
self development


The Canadian employment terrain is hard for women to pilot and issues like the gender salary difference make it more difficult with women on average receiving 76.8 cents for each dollar men receive.

On the flip side, there are high-paying jobs for women in Canada to venture into. You will discover top careers in Canada for women to navigate as well as the salary and growth potential.

One criterion many women consider when looking for jobs in Canada is salary. If the payment is a top priority for you, you can pick from one of the listed options below the top 10 high-paying jobs in Canada for women


1.  Physician

A Physician diagnoses illnesses and treats patients.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: For those who wish to work in a healthcare niche becoming a physician is one of the best career options.
Average Salary: $88.46 per hour and $172,500 per year.

2.  Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) functions at the head of various corporations and makes core decisions for the business and their employees.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: Being a CEO is one of the best occupations in Canada for women who aspire to be independent and hope to manage their businesses.
Average Salary: $47.44 per hour or $92,500 per year

3. Pharmacist

A Pharmacist is responsible for prescribing drugs and over-the-counter medications for patients.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: Landing a job as a pharmacist is one of the high-paying careers for women who prefer to work in the healthcare sector.
Average Salary:  $48.82 per hour or $95,201 per year.

4.  Lawyer

A Lawyer renders advice to clients and speaks on their behalf in court.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: It requires years of study and hard work to become a lawyer, but this is a high-paying career choice for women who are passionate about finding justice for people and sacrificing their bedtime.
Average Salary: $53.23 per hour or $103,792 per year.

5. Computer and Information Systems Manager

A computer and information systems manager is responsible for assessing companies’ technology demands and providing guidance for modifications when needed.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: This tech profession is one of the highest-paying, so it’s a wonderful choice for women who desire to work in a STEM area and be paid well for their efforts and time.
Average Salary: $47 per hour or $91,650 per year.

6 . Nursing

Nurses work hand in hand with other healthcare experts to diagnose patients, formulate treatment plans, and write medications.
Why It Is a Top Profession for Women in Canada: A nursing profession is an outstanding alternative for women who desire to specialize in healthcare.
Average Salary:  $36.87 per hour or $71,900 per year.

7. Human Resources Manager (HR)

HR supervise different staff matters for companies, comprising recruiting, orientation, and layoff.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: The HR position is meant for women who desire to work in the business section, a career in this field is a great option that helps to nurture leadership capacities.
Average Salary:  $43.43 per hour and $84,686 per year.

8.  Marketing Manager

A Marketing manager supervises marketing committees, assisting them in creating and implementing campaigns for several commodities and actions.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: A job as a marketing manager is another high-paying option for women who desire a position in the business section.
Average Salary:  $38. 86 per hour or 76,258 per year

9.  Education Administrator

An Education administrator presides over school staff, formulate curricula, and organize school funds.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: An Education administrator is a high-paying and lucrative career selection for women who hope to work in education but also want to compensate accordingly.
Average Salary: $55 per hour or $107,250 per year

10. Market Analyst

Market analyst compiles and analyze data on competitors and consumers for different businesses.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: Market Analyzing is one of the best jobs for women in Canada with high pay because it occupies a vital position in keeping businesses maximizing their profitability and operating smoothly.

Average Salary: $35.71 per hour or $69,635 per year

Top 7 High-Growth Jobs in Canada for Women

When looking for a high-paying job in Canada for women, another aspect to take into consideration is growth capacity. Does this job provide long-term job security? Will there be growth opportunities and promotions?

If you find yourself asking the above questions, then the next list of High-Growth Jobs you might consider are:

1.  Software Engineer

Software engineers are in charge of developing and building software programs for companies.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: For women who desire a long-term profession in tech, a job as a software engineer is a wonderful option.
Average Salary:  $50 per hour or $97,500 per year.

2. Registered Nurse

Registered nurses work hand in hand with doctors and other healthcare specialists to help patients.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: Working as a registered nurse is one of the best jobs in Canada. It pays well and has a high level of career security.
 Average Salary:  $37.51 per hour or $73,135 per year.

3. Vocational/College School Instructor

Vocational and college school instructors teach different courses and give students the assistance they require to succeed.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: This occupation is particularly good for women who are interested in education but prefer to work with older folks, this is a noble profession that has a high-growth potential.
Average Salary:  $23 per hour or $47,509 per year.

4. Business Management Consultant

A Business management consultant handle analyses and give suggestions to assist companies to be more profitable and productive.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: For women who are into business and aspire to assist other businesses, this is a great profession that is long-lasting.
Average Salary: $41.49 per hour or $80,901 per year.

5. Software Engineer

A Software engineer is in charge of constructing and building software programs for numerous industries.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: For women who desire a long-term profession in tech, a career as a software engineer is a good selection.
Average Salary: $50 per hour or $97,500 per year.

