have flexible working hours, treat your workday usually. If your shift starts at nine in the morning, make sure you’re ready to work by then. If you get an hour for lunch at noon, use it to eat or relax, not to do extra work. And if your shift ends, make sure you log out by then. Sticking to a regular schedule prevents you from feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities at home and in your job. Focus on your job during work hours and don’t bring them outside their allotted time.

Decrease Distractions

Although it’s not ideal to have a supervisor breathing down your neck, their presence does tend to decrease the temptation to engage in distracting activities. At home, you have to police yourself, and the best way to do that is by physically removing distractions. If you have a home office, install thick drapes on the windows to lower noise from outside. Move out any potentially distracting devices such as your television or gaming system from the room. Finally, put your phone on silent or vibrate and mute notifications from social media.

Say “No”

Maintaining your work-life balance is the most important tool you have in decreasing work from home stress. Just like how establishing a home office, sticking to a schedule, and removing distractions keep your home life outside your work, they should also keep it inside these spaces. Resist the urge to work when your shift is over, especially if there’s no pressing need for it. If a supervisor asks you to do so, learn to say no unless they have compelling evidence. Say no to logging in too early for your shift and certainly say no to sacrificing your weekends for non-emergency work situations.

Your mental and emotional health are just as important as your physical well-being. Working from home may protect the latter, but without efficient management, it could jeopardize the latter two. These suggestions will help you ensure you’re happy and healthy with every aspect of your life.

Sometimes it’s hard for us BAUCES to find time to relax and indulge ourselves in a good read. We’re busy women. When is the last time you sat down and actually read something—a book, for that matter? I know for myself that’s it’s definitely been a while. The biggest challenge I have had is finding books that I would actually enjoy reading. But what I have come to realize is that there is power in the written word and sometimes the most powerful thing you can do for yourself is take a timeout and read a book that leaves you invigorated and renewed to implement change in your life.

Career & Entrepreneurship

1) WERK 101 (2016) by Koereyelle DuBose

WERK 101 is for the modern-day woman who is looking to learn a few life lessons. Dubose gives the perfect advice that liberates and empowers all women.

2) Pretty & Educated (2016) by Jayla Koriyan

Pretty & Educated is the perfect guide for any college girl who is just starting on her journey. Jayla Koriyan, a YouTube vlogger who documents her life daily, gives you her two cents on what you should expect and prepare for in college. This includes time management, choosing a major, internships, dating, and more.

3) #GIRLBOSS (2015) by Sophia Amoruso

From hitchhiking to being broke beyond limits, Sophia Amoruso knows all too well what it means to be #selfmade. She took a nontraditional route to the top and with this book she doesn’t hold back from telling you how she got there.

4) The Little Back Book of Success (2010) by Elaine Meryl Brown, Marsha Haygood, and Rhondda Joy McLean

These women, who are highly successful in their careers, have gotten together to give you the how-to on being successful at any stage in your career. They help you learn the ins and outs of the ‘power game’, making sure that you never lose.

5) Successful Women Think Differently (2012) by Valorie Burton

In this book, Valerie strives to help women change their thought processes. As an author and certified coach, she knows all too well the importance our mindsets can have on our outlook of life. She breaks it down and helps you change the way you see your failures, fears, and self-control.

6) Year of Yes (2015) by Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes, in simple terms, is a powerhouse. Olivia Pope, Christina Yang, and Annalise Keating wouldn’t be the BAUCE women they are if it was not for Rhimes. In Year of Yes, Rhimes gives you the tea on how simply saying ‘yes’ made change happen in her life.

7) I’m Judging You (2016) by Luvvie Ajayi

Luvvie is an adoring internet blogger who often gives her take on the latest pop culture and gossip. In this book, she gives you advice on the right way to do ‘internet etiquette’. She helps us get it all the way together when it comes to digital media in this day and age.

8) We Should All Be Feminists (2015) by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

If you haven’t heard of her by now, this would be a good time to get acquainted with Ms. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Beyoncé quoted her in her hit song ‘Flawless’. We Should All Be Feminists is a rally to include everyone, including men, in the feminist movement.


9) Naked (2005) by Ayana Byrd and Akiba Solomon

Though it’s a little dated, these essays of what black women think about their bodies is compelling. This book tells the stories of several women from all walks of life including Iyanla Vanzant and Tracee Ellis Ross.

10) Freedom Is A Constant Struggle (2016) by Angela Y. Davis

For those of you who like a detailed reflection as well as comparison, this is a great read! Davis does a wonderful job of stressing the importance of feminism, race, and class, among several other things.