6. Psychologist

A Psychologist work with patients to help them defeat diverse mental health issues.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: Being a psychologist gives an incredible deal of job protection because people are struggling with mental health challenges at an increased rate than ever before. It makes it a considerable selection for women who seek to leave a positive impact on people’s lives.
Average Salary: $50.80 per hour or $99,058 per year.

7. Aerospace Engineer

An Aerospace engineer set up and develop several ventures that assist the aerospace engineering enterprise to thrive.
Why It Is a Top Profession in Canada for Women: An Aerospace engineer is highly paid and also have long-term job security as the industry expands.
Average Salary: $48 per hour or $93,600 per year.

Get Started in Landing a High-Paying Job as a Woman in Canada

Have you picked a high-paying profession to dive into? If yes, below are some bonus points to help you get started in passing your interview, boost your chances of getting hired, and eventually land your dream job.

• Obtain the Correct Documentation
You will require legal travel documentation, photos, and valid proof that you are certified for your prospective profession before you will be given a work permit to work in Canada as an expat

.• Improve Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Correctly, fill in the blanks and ensure that you are submitting an accurate CV to the hiring manager.

• Refresher Course
Take a refresher course to help you hone your skills and increase your confidence.

• Prepare for Interview Questions
Prepare the answers to frequently asked questions in job interviews before D-Day arrives. You should also prepare questions you want to ask the employer.

Summary of the Top High-Paying Jobs in Canada for Women

When you start the procedure of applying for a high-paying job in Canada as a woman, you might feel nervous or confused of where to begin. However, with the above information outlined in this article in mind you will have a less difficult time choosing jobs that pays well and with high growth potential for the future.

Source: grabjobs

Have you ever wondered what highly successful women do on Monday mornings? Success is not created by luck, but by working hard toward reaching a specific goal. Monday morning routines set the mood for the rest of the day and the rest of the week. Here’s a list of Monday morning habits that highly successful people develop.

  1. They Wake Up Early – Set Your Alarm For 5am

They wake up early to make sure that they have plenty of time to complete all of their tasks. Waking up early also ensures that they are not late for any of their scheduled events and they have plenty of time to take care of their personal chores before jumping into their workload.

In an interview with Oprah, Michelle Obama shared that she wakes up early to take care of herself before her day starts. “Well, I just started thinking, if I had to get up and go to work, I’d get up and go to work. If I had to get up to take care of my kids, I’d get up and do that. But when it comes to yourself, then suddenly, ‘Oh, I can’t get up at 4:30.’ So I had to change that.”

We are only allotted so much time in each day; sleeping the day away diminishes the chances of success.

  1. They Meditate – Start With Just 5 Minutes

Monday morning meditation or prayer are great tools to envision success. It’s important to quiet the mind and let the positive energy in as soon as you wake up. If you start with meditating for 5 minutes and over time increase it to half an hour per session.

Such practices can also answer unanswered questions and lead the way to success.

Oprah meditates two times per day for 20 minutes, and she states, “I walked away feeling fuller than when I’d come in. Full of hope, a sense of contentment, and deep joy. Knowing for sure that even in the daily craziness that bombards us from every direction, there is — still — the constancy of stillness. Only from that space can you create your best work and your best life.” (HuffingtonPost)

  1. They Get Motivated – Personal Development Is Key

Highly successful people get motivated first thing on Monday morning. They read personal development books, watch inspirational videos, listen to motivational speakers. Even 15 minutes of inspirational content on Monday morning can set up your day and your week for success

  1. They Get Active – No You Don’t Need A Gym Membership

Highly Successful people know that getting the body active is imperative on Monday mornings and throughout the week. Exercise helps the body wake up and oxygenate; by doing so, all of the cells become active and ready for the day.

  1. They Only Tend To Urgent E-mails

Most email accounts are bursting with emails on Monday mornings. Highly successful people have a way to tend just to urgent emails in the morning.

Going through a long list of random emails can waste a lot of time first thing in the morning. Tumblr’s David Karp shares, “I used to suck at e-mail. I’d let e-mails pile up, get overwhelmed, and miss important messages; or forget to reply. So I set up filters on my e-mail, and that’s been working pretty well. Now, my inbox gets e-mails only from people in my company and from my girlfriend.” (

You can set up filters in your email account just like David Karp did. Alternatively, you can get an email app for your smart phone. Apps like Boxer, Dispatch, and Hop can help you to quickly go through your email box to separate urgent and non-urgent emails.




 In the silent moments of the night, grief visited me, bringing a heaviness that words struggle to express. I decided to take a break from my usual routine, uninstalling some apps in hopes of finding a quiet space to process the recent losses.

After a week of what seemed like a needed break, I reached out to Yemi, an old friend. Our chat started with everyday things, like his app called GrabHub, where people in Canada can get discounted groceries. Little did I know that our talk would take a turn towards grief. I asked how he dealt with losing a loved one and he said ‘I just had to accept they were never coming back and live with that.’

Biola, a friend, also shared her experience with grief, telling me about her mom’s passing  few years ago. In her heartfelt words, I felt a connection and an understanding of the pain that grief brings. She encouraged me to take my time and honor my emotions.

However, amid these supportive moments, a jarring message arrived from someone who didn’t understand the need for me to take a  break. It made me realize that people have different ways of dealing with grief, and sometimes, it’s okay to step back and be alone.

From this experience, a few lessons emerged—lessons that I carry with me.

Firstly, everyone responds to grief differently. It’s like a song, and each person’s tune is unique. Understanding and empathy are crucial during such times.

Secondly, I learned the importance of setting boundaries, especially when emotions are raw. The incident with the insensitive message made me realize the need to protect my space during vulnerable moments.

Thirdly, I discovered the power of intentional solitude. Choosing to be alone can be a way to heal and rediscover oneself. This journey is teaching me that silence can be a friend in times of grief.

Additionally, as part of my coping mechanisms, I find solace in reading daily affirmations for grief, a practice I share on page 11 of my book, ‘How to Make Affirmations Work for You.



Currently, I am immersing myself in the wisdom of ‘What A Time to Be Alone’ by Chidera Eggerue, finding comfort and insights in the pages of these sources.

In the days ahead, I plan to explore  Yemi’s app, GrabHub, finding comfort in simple things like looking at African food photos. It’s my way of coping with the pain and grounding myself.

As I navigate this silent season, I hope these lessons resonate with others facing grief. May we all find our unique paths to healing and honor the memories of those we’ve lost.

 I dedicate this article to the memory of my late dad; Emmanuel Ijewere and friends; Rinret Gofwan  and Uche Ugo. They all added color and light to my life in different ways, and their memories remain cherished.

Late Emmanuel Ijewere, Rinret Gofwan and Uche Ugo
With my late Dad, Emmanuel Ijewere, a few years ago

Rest In peace, Daddy…

I  was a teacher, coach, and education administrator for 44 years – 10 years at the high school level and 34 at the collegiate level. I also organized and directed basketball camps and clinics throughout America and in four European countries.

I was privileged to work with a good number of people who excelled at work, which led them to successful careers.

Through the years, I observed 5 characteristics that I thought led all the successful people I encountered to excel in their work. Here are five mindsets to adopt to excel in work and your career.

1. Humility

The most successful people I worked with were humble from their first through their last day at work. I found that people who made it to the very top of their professions in business, education, law, or medicine were humble people. The willingness to admit that there is more to learn is the mark of an excellent leader.[1]

Incongruously, people who were trying to excel in their work but had not reached the top were the arrogant, egotistical ones. This seemed to be a recurrent occurrence.

For its 75th anniversary, Fortune Magazine dedicated the entire publication to one concept – decision-making. They interviewed leaders from the business, military, education, and political worlds.

I thought the most insightful interview was with Jim Collins, author of Good to Great. His comment was that the most important decisions made in the last 25 years in American boardrooms, regardless of the business, all began with the leaders saying the same 3 words, “I don’t know.”

I have worked with leaders who knew. In fact, to say I worked “with” them is a misnomer. Nobody could work “with” them because they already had all the answers.

I also worked with leaders who, when tough decisions had to be made, called in their principal people. They were not afraid to say, “I don’t know how we should handle this issue, but let’s put our heads together and find the best solution.”

I found these humble leaders to be the most secure and strongest leaders I ever worked with.

John Wooden, the iconic UCLA basketball coach, summed up humility when he wrote:[2]

Talent is God-given, be humble. Fame is man-given, be thankful. But conceit is self-given, be careful.

2. Caring

People who excel at work care about their fellow workers. Caring about people is one of the elements of Wellness-Centered Leadership, or leadership that is designed to empower and foster professional fulfillment.

3. Extra Mile

Successful people always do more than is expected of them.

When problems arise, people who excel at work do whatever it takes to resolve the issue. They do not have to be asked; they are always ready to go the extra mile.

My fellow coach and great friend, Jack Hermanski, worked with Special Education students. He was a “traveling” teacher who worked with students at ten schools in his district. Like many school districts, budgets were minimal in Jack’s district. Jack was committed to teaching his students and refused to let budgets impede his serving his kids.

Having to travel daily from school to school, Jack kept all his equipment in his truck. But there was something different about the equipment in Jack’s truck. He bought all of it!