11) Black Lotus (2016) by Sil Lai Abrams

Black Lotus is a beautiful story of a woman, Sil Lai Abrams, and the finding of her true self. Sil Lai Abrams could always see the differences between her and her siblings, who all shared a Chinese immigrant mother and a white American father. She found when she was fourteen that the man she thought was her father, in all actuality, was not.

12) Milk and Honey (2015) by Rupi Kaur

Milk and Honey is a small but powerful book, divided into four distinct chapters. Each chapter uncovers a different pain and healing.  It is a collection of poetry that delve into different common yet painful experiences.

13) Salt (2013) by Nayyirah Waheed

Much like Milk and HoneySalt may have you racing through the first few pages or chapters. But, there is power in these short and sweet poems. Every BAUCE woman has experienced going through some sort of tragedy, Salt forces you to feel all of those emotions in an enlightening way.

14) Gentlewoman (2013) by Enitan O. Bereola II

This book is a little different from the rest, as it’s written by a man who teaches women how to be a ‘lady’. While some women may not want to take advice from a man on these types of things, Mr. Bereola II does a phenomenal job exploring femininity in this day and age.

15) The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl (2016) by Issa Rae

While some of us have wild and outspoken personality traits, a lot of us are introverted. In this book, Issa Rae tells us all about her life as an awkward black girl.

16) The Sisters Are Alright (2015) by Tamara Winfrey-Harris

This book explores all of the negative opinions and views that are being spewed out against black women. Many of these stereotypes are displayed in the media, for many people to see and comment on. She kills those prejudices with facts.

Relationships & Dating

17) I Had a Nice Time and Other Lies (2016) by The Betches

This book has become a guide for many women when it comes to dating. Let’s face it, oftentimes we are not as honest as we should be with ourselves and the person we’re dating. This book brings those truths to the forefront.

18) Letters To My Ex (2016) by Cici. B

Letters To My Ex was written for any woman who has loved a man who didn’t love them back the same.

“Remember when you met me? How happy I was? How I was always smiling and shit? I had just left my ex and was making moves on my own…”

Cici does a great job of making her work relatable to the reader. Every BAUCE woman has experienced heartache or two.

18) Another Brooklyn (2016) by Jaqueline Woodson

This novel follows four girls whose lives are far from a fairytale. Growing up in the tough streets of Brooklyn, New York, the girls are forced to deal with drugs, sexual predators, racism, poverty and a slew of other things. Jaqueline Woodson tells a story of young girls, with absentee parents, whose lives sit on a teeter-totter of joyous and hell-full. These women’s stories show how one can start at the bottom and maneuver their way to the top. #Selfmade.

19) Island of a Thousand Mirrors (2016) by Nayomi Munaweera

In this novel, Nayomi introduces us to two young women who are hopeful about their future. It is set in the beauty of Sri Lanka at one of its most troubling times.

20) The Sugar Daddy Formula (2014) by Taylor B. Jones

While this may not be of interest to many, The Sugar Daddy Formula is a guide for all sugar babies looking to get what they want. We are not suggesting you go get a sugar daddy, but Taylor B. Jones provides us with a good read and laugh with The Sugar Daddy Formula.

21) Everything I Never Told You (2015) by Celeste Ng

Everything I Never Told You is the story of an Asian American family living in small-town Ohio. The family is faced with a terrible tragedy and the struggles to keep their lives together become harder and harder each grieving day.

22) Men We Reaped (2014) by Jesmyn Ward

Within only four years, five men close to author Jesmyn Ward had died, all from different ailing circumstances. One from a drug overdose, another from an accident and even suicide. Ward takes a deeper look into the lives of these men and the contributing facts to their deaths, such as the lack of community support.

23) Blush (2016) By Cici. B

After a fresh break up, Cici lets us in on how she gets over it. Becoming the woman she is wouldn’t be possible without the support of her oh-so blunt friends. BAUCE women will enjoy the brutally honest relationship she shares with her friends and can learn a few things in the process!

24) Letters, To The Men I Have Loved (2014) by Mirtha Michelle Castro Marmol

Dominican-born poet and actress, Mirtha Michelle Castro, shows you just what it is like to be in and out of love. Through her use of poetry, you are able to feel her true and raw emotions.

25) What She Feels (2015) by Chidozie Osuwa

Osuwa drags the reader through an array of emotions. From love, heartache, and pain—this book forces you to look at your situations from a different point of view.

26) Sex Object (2016) by Jessica Valent

Valenti is a feminist who has been praised for over a decade for her work. In Sex Object, she goes over several experiences from her childhood that shaped her into the woman she is.

Fashion & Beauty

27) Face Value (2016) by Autumn Whitefield-Madrano

This book is deep. It touches on many things, including how science, media, and friendships can have an effect on how we describe what beauty is.