Jack went the extra mile to provide his students with the best educational experience possible.

4. Listening

I am convinced the skill of listening can never be overemphasized. We have numerous classes in speaking in our college courses, but I believe a mandatory class in LISTENING within the general education requirements would be of more benefit to the students. Active listening imparts approachability, and it is a valued skill.[4]

Rather than giving you my perspectives on listening, let me share the wisdom of some thought leaders on listening:

  • “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryant H. McGill
  • “Listening is one of the loudest forms of kindness.” – Anonymous
  • “Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.” – Bernard Beruch
  • “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill
  • “God gave us a mouth that closes and ears that don’t. That must tell us something.” – Anonymous
  • “Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” – Stephen Covey
  • “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So, if I am going to learn, I must do it by listening.” – Larry King
  • “You cannot truly listen to anyone and do something else at the same time.” – Scott Peck
  • I never thought of this before. Have you? “The word listen has the same letters as silent.” – Alfred Brendel

People who excel at work have developed the skill of listening.

5. Consistency of Effort

I used to think that effort was the key to athletic success. I no longer believe this for athletics or any profession. I believe the difference between good and great in any endeavor is the consistency of effort.

No one has their “A” game every day, but the great ones develop the ability and the mindset to reach down and bring the best they have every day.

Good athletes can find their best effort periodically. Great athletes have mental toughness once they tie up their shoes for practice and walk onto the field or court to reach maximum effort immediately.

In his famous Pyramid of Success, John Wooden defines success in this way:

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.

Bottom Line

It is critically important to accept that there are no shortcuts to success. When you can consistently bring the best you have each day, you will know how to excel in your career and how to have a success future.

To excel at work: Be humble. Be caring. Go the extra mile. Be a listener. Be a life-long learner. Bring consistency of effort.

Source:  Pat Sullivan

Amidst the dynamic landscape of personal finance, the commencement of a new year presents an opportune time to reassess and refine your financial objectives. Stepping into 2024, let’s delve into essential tactics for attaining financial well-being, and laying the groundwork for a stable and flourishing future. Here are 10 pathways to achieving financial prosperity in 2024.

1. Set Clear Financial Goals

Begin by defining your financial objectives for the year. Whether it’s saving for a home, investing in education, or building an emergency fund, setting clear and achievable goals provides a roadmap for your financial journey.

2. Create a Realistic Budget

Crafting a detailed budget is fundamental to financial success. Evaluate your income, track your expenses, and identify areas where you can save or cut back. A well-planned budget serves as a powerful tool to manage your money efficiently.

3. Diversify Your Investments

Explore diverse investment opportunities to maximize returns and minimize risks. Consider a mix of stocks, bonds, and real estate, aligning your investment portfolio with your risk tolerance and long-term financial objectives.

4. Leverage Technology for Financial Management

Embrace financial technology tools and apps that can streamline budgeting, expense tracking, and investment management. These tools provide real-time insights into your financial health and empower you to make informed decisions.

5. Prioritize Debt Repayment

Tackle high-interest debts strategically. Prioritize repayment of loans and credit card balances to reduce interest payments and free up resources for savings and investments.

6. Enhance Financial Literacy

Stay informed about financial trends, investment strategies, and economic indicators. Continuous learning empowers you to make informed financial decisions and adapt to evolving market conditions.

7. Emergency Fund Building

Aim to build a robust emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Having a financial safety net provides peace of mind and prevents the need to dip into long-term investments during unforeseen circumstances.

8. Explore Additional Income Streams

Diversify your income streams by exploring side hustles, freelance opportunities, or passive income sources. Supplementing your primary income enhances financial stability and accelerates wealth-building.

9. Review and Adjust

Regularly review your financial plan and make adjustments as needed. Life is dynamic, and so should be your financial strategy. Be flexible and ready to adapt to changes in your personal or economic circumstances.

10. Seek Professional Advice

Consider consulting with financial advisors or experts to receive personalized guidance based on your unique financial situation. Professional advice can provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to your goals.

Conclusion: A Prosperous Financial Future Awaits

As we step into 2024, implementing these financial strategies can pave the way for a year of financial prosperity. With careful planning, disciplined execution, and a commitment to financial well-being, you can unlock new opportunities and build a foundation for lasting success. Cheers to a financially thriving year ahead!

Being paid your worth in a career of your choice would make you realize that sometimes money can buy happiness. It can certainly make sad days a lot more comfortable!

Work is work, no matter who you are, so being influenced by salary when making a career decision is actually a pretty practical way to look at it. Some of the top careers out there are also the kind we dream of becoming when we’re little kids: who remembers wanting to be a vet when they were younger?

Here are some of the highest paying careers to pursue:

1. Anesthesiologists

The number one highest paying job in America is currently an anesthesiologist. The average annual wage of an anesthesiologist in 2018 was $267,020. This is an astounding amount for people who simply implement anesthetic procedures before surgery.

To become an anesthesiologist, you have to go to medical school for four years. Before this, you must pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). This is the standard for being admitted to medical school. After this, you have to get a license, do a four-year residency, obtain a state license, and finally become board certified. Don’t worry: you do start earning a salary during these stages.

2. Airline pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers

Highest paying careers -pilot

If you want to be a pilot, you don’t actually have to have a Bachelor’s degree, but it will certainly help your career path. You have to get a student pilot certificate and a medical certificate in order to fly a plane solo. After this, there are different kinds of licenses you need depending on the specific type of flying you wish to do. To fly for a major airline, for example, you need to earn your Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate.

A pilot and co-pilot require the same qualifications. Most pilots will begin their careers as co-pilots and will work their way up. A flight engineer assists the pilot(s) and checks systems and instruments to ensure safety and effectiveness. All three earn an average salary of around $150,000 per year.

3. Petroleum Engineers

Petroleum engineers source materials for human energy consumption, and design and develop methods in order to make extraction as efficient and economical as possible. The average annual pay of a petroleum engineer is $129,990. As with most jobs, salaries depend on what state you live in and also depend heavily on experience.

In order to qualify as a petroleum engineer, you need to study for a Bachelor’s degree in either petroleum, mechanical, or chemical engineering. You may then need to gain experience as an apprentice or volunteer. You might also want to continue further study to make your CV more competitive, but this step isn’t actually necessary.

4. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Oral surgeons are pretty much-glorified dentists who focus on tasks like pulling out wisdom teeth, while maxillofacial surgeons do procedures that have something to do with the jaw. Anesthetic procedures are sometimes included in the work of maxillofacial surgeons. These surgeons earned an average of $242,370 in 2018.

To become an oral or maxillofacial surgeon, you can choose two routes. You can either go to dental school then apply for a surgical residency (four to six years). After this, you can take exams to be board certified. Alternatively, you can earn a dual degree as both a dentist and medical doctor. This degree usually takes about six years to complete, but at the end of it you come out with two degrees. Residency requirements are embedded into the course credits of this degree.

5. Financial Advisors

A financial advisor provides advice about how to spend, save and invest money. They will often provide tailored plans to their clients to achieve a long-term goal such as retirement or investment opportunities. To become a certified financial advisor, you have to earn a Bachelor’s degree, complete a course of study that is certified, and then pass a certification exam.

Your initial Bachelor’s degree can be in any subject, but you must complete certain topics at a college level to be fully qualified. These include insurance planning, income tax planning, and estate planning (to name a few). The median pay of a financial advisor is approximately $90,000.

6. Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Obstetricians and gynecologists both specialize in female reproductive health to some degree. Where gynecologists do things like cervical screening and general check-ups pertaining to reproductive health, obstetricians are more hands-on and are focused on the care of pregnant women. This will often include prenatal and postnatal care and also child delivery.

In 2018, obstetricians and gynecologists earned an average of $238,320 for the year. Many people in these careers are known as ‘ob/gyns’ because they can fulfill both roles. In order to become a qualified ob/gyn, you start by completing a Bachelor’s degree in any science subject. Biology is a good choice for this career. After this, you must attend medical school, complete a residency, and finally become certified.

7. Orthodontists

Orthodontists are a type of dentist who specialize in braces and other corrective measures. There are currently over 5,000 orthodontists in America, who earned an impressive $225,760 in 2018. The difference between oral surgeons and orthodontists is quite significant. This might be due to the fact that oral surgery generally involves complex surgical procedures.

It’s certainly interesting to see that specific roles within wider fields command different pay structures: one would think a dentist is a dentist, but these statistics show otherwise. The path to becoming an orthodontist is a long one: after completing a (generally) four year Bachelor’s degree, you have to go to dental school for four years and then do a residency of two to three years. After this, you have to complete certain tests in order to become board certified.

8. Psychiatrists

Psychiatry is an interesting addition to our list of highest-paying careers. Psychiatry is often considered one of the more artistic, or non-scientific, sciences. In other words, it’s often debated whether psychiatry is really a science or a humanities it involves the study of human behavior and psychosis.

However, in the United States, the training requirements to be a psychiatrist as the same as any medical doctor. So, in order to become a psychiatrist, you have to do a Bachelor’s degree, then attend medical school, and complete a residency to become board certified. In 2018, psychiatrists earned an average of $220,380 per annum.