28) Love Style Life (2015) by Garance Dore

In this book, renowned blogger Garance Dore mixes warm words of wisdom with her stunning photography. She teaches you how to build a life that will reflect who you are!

29) You Can’t Touch My Hair (2016) by Phoebe Robinson

It’s 2016 and many of us are still finding ourselves saying this. Why is our hair treated like some sort of science exhibit? This book explores the external cultural phenomenon around black women’s hair.

30) Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual (2011) by Bobbi Brown

Bobbi Brown has been working in the makeup industry for years. She is dripping in the knowledge of makeup and its latest trends.

31) Make up: Your Life Guide (2014) by Michelle Phan

In this book, Michelle Phan gives away many of her beauty secrets. She’s most famous for her trusted beauty tutorials on YouTube. Her tips are hit for any BAUCE.

32) You’ll Grow Out of It (2016) by Jessi Klein

Jessi Klein’s journey to adulthood was not quite the easy one. She was a late bloomer and a tomboy. In her book, she tells all the stories from her childhood that are sure have you smiling.

33) The GlamTwinz Guide to Longer, Healthier Hair (2016) by Kelsy Murrell and Kendra Murrell

The GlamTwinz are huge on YouTube! In their book, they give advice on how to grow longer and healthier hair with short, and easy tips.


34) Come As You Are (2015) by Emily Nagoski Ph.D.

Emily Nagoski explores the world of the female body. She drops some well-needed knowledge that is scientifically proven to improve your sex life.

35) Sacred Pampering Principles (1998) by Debrena J. Gandy

While this book was aimed at giving African-American women different options for pampering, and saving cash while doing it, it can be applied to every woman’s life! Gandy fills your mind with just the right amount of peace and balance. BAUCE women should pamper themselves without feeling ashamed of it!

36) The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet (2014) by Jennipher Walters

The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet could be your strategic way of loving your body and losing weight in the process. This guide will not only teach you to enjoy your workouts but will encourage a more positive attitude in the process.

37) Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls (2015) by Jes Baker

Hey—We’re not all a size 2 okay? And I for one have definitely struggled with my weight in the past.  In this book, Jes Baker tells it like it is! As a BBW herself, she knows what it’s like to be judged on her appearance. She rises above her naysayers and gives women the confidence and courage to feel proud of their bodies.

38) Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity (2012) by Queen Afua

Queen Afua encourages growth and development with the power of healing. Learn to get through life obstacles and truly learn from them.




Although reading is fun for some, it’s not the same for others. Why? Over time, people lose interest in it. It’s not like the book is not great or the writing style is awful, they just can’t keep going and are stuck. There seem to be no motivation to read, and they simply cannot get through. This is called a reading slump and it can be frustrating.

Possible Causes of Reading slumps

  • Time: Once you do not have enough time to read – as you used to have, you can fall out of the process. You get accustomed to engaging in other activities and pastimes that you forget to pick up a book.
  • Placing so much expectation on a book: You have read reviews, the book cover is enticing, and you trust the author, but you can get discouraged when the book disappoints you. You know that feeling you get when you have placed a high expectation on a thing or it heightens your level of excitement, but the satisfaction level is low? This can reduce your interest in reading other books.
  • You have replaced reading with other equally fun activities after a long time: Binge-watching movies and developing other hobbies over a long time can steal your interest in reading.

On the flip side, there are newbie readers who don’t read often but the reviews they find on the internet attract them. With time, they get fed up of reading. How can they survive a reading slump?

Try reading a paperback

One tip that can help you read better is to put those soft copies aside. Purchasing and reading paperbacks can stimulate your interest in the book. There is a fresh feeling that comes with flipping through pages. It keeps your focus and you don’t have to scroll with your finger or squint when reading like you would do with a soft copy on your mobile phone and personal computer.

Set a target: a page or two per day

A page per day might work like magic! Setting targets can get you in tune with reading. You start to get familiar with the book and, over time, you would want to get past a page per day.

Try audiobooks

If the soft copy or paperback is not doing it for you, there’s an alternative: download any audiobook app to listen to books you are interested in. You don’t have to flip through pages or scroll on your phone, yet you get to enjoy the same reading benefit.

Start light: Opt for a fun, calm, and interesting read

If there’s a book that can help you recover from your reading slump, it has to be an interesting one. Opt for a book with light themes, funny and interesting. You can pick up a celebrity biography, a funny novel, African fiction, or the regular romance novel. These kinds of books are lighthearted and can help you get your groove back.

Re-read your favorite book

If you want to recover from a reading slump, your best bet is reading your favorite book again. Pick up a memorable book, go through it over again, it might reignite your passion for reading, and set your mood right.

There you have it! Want to start your reading journey, or recover from a reading slump, try out these tips.