9. Family and General Practitioners

A general practitioner is someone who went through medical school but only did the essential qualifications to become a doctor. A family practitioner, then, is really the same thing. They’re just called a family practitioner because they often have a lot of families who visit their clinic.

Doctors in fields like surgery and anesthesiology have to do more training in order to become qualified. A general practitioner is the doctor you go to at your local clinic when you have a mild illness such as flu, or afflictions such as a recurring headache or if you want to know why you feel tired all the time.

Family and general practitioners, despite their lack of specialty, still make a substantial salary. In 2018, the average salary for family and general practitioners was $211,780.

10. Computer and information systems managers/ IT Managers

black person typing on computer

An IT manager is a technical expert who oversees the installation, maintenance, and security protocols for IT systems. They also manage other team members to ensure a smooth operation. Software companies also hire IT managers to install the software they have designed into the systems of their clients.

To become an IT manager, you have to study a relevant Bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field. After this, you take on entry-level roles and gradually build up experience and expertise. The longer you work in the field, the more experienced you are. Eventually, you’ll be confident enough to apply for leadership and managerial roles. IT managers earn an average of $86,000 per year.

11. CEOs

Chief Executive Officers are at the very top of a business hierarchy. They often manage hundreds of staff, and the financial responsibilities fall largely at their feet. You can become the CEO of your own company by starting it yourself or work your way up to become someone else’s CEO. If you’re starting your own company, you don’t technically have to complete any college degree, but you will need a lot of industry experience. If you wish to work for someone else, they will be more likely to hire you if you have a university education.

Either way, there is no official step-by-step guide to becoming a CEO. It’s all about experience and networking. CEO salaries are potentially the highest of all, depending on who you work for. There are CEOs who earn millions every year, but the average salary of a CEO working for a small company is around $100,000.

12. Speech Language Pathologists

Also known as SLPs, speech language pathologists work with people of all ages to improve speech, communication, and sometimes swallowing problems. They are also known as speech therapists, and there is no difference between the two terms.

To become an SLP, you must complete a Bachelor’s in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD), then a board-accredited Masters. After this, you begin a post-graduate fellowship (which you need a temporary license for), take an additional exam, and then apply for your license. The salary of a SLP ranges from $60,200 on the lower end to $96,980 on the higher end.

13. Pharmacists

Pharmacists can work in a variety of places including grocery stores or hospitals. They dispense medication, ensure correct dosages and compliance with medical regulations, and often liaise with patients regarding their overall health. To become a qualified pharmacist, you should study a board-accredited Pharmacy program, which takes six years.

The program includes a mix of coursework and work experience. Most programs have two years of taking classes and passing coursework and general exams, and then up to four years in a work setting. Once you’ve completed these stages, you must pass the licensure exam at the end of this program in order to become fully certified. The average salary of a pharmacist is an impressive $121,500.

14. Lawyers

Black female lawyer

The final installment on our list is a highly competitive career. Lawyers represent clients in trials and advise them on the best options going forward. There are many different types of lawyers that specialize in different areas: family lawyers, divorce lawyers, and so on.

To become a lawyer, you first earn a Bachelor’s degree in law, then attend law school for three years. To get into law school you have to pass an admission test known as the LSAT. After these initial years of study, you gain experience wherever you can as a sort of apprentice lawyer while working towards passing your state bar examination.

The average lawyer’s salary is $115,820. The salary you make as a lawyer depends on many factors: your success rate, experience, the size and reputation of the firm, and your general demand. For example, a lawyer who gets their client a great deal in a high-profile case followed by media can potentially earn millions a year, whereas a new lawyer starting out in a non-profit organization will be at the low end of the earning scale. For example, personal injury lawyers in New York can earn around $80,000 in a year

Many of the highest paying careers involve many years of undergraduate and/or postgraduate study, while some require tons of experience. No matter what job you’re interested in, you will always have to climb the ladder to some degree. You can never start at the top, but you will get there eventually. Good luck in your search for your dream career!


14 Jobs Women Can Do From Anywhere Without Experience

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Yewande Jinadu: 5 Things You Need To Know When Negotiating A New Salary

Source: Baucemag

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery in a world that often demands perfection and relentless achievement, the transformative path of embracing self-love and building confidence becomes an empowering narrative for women seeking resilience and personal fulfillment. In this blog post, we delve into the art of self-love and confidence-building—essential components for navigating life’s challenges and thriving as a modern woman. How to Ignite the Power of Self-Love: Building Confidence and Resilience offers actionable insights that will guide you through this empowering journey, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and unlocking the true potential within.

Embracing the Journey

The journey to self-love is a personal and transformative one. Begin by acknowledging that imperfections are part of what makes you uniquely beautiful. Share personal stories and experiences that resonate with the struggles and triumphs of embracing oneself authentically.

Building Confidence Brick by Brick

Confidence is not an inherent trait; it’s a skill that can be developed over time. Provide actionable tips and strategies for building confidence, whether through setting and achieving small goals, celebrating accomplishments, or practicing positive affirmations. Share stories of women who have transformed self-doubt into unshakable confidence.

Nurturing Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adversity. Discuss the importance of resilience in personal growth and provide practical advice on cultivating this trait. Highlight stories of women who have faced adversity head-on, showcasing their resilience and the valuable lessons gained from overcoming obstacles.

Self-Love Rituals and Practices

Explore various self-love rituals and practices that contribute to overall well-being. From mindfulness exercises and self-care routines to embracing self-compassion, offer actionable insights that readers can incorporate into their daily lives. Share personal anecdotes or success stories illustrating the positive impact of these practices.

Voices of Empowerment

Feature interviews or quotes from inspiring women who have embraced self-love, built confidence, and demonstrated resilience. Their voices can serve as a source of motivation and encouragement for readers navigating similar journeys. Include diverse perspectives to resonate with a broad audience.


Embracing self-love, building confidence, and cultivating resilience are powerful tools that every woman can wield on her journey to personal fulfillment. By sharing stories, insights, and actionable tips, we hope to inspire and empower our readers to embark on their own transformative journeys, realizing the strength and beauty that lie within.

In a world where self-love is revolutionary, let’s celebrate the unique journey each woman takes toward embracing her authenticity, building unshakeable confidence, and cultivating resilience in the face of life’s ebbs and flows.

Building wealth and getting clarity around your finances doesn’t have to be daunting or stressful. In fact, with the right practices instilled, it can be liberating.

If you want to be one of them, then read on to educate yourself about debt, value-based spending, the best saving habits, financial freedom, and the key components that lead to financial success. It won’t be easy to implement these new habits, but you certainly won’t regret it.

ONE- Pay Off Your Debts.

Not all debts are bad. Debt with a plan can actually be really good for acquiring assets. These are ‘good debts’ as they are spent on investments and assets that are valuable and can be liquidated in the long run.
‘Bad debts’ are those debts you use on consumption.

Read Also: I’m Passionate About Helping Women Gain Financial Freedom – Vanessa Ideh Shares Her Story

When you have a million naira personal income and you have a debt of 500 thousand naira that is due or will be due, it is advisable you pay off your debts first before you calculate how much you really own.

If you have more than one debt, pay off the one with the highest interest rates or the one with the highest balance first.

TWO – Determine Your Priorities.

When you prioritize debt, think about high interest versus low interest. You can build emergency funds simultaneously while paying off your debts because if you do not have an emergency fund, you may slip back into that debt if real emergency happens.

Being in debt is stressful so you will feel more compelled to rid yourself of that burden. High-interest debt steals from your wealth; values-based spending helps you get in alignment with building wealth, and an emergency fund protects your wealth so that you don’t slide back into high-interest debt.

THREE- Practice Value-Based Spending.

The first step is awareness – know what you’re spending.
Look back at the last three to six months of your spending and analyze how much you’re spending on your lifestyle.

It is easy to often assume that you are just paying for rent and food but our brains want to rationalize that we’re on our best behavior, so it doesn’t allow us to think about all of the subscription boxes.

Value-based spending is a lot easier than budgeting. Setting a budget can feel restrictive, like being on a diet.

You spend within your budget for a week and then you see that dress on Instagram and you click.

But if you have values, you will see that that instant gratification won’t be gratifying for long because it’s not aligned with our values. Once you determine three values that really matter to you, you’ll find that they can function as a filter. An example would be equity, family, and leverage (when you’re willing to spend money on things that help make life easier). Buying the shoes doesn’t align with any of those pillars, so it needs to be a preplanned choice.

FOUR – Open a High-Yield Savings Account.

Saving is the inverse of spending. Parkinson’s law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Basically, any one thing can shrink or contract to the size of its container. In relation to money in a bank account, the reason you end up spending what you should be saving is that it’s right there, visible, in your checking account.
Open a high-yield savings account and automate transfers on a monthly basis. That recurring act will give you accessibility to only what you should be spending.

Consider investments as well, but make your research so you are investing in what you are knowledgeable about.

FIVE – Understand the Definition of Financial Freedom.

Financial freedom is an equation: enough passive income to outpace your expenses. When you have financial freedom in your life, work becomes an option instead of an obligation.
Financial freedom allows you to enjoy your wealth because time is no longer a finite resource.
When you go to work, even as an entrepreneur, you are trading time for money. But, if you can buy assets to create additional income, then you are trading money for assets that bring you more money.

If you get on this train and educate yourself, you will find that you don’t always have to rely on yourself and your body to make money. It takes a lot of time, effort, and sacrifice to get up every morning and go to work.

SIX – Instill the Key Components That Lead to Financial Independence

Six qualities that every wealthy woman should try to encompass:

  1. Planning: Determine your financial goals, write them down, and find an accountability partner. You can’t get what you want if you don’t plan for it. When it comes to money, you have to be goal-oriented.
  2. Frugality or Intentionality: Commit to saving more, spending less, and sticking to a plan. This formula leads to an ability to have a passive income because if you spend all of your money then there will be nothing left to invest it.
  3. Confidence: In order to gain financial confidence in managing your money and investing, you need financial education. We didn’t learn this in school. You have to go and find it, otherwise, you will stay in a state of stress. Inaction is terrible for your finances.
  4. Responsibility: Accept your role in financial outcomes and take action to make financial changes in your life.
  5. Focus: See your process through to completion one step at a time. Accountability is crucial.
  6. Social indifference: Don’t succumb to buying the latest thing as a means of feeling good. If you practice this, it will change your life. Women are the targets of consumerism. But, if you appreciate how you look and how you are inherent, you will save yourself a lot of time, money, and energy.


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Navigating the dynamic landscape of personal and professional growth, the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp emerges as a powerful force for empowerment. The reverberations of enlightening sessions, expert guidance, and transformative conversations endure, and we’re thrilled to announce that the long-awaited BootCamp recording is now available!

What to Expect:

Relive the Insights: The recording encapsulates the essence of the empowering BootCamp, featuring expert insights from industry leaders; Sola Adesakin, Esther Ijewere, Mayowa Adegoke, Adeola Osideko and Funmi Ajala  on building a strong online presence, crafting a personal brand for leadership, shaping narratives, leveraging financial literacy, mastering public speaking, content creation, brand sustainability, and intentional visibility.

Diverse Perspectives: Join the Fireside Chats where Chinaza Favour, Wendy Nwajiufor, Azeezat Adejare, and Rinret Gofwan discuss content creation, building sustainable brands, and intentional visibility. Gain diverse perspectives to enhance your personal and professional journey.

Why Grab Your Copy:

  1. On-Demand Learning: Access the invaluable sessions at your convenience. Whether you missed a masterclass or want to revisit a favorite, the recording puts the knowledge in your hands.
  2. Practical Strategies: Each session is packed with actionable strategies that can immediately elevate your media visibility and professional impact.
  3. Diverse Insights: Benefit from a diverse range of topics and speakers, ensuring a holistic approach to your personal and professional development.
  4. Invest in Yourself: Your personal and professional growth is an investment. The Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp recording is a valuable resource that continues to provide returns on your commitment to self-improvement.

How to Access

Visit our Selar page and unlock a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom from industry experts. Your journey to enhanced media visibility and success starts with a click!

Don’t miss this opportunity to empower yourself. Grab your copy of the Women of Rubies Media Visibility BootCamp recording today and step into a future of limitless possibilities!

For further enquiries, reach out via

Grab our free PR guide E-book here for enhanced visibility!

Free PR Guidebook

In just four days, the entrepreneurial community of Canada will come together for a night of recognition, celebration, and inspiration at the prestigious Canada Vendors Entrepreneur Awards and End of Year Gala. This extraordinary event, founded by the visionary Maryam Muritala, promises an evening filled with glitz, glamour, and a collective celebration of entrepreneurial excellence.

Event Details:

  • Date: December 16th, 2023
  • Time: 6.30 PM EST
  • Location: Shahrayar Banquet Hall, 1150 Crestlawn Dr, Mississauga, ON L4W 1A6

The Canada Vendors Entrepreneur Awards aim to spotlight and honor the outstanding achievements of entrepreneurs who have demonstrated innovation, resilience, and a commitment to excellence in their respective fields. It is a platform that recognizes the tireless efforts and contributions of individuals who have played a pivotal role in shaping the business landscape in Canada.

Maryam Muritala, the driving force behind this initiative, believes in the power of acknowledging and celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit that fuels economic growth and community development. The awards ceremony will serve as a testament to the remarkable journey of these entrepreneurs, highlighting their impact and paving the way for future successes.

Canada Vendors Entrepreneur Awards

Get Ready to Celebrate: Entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and esteemed guests are invited to join this unparalleled celebration of success. The gala promises an enchanting evening featuring inspiring speeches, networking opportunities, and the presentation of prestigious awards recognizing excellence in various categories.

Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this momentous occasion. Secure your spot now and be prepared to witness the brilliance of Canada’s entrepreneurial community.

For media inquiries, sponsorships, or to RSVP, please email: and visit

Grab your ticket